
have a biscuit.


shay ✵ 20 ✵ she/her

eddie brock fluff alphabet!

a/n: i saw venom again last night and was DYING to write some eddie fluff. also please send me eddie requets because i’m literally in love with this man so LET”S GET ONTO IT I HOPE YOU ENJOY!

A = Attractive (What do they find attractive about the other?)

Eddie loves your eyes. They’re the perfect color, and they always seem to reflect your mood. He loves your legs, and how the skin there is always so soft. You think his smile is adorable.

B = Baby (Do they want a family? Why/Why not?)

Well, yes and no. After he’d just gotten his life back together after the whole Life Foundation thing, he wouldn’t want to have a baby quite yet. Also with the whole monster-living-inside-him situation, that’s something to consider.

C = Cuddle (How do they cuddle?)

He cuddles you like a koala. Seriously. He wraps his arms around your torso, and hooks his legs around yours, bringing your entire body closer to his. Eddie would never admit it, but he loves to be the little spoon as well. It’s actually quite endearing.

D = Dates (What are dates with them like?)

So fun and unique! He takes you places around town you’ve never heard of that end up being phenomenal. He once took you to a hole-in-the-wall sushi restaurant for one of your first dates, and it ended up being one of your favorite places to go to on date night. Eddie actually exceptionally well at planning dates. It surprises you sometimes.

E = Everything (You are my ____ (e.g. my life, my world…))

“You are my rock.” Thats one that you hear a lot from Eddie. He’s always telling you how you were the only thing that made him keep going every day, you were the light at the end of his tunnel. You didn’t know it at the time, obviously. But Eddie swore up and down that you were his good luck charm.

F = Feelings (When did they know they were in love?)

There was one time where he got hurt, really really bad. His face was a scarred mess, his hands were bruised and bleeding and his knuckles were busted. He was sitting on the edge of the bathtub, and you were crouched down next to him. You had a first aid kit sprawled out on the cold tile floor, tending to his wounds. He was so thankful for you in that moment, how you so delicately cared for him. He fell in love with you at that moment.

G = Gentle (Are they gentle? If so, how?)

Listen. Eddie is so gentle with you. Like all the time. He almost doesn’t know how to behave any other way around you. It’s not that he feels he has to be gentle with you, it’s that he wants to. You’re the only calm part of his life, he feels like sometimes. That’s not to say that there isn’t a dark side to him. Of course there is, thanks to Venom. That dark side is rarely released, as Eddie does his best to reason with him.

H = Hands (How do they like to hold hands?)

Constantly and intimately. When you’re walking, laying in bed, driving. You hands usually sit in his lap and he traces the edges of your fingers with his free hand.

I = Impression (What was their first impression?)

He thought you were awkward, kind of shy. Which you were, but only because you developed a major crush on him instantly. You thought he was dorky and cute, which proved to be constant through the duration of your relationship.

J = Jealousy (Do they get jealous?)

Not really. He doesn’t have anything to be jealous about. He gets insecure sometimes, but that’s about it. You’re the same way. You both feel secure in your relationship.

K = Kiss (How do they kiss? Who initiated the first kiss?)

A kiss from Eddie starts with a knowing look and a smirk. He leans in incredibly slow, forcing you to complete the gap between your lips. His kisses are warm and passionate. They seem to spark something in the pit of your stomach every time. You initiated the first kiss, though, since Eddie was too cautious of losing you to make a move just yet.

L = Love (Who says ‘I love you’ first?)

Eddie did. So much for not going too fast. He actually was talking to Venom and you overheard it. “Yes, we love her… No, I can’t tell her yet!” You happened to hear from the other room. You waited for him to tell you properly before you said anything about it.

M = Memory (What’s their favourite memory together?)

He remembers once when he couldn’t sleep. He had a huge interview the next day, and was too anxious to rest. You found him to be awake in the middle of the night, sitting alone at the kitchen table. You made him a nice mug of chamomile tea to help him sleep, and massaged his shoulders until he could relax. He loves moments like those.

