
I'm not procrastinating, what are you talking about?


I've been here too long. He/Him. Bigots get blocked.

HUGS MOD HAS DROPPED PSA!! THIS IS IMPORTANT (It pulls from Halsin's and Shadowheart's epilogue hugs so be aware there will be clipping on characters of the "same" height, i.e. my masc! elf couldn't hug Gale without clipping, so here's hoping the mod author adds a third hug option)


I hate waiting for things to stop being popular so i can enjoy them


Can I interest you in not one or two... But THREE things that are no longer popular as they used to for you to enjoy?

Yes tell me the things !!

1. Supernatural

2. Doctor Who

3. Sherlock (BBC)

I despise you and you won't survive when I am in charge in 14 and a half years


and is your shame helpful? is it inspiring goodness and change? or is it keeping you frozen in time unable to move on and be everything you have expanded to be?


talking to people while holding a beverage is awesome because you don't have to know what to do with your hands and when you don't know what to do with your face you can just take a sip


Bit telling that for years and years evangelical religious extremists have been allowed on university campuses with their bullhorns and horrific imagery where they harass students into physical altercations and when students complain to the university’s administration they just shrug their shoulders citing freedom of speech but when those same tuition-paying students start protesting against war and genocide they call SWAT


saw a tiktok of a mother taking her very tiny daughter to an art museum and she’s just walking around going “whoooa” “woooaah” to everything but then they got to a marble statue of a nude woman lying on her back and the girl points and goes “mommy🫵” and i just immediately welled up with tears and all the comments are just laughing about it and of course it’s funny but how are you not insanely moved by the way art connects everyone on earth from a centuries-old sculptor to a toddler in 2023


Mother and baby viewing Van Gogh's Madame Roulin and Her Baby at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, US. By the Boston Herald

I’m not sure how to look at art by Lynda Barry


It should be a bigger scandal that J.K. Rowling is threatening to sue small accounts for accurately calling her a Holocaust denier. So glad the Streisand effect exists. Now we can all rebuke her reprehensible views more than ever.


“Why is it people with uteruses and never people with penises?!”

Quickly walk into a planned parenthood grab a pamphlet about the services they offer and you will see the terms ‘people with penises’ ‘people with prostates’ and ‘people with testicles’

You just ignore it bc it doesn’t fit your transmisogynistic narrative of trans women ‘erasing womanhood’

Anonymous asked:

“I can’t be a trans man on the internet” go the fuck outside then dude. Signed a trans woman who has had enough of your bullshit posts

I’m gonna use this ask to make a point.

Trans guys if you get an anon claiming to be a trans women that says rude/bigoted shit, don’t believe them. Transphobes have admitted to pretending to be trans women and sending bigoted asks to trans men.

If you get an anon ask saying weird shit claiming to be from a trans women - always remember anons can lie about who they are! 9 times out of 10 it’s just some cis person lying to paint trans women as evil bigots.

And everytime I see a trans man fall for the bait and start saying transmisogynistic shit I just sigh.


Prev tags !!

Yep ! And it sucks to see so many other trans guys just fall for it.

I feel like I should note that what I actually said was “I can’t be openly trans on the internet.”

Because any trans person can tell you that no matter if you’re a trans man, trans woman, nonbinary, or whatever else - if you are openly trans you will get sent shit for being trans online.

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