
Just call me Tee
Anonymous asked:

I miss your THG fics. Are you the writer of King's Mistress?

Hi! I'm sorry this is late 🙇🏽‍♀️ But yes that's me 😊 And I do plan on returning to wips and requests I've had when I find the inspiration to do so.


Effie Trinket! :)

Today is a big day indeed, I think my mom has Covid and now I’m her nurse. This is our first time dealing with the virus, so we’re a bit nervous. Thankfully, she seems to be doing OK. Just headache and a small fever, but it’s still nerve wracking. 😩

I’ll try to focus on both her and work to keep myself busy! Fingers crossed for a quick recovery! ♥️

Kingdom Come
Art/fic collab with @jaxx-in-a-box

Chapter Six - Virgo


The fate of the realm hangs in the balance as King Draco battles for dominion over the Sacred Kingdoms with his new Queen, Lady Hermione, at his side. Forced to set aside her idealistic beliefs, she must embrace a reality where order and chaos reign in equal measure.

Hermione craves peace, yet she is destined for war.


The palace portraits do not only move, they also speak.

At least, they try to.

The portraits appear to yell and scream and curse everyone's existence, all while eternally suspended in silence. The curse, placed by a Malfoy king, keeps the family's secrets close, safely hanging on the walls like twisted tales.


AO3 || FFN

Banner by @dreamsofdramione ❤️


Hi! As many of you may know, I am no longer active on this account and only keep it for admin reasons. So, if you reach out to me and I don’t respond back, that’s why. The Hunger Games has been a good run for me, and helped introduce me to the world of fandom—I also made a couple of really good friends here. 

Over time, I’ve found interest elsewhere and lost the drive to write for everlark. I’ll always love Peeta and Katniss and strive to finish my WIPs some day. I’m still on Tumblr (an animanga account), just not here, so if any of my moots want to know what the URL is just DM me.

Anywho, thank you for two years of amazingness! It’s been fun! ✌🏽

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