
All I want is real, real love!

@alexandr1te / alexandr1te.tumblr.com


kinda funny when english teachers say stuff like “i can tell if you didnt read the book” or “i can tell when people bs their paper”

no you cant.  you can tell when people are bad at bs-ing their paper.  i didnt even read the sparknotes and i barely skimmed the wikipedia and you gave me an A.  you kneel before my throne unaware that it was born of lies



i passed a college literature class with a B, made at least a B on every paper, and read none of the seven books required for the class. throw out the whole professor.


Joanna Cherry really went back and forth, in Parliament, to a twitter representative, about yet another iteration of the same low effort twitter drama that has been going on since like 2014. Like the bottom barrel. Tit for tat. Imagine, that you have the chance, the power, and the access, to seriously bring forth examples of actual online harassment that women face daily. Normal, average women, the kind who don’t call trans people mutilated for sport nor even know who Megan Murphy is and receive the same energy they dish out, daily. Just actual online harassment toward your average woman. And you have the power, to do this, and you hold up a meme. A meme with Anime Girl. Anime Girl holding a gun…captioned, in impact font, “shut the fuck up TERF bottom text.” She goes at length, for at least 15 minutes or more, to emphasize what a crime against women this is. And then imagine, you’re a woman, in Scotland. And you see…that this is one of your representatives. And you realize, patriarchy might just exist for another 100 years, not only because of misogyny, but also because the people apparently tasked to oppose it are incompetent, useless, worthless buffoons…

if brushing this off as a silly twitter spat helps you sleep at night, more power to you, but are you really going to paint an older lesbian, rightfully concerned over the casual attitude on violence towards women deemed acceptable targets, which can be leveled at women for as much as just being openly and exclusively same sex attracted, as an “incompetent, useless, worthless buffoon?” sonicfox is a full stop man, not even trans, and airing out violent fantasies against women which, like you said, joke or not is misogynistic and he poses a potential danger to women. and like sorry but i do not trust people using the anime meme (once again, jokingly or not) threatening violence against women with bad politics (which in this case can just be for being same sex attracted) using some pedobait character from a pedobait anime as its mascot. like this character is explicitly described as being “physically 12″ but “chronologically 19″ this is straight out of the standard Anime Made for Pedophiles playbook. by default i do not trust anyone who strongly identifies with pedobait to have a nuanced understanding of what is harmful to dysphoric and trans identified people that doesn’t straight up just include “people who are only attracted to people of the same physical sex” and i don’t trust that they won’t eventually hurt women

I don’t have any more energy to seriously spend on this, lol. Like, I think it’s funny. But Sonicfox, and I laugh even having to reply to this, poses a potential danger to women for the video game tweet about Sonya Blade being a terf getting fatalitied, in Mortal Kombat? Am I getting baited? Am I getting trolled? I’ll try to work through this…nearly incomprehensible response and respond with some sense. I can’t believe I’m going to succumb to the Clown Olympics.

This was such a threat to women, that it deserved being put on a government platform at the expense of real threats of harassment that women shoulder on twitter? Why is it that “terf” here is descriptive of all women instead of the group it actually does describe, a group that is increasingly hostile to trans people taking up public space? Terfs do not represent the interests of all women. Being that that is the case, I’m supposed to press F on the world’s smallest keyboard because they can dish this sort of hostility out but can’t take it? I’m not impressed by lefty men talking about violent fantasies toward evil women, much in the same way I’m not impressed by some anti-racists fantasizing about explicit retaliatory violence toward racists. Not because I think they’re a potential threat to those poor innocent racists or terfs or whatever but because I think it can be performative. A little overzealous, of course, which matches the same overzealous energy of the women he directed it at. I think that’s fair, not misogynist lol. 

And if you’re going to play up the plight of the innocent white women who flinch at the sight of the same level of vitriol they dish out online, aight then, we can play. My race card and my woman card just got renewed sis! I can do this too. So these are the optics. The furry gamer man, who is black, was referring to Ronda Rousey, who is the voice and avatar of Sonya Blade in the Video Game Tweet. Ronda is some washed up, bleached cornball who made an awful comment about Fallon Fox’s body. Fallon is a black trans woman who did absolutely nothing but engage in the crime of being trans and into athletics, worst of all, MMA. So this tweet about Sonya getting fatalitied to the tune of being called a “terf” (LUL) inspired a bunch of overly sensitive members of the Cracker Wenchocracy to cry about a black man being threatening with said Video Game Tweet. They wrote hit pieces and even went so far as to present it to the UK government as a Threat To Women Everywhere. Because the Cracker Wenchocracy represents Women Everywhere. So in summation the Cracker Wenchocracy, in all of their imagined victimhood here, decided that a black guy calling a freshly fatalitied video game avatar of Ronda Rousey a “terf” in reference to her vitriol toward a black trans woman is a Threat to Women. And you expect me to feel empathy for the Cracker Wenchocracy yet again idealizing a black man as the face of misogyny towards them? For this? The cartoonishness of it all? These wenches can say whatever contemptible thing they please but it’s misogyny when someone gives them that same energy? The audacity. I think I’m gonna err in the favor of our gamer king on this one…fursuit and all. 

But as I said before. I don’t think anyone is a victim in all of this except the poor citizens of Scotland who somehow voted that dumb ass politician all the way up to a position where she could unironically argue about the violence of Anime Girl With A Gun Meme in parliament. A waste of tax payer money if I do say so myself. I can’t speak to any accusations of the Anime Girl With A Gun Meme being pedophilic since I don’t watch anime, and I genuinely tried to googling for examples of such in Zombieland Saga and couldn’t find any. So hopefully there aren’t any assumptions lurking about that an anime is bereft of innocence because of stereotypes about japanese depravity, or something. I’ll reiterate again that it was a worthless gesture and it was in fact useless to even think that presenting this to a government body was anything other than comedy. As an Adult Human Female I can’t see where that is helpful to the overall plight of women in general rather than trying to stoke up a pity party for whiny twitter thinkfluencers brain damaged by reading too much Feminist Current. And speaking of money wasted this was a waste of mine that will surely go to my electric bill. So for that you owe me a 5% increase to your contribution toward the national reparations fund. Thank you for your time. Now I too have to sign myself in to clown university for even thinking about this with an iota of seriousness. 


hi. i’ll explain the “pedobait” anime.

not to excuse this anime or any anime from its own problems, but said character is not “19″. it has been seven years since she died, when she was 12. that doesn’t make her 19. she doesn’t age post-death.

and no, there is no fetishizing of her. she, IN SHOW, is happy about the fact that she’ll never have to grow up. for what reason might that be? oh, because she’s TRANSGENDER. lily hoshikawa has become a very big icon in the trans community for being one of the most accurate and inspiring trans characters in anime... hell, even beyond anime.

she doesn’t want to go through puberty. in fact, starting her puberty, in combination with the stress she underwent as a child actress, is what shocked her, and killed her. that may sound a bit extreme, but dysphoria and puberty are very traumatizing for trans kids. it’s not out of the question for her to have suffered from shock, when factoring in the stress she went through.

so, we have a child character, who is happy to be a child, recognized as a child, and not sexualized at all. she wasn’t just thrown in as some anime character irrelevant to the topic. she’s a transgender character, in a meme concerning transphobia. literally there is no merit to the “pedobait” claim at all.


stop