


Old URL; worldmadeofart Oct 13/Female/Libra/ Super awesome (according to no one) lol This became a zootopia/ wildehopps blog real quick! I will post my own drawings/ comics here and reblog from others as well. Reblogs are appreciated but Please don't repost Main blog: @forgetrealityigotfandoms

Spider-bun and Foxpool Marvel AU in which Nick can't figure out Judy is Spider-bun even though it should be super obvious to him.

Kind of a "continuation" of my spider-bun and foxpool au. But, unfortunately, I'm probably not gonna continue it as an actual comic


I guess this is how I’m processing what we’re all going through right now. I had the stray thought, “What is Spider-Man doing during all this?” and this happened. On the one hand, it’s kinda sloppy and inconsistent, but on the other hand, I had the idea Sunday night and I’m posting this Wednesday night. 5 color pages in 4 nights is pretty good work. Anyway. Hope everyone’s safe out there.


This is brilliant and I love it. 


Hey, you doing alright? I just saw your cafe AU comics and thought they were amazing! I was a little disappointed to see no new works, and was hoping that you’re doing fine. Trying to find the time can be difficult but I hope that nothing terrible has happened! Happy new year!


Thanks for your concern, I actually have been wanting to update the comic but I have been crazy busy! Since last update, I left my job, my sister had a baby, I've had to do the regular hectic holiday stuff, and now my family is moving houses, so I have not had any time or motivation to update and I am really really sorry about that! But as soon as things ease up for me I will get on working on the comic again. Thank you for your ongoing support and I hope you all have a great new year!!


A different kind of drawing to what I usually do, but wanted to share it. My entry for the DeviantArt contest that I already know I'll lose 🤣 still fun to do though.

Anonymous asked:

You're an amazing artist and I literally love everything you do

Wow, thank you so much that really means a lot 💖😊

I better start posting more!!

Anonymous asked:

Bueno no se si esto te haga sonrojar, pero tu arte es super cuteeeeee!!! X3 espero puedas continuar pronto con tu cafe AU, las personalidades de Nick y Judy en la historia son muy adorables, y no puedo esperar para ver como se desarrolla. Saludos!! ^^

Muchisisimas gracias!! No teman, porque sí continuara

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