N = Nickel (Do they spoil? Do they buy the person they love everything?)

Eddie spoils you when he can, yeah. He doesn’t so much as spoil you with tangible items rather than experiences. He takes you on business endeavors with him whenever he can so you can experience the world with him. It’s really sweet.

O = Orange (What colour reminds them of their other half?)

Neutral colors remind you of him. Black, grey, white. It’s just kind of his aesthetic. But yellow also reminds you of him, because it carries the same energy as his personality. Reds and blues remind him of you.

P = Pet names (What pet names do they use?)

You call each other babe, obviously. In the privacy of your own home, he’s partial to calling you more cliche pet names like sweetie, honey, darling. Of which Venom makes fun of him for, obviously.

Q = Quaint (What is their favourite non-modern thing?)

Polaroids. Taking polaroids of you, specifically. You brought a vintage one home one day. You found it at a thrift store and decided to buy it to show Eddie. You tested it out on him, so now he loves using to take pictures of you when you look especially beautiful, he claims.

R = Rainy Day (What do they like to do on a rainy day?)

On rainy days, he likes to stay in and hang out with you. He wants nothing more than that. He curls up with you and watches marathons of old TV shows that don’t come on anymore. Sometimes he’ll put on a song and bop around the kitchen with you. It’s cheesy, but you love it.

S = Sad (How do they cheer themselves/others up?)

He cheers himself up by distracting himself with work. Or, he’ll read a book. When all else fails, he turns to you. You’ll come over and make his favorite meal, which never fails to cheer him up in any situation.

T = Talking (What do they like to talk about?)

Everything and nothing. Some of your best conversations occur when you’re laying in bed, about to go to sleep. Pillow talk became a nightly occurrence for you and Eddie. You would start off talking about your days, and your conversation would evolve into something completely different. All of the sudden, you’re talking about New York vs Chicago style pizza, or something of that nature.

U = Unencumbered (What helps them relax?)

You always know how to help him relax. When he’s stressed, you cuddle up with him at the end of the day and knead his back, his shoulders, to relieve the tension built up there. When you do this, he find himself sleeping soundly in minutes.

V = Vaunt (What do they like to show off? What are they proud of?)

He’s proud of you and your relationship. He likes to show off your relationship without exploiting it. He does this through small displays of affection out in public; holding hands, kisses on cheeks, etc.

W = Wedding (When, how, where do they propose?)

Eddie thinks about marrying you all the time. He can’t wait to propose to you. He does it one night after a really sweet and planned out date. He does it inside your house, actually. He was fat too nervous to do it in public, he also wanted it to be intimate. He planned on asking you as soon as you got home, but he hesitated because he was so nervous. You went to the bathroom, already in pjs, to brush your teeth and get ready for bed when you heard Eddie whispering to himself in the living room. When you turned to see what was going on, Eddie was on knee in front of you with the ring in his hand. You were both so happy. Your night didn’t end until hours later if you know what I mean. *wink wink*

X = Xylophone (What’s their song?)

Your Love - The Outfield. It came on over the speakers of your diner on your guys’ first date and you both claimed how much you each loved the song.

Y = Yes (Do they ever think of getting married/proposing?)

Yes. Eddie wanted to marry you pretty much from the day you met. He planned on him proposing for a while, he always knew he was going to marry you.

Z = Zebra (If they wanted a pet, what would they get?)

You guys adopt a cat together. You find it roaming the streets one day, and it followed you home. You brought it home to Eddie, which he was a little apprehensive of keeping it at first. After begging him over and over to let you keep the cat, he finally caves. You name her Boots.



prompts list :)

  1. “how much did you drink?”
  2. “aw, you’re so cute.”
  3. “what did you do?”
  4. “i asked if you were having a party. i didn’t tell you to have a party.”
  5. “this is the opposite of what i told you to do.”
  6. “well, it’s the thought that counts.”
  7. “wait, no, don’t take kissing away from me.”
  8. “okay, where are all my jumpers?”
  9. “oh, you’ve started stealing my socks now?”
  10. “yeah, okay, but i’m cooler.”
  11. “you owe me a kiss.”
  12. “how did you get in here?”
  13. “for starters, that’s impossible.”
  14. “how did you fail a survey?”
  15. “yeah, well, if you weren’t so drunk maybe i would.”
  16. “that’s not even fair.”
  17. “you promised me a cookie!”
  18. “did i ever tell you how beautiful your eyes are?”
  19. “ew, that is so sappy, i might vomit.”
  20. “i’m not playing truth or dare.”
  21. “you’re not very intimidating.”
  22. “i love you.”
  23. “well the probability of that is 0, but you go ahead.”
  24. “that was, by far, the stupidest thing you’ve ever done.”
  25. “why don’t you take a picture? it’ll last longer.”
  26. “maybe not.”
  27. “why the hell is there glitter everywhere?”
  28. “well, i’m pretty irresistible.”
  29. “how much money would you give me to flip this table, right here, right now, in the middle of class?”
  30. “detention? again?”
  1. “why don’t you just go?”
  2. “no, it’s not like that.”
  3. “if you cared about me, you wouldn’t do this.”
  4. “it doesn’t matter anymore.”
  5. “what’s the point?”
  6. “fuck you.”
  7. “you should’ve said that yesterday.”
  8. “don’t lie to me.”
  9. “i swear, if you say another word, i’ll leave.”
  10. “change in mind or change in heart?”
  11. “it’s over, it’s done, just leave it be.”
  12. “why do you keep bringing it up?”
  13. “we can’t go back in time, so stop trying to reverse what you said.”
  14. “you say you’ll stop, but then you keep doing it!”
  15. “maybe in another world.”
  16. “why are you like this?”
  17. “stop making empty promises!”
  18. “what about us?”
  19. “don’t say that.”
  20. “i’m done. we’re done.”’

feel free to reblog :)


dating the golden trio would include...

a/n: hi i am writing again whoop whoop. this is also my first time writing for hp so please be kind! <3

Harry Potter

  • sneaking around hogwarts in the middle of the night just to have alone time with you
  • you, ron, and hermione standing up for him and defending him at all costs against draco malfoy
  • you're always there for him and he is extremely thankful for your support, making him love you even more
  • falling asleep in the library together after long nights of studying, much to hermione's chagrin
  • cheering him on during quidditch matches
  • and during the triwizard tournament
  • fearing for his life every year...
  • writing to you every summer
  • comforting him when he loses sirius and being his number one support system overall
  • he trusts you with his whole life and makes it clear to you that you are his rock
  • calling him "harry james potter" in a warning tone of voice whenever you're annoyed with him
  • "sorry, love!" he would reply
  • he just loves you so much

Ron Weasley

  • he teases you when you first meet and crushes on you super hard
  • hermione quickly tells him that teasing you is not the best way to get your attention
  • eventually he asks you to the yule ball and the rest is history
  • you help him with his homework and are basically his tutor
  • molly and arthur absolutely adoring you and treating you like a daughter
  • ron is a little insecure at times, but you have no problem assuring him he's the one you want
  • draco making snide comments about you two, to which ron quickly shuts down
  • having butterbeer drinking contests which harry is forced to judge
  • holding hands under the desks during potions class
  • fred and george saying "get a room" whenever you're together even if you're even touching each other
  • being proud to become a weasley when you eventually get married :')

Hermione Granger

  • hermione is attracted to your ambition and cleverness
  • she first falls for you over plenty of study dates in the library after hours
  • she appreciates your work ethic, it's her favorite thing about you
  • you constantly have to tell her to relax when she is stressed out, as it is something she often forgets to do herself
  • she's so gentle with you
  • she loves to call you pet names
  • you and hermione watching all of ron and harry's quidditch games
  • every now and then she'll say or do something incredibly smart and you're just awestruck at how amazingly brilliant your girlfriend is
  • you're so proud of her and everything she does!
  • she loves that you cheer her on and always does the same for you
  • sneaking into her dormitory at night just to see her

simping softness prompts.

basically i got shippy and now there's these soft little prompts for romantic, platonic, and yearning situations!! use them at your leisure!
  • " you're shivering. here, take my jacket. "
  • " you... sorry, you just got a little something on your face... here, let me get it for you. "
  • " hey, so... i know you haven't been feeling great, so i picked up a few of your favorite snacks, drinks... "
  • " you stayed? "
  • " well, of course i stayed. you're here, where else would i be? "
  • " oh! i found this in the mall, i figured it might be something you'd like! "
  • " hey, everything's gonna be fine. stay where you are, i'm on my way. "
  • " wow... you look... you look amazing. "
  • " we should grab some coffee together, sometime. "
  • " holy crap, i thought you were dead! never do that to me again! "
  • " i made some breakfast, if you're hungry? "
  • " your hands are freezing! let me warm them up... "
  • " i knew you wouldn't go to sleep willingly, so i brought you some chamomile tea and a blanket. twenty minutes of shut-eye, okay? "
  • " it's okay. i promise you, i will be here when you wake up. "
  • " hey! hey, hey, it's alright! it's okay, my darling/friend/love, i'm here, i've got you... "
  • " i'll walk you home. "
  • " you need a lift? "
  • " i... sometimes, i guess i kinda wish you could see yourself through my eyes. "
  • " i see you still have my shirt! "
  • " i got starbucks. this is your favorite, isn't it? "
  • " you look like you could use a hug. "
  • " okay, quit it with the drinks. i think that's enough, hmm? i'll cover the tab, but for now, let's get you home... "
  • " i'm not letting you sleep on the couch. come on. get under the blankets. "
  • " i mean... i-i'm cool with sharing the bed if you are. "
  • " you were in a really bad way, i wasn't about to abandon you. "
  • " hey... you've been crying. "
  • " don't think i won't carry you if i have to! "
  • " of course i noticed. i notice everything about you. "
  • " i knew you wouldn't bring a jacket, so i made sure to color co-ordinate with you so you could wear mine on the way home. "
  • " please, talk to me... it kills me seeing you like this. "
  • " i got a reservation at that fancy italian place you like. come on. get ready, we can get there in time if we get dressed now! "
  • " he/she/they were an idiot. you're amazing, and if they can't see that, that's on them. "
  • " i'd happily go kick their arse, but i don't think that would help you. "
  • " you don't owe me anything. "
  • " i wish i could just freeze time. let this moment be forever. "
  • " i got you some flowers. but, if you have allergies, i also got fake flowers! just in case. "
  • " you realise you don't need to ask my permission, don't you? "
  • " what's mine is yours. always. "
  • " i don't know precisely what i did to earn your presence in my life, but... i'd do it a thousand times over if i knew what it was. "
  • " yes, these last few years have been a living hell, but... i'd live them a thousand times over if it meant you being safe and happy. "
  • " i don't care about everyone else! i care about you, [NAME]!"

if you can, not only sign but also donate to his GoFundMe, run by his mother and cousin. Lakeith has been denied visitation from any family members for the two years he’s been at the correctional facility. he has a daughter who was born after he was arrested that he has been never allowed to see. lets get him out of there.


Don’t donate to change . Org donate to the go fund me


A few months ago I reblogged a post sharing Jazzy’s gofundme, a girl who was poisoned by her roommate, noting that she only had about half her goal despite the fund being up for several years. I saw a lot of people reblog that version; Just a month or so later when I checked her fund again it had been reached!! And tons of people still reblog it.

I think when people are just scrolling and they come across these posts they don’t check immediately and forget about it, seeing all the notes and assuming the fund is doing well- I think more people need this visualized to realize this person REALLY needs help.

We can’t let Lakeith continue to be punished in this repulsive system. Please make sure him and his fund get the attention Jazzy does and let’s do everything we can to get him to the goal!! We have to reunite him with his family by any means possible.

As of today ( Saturday, August 8th, 2020 ) Lakeith is $12,061 from his goal!!

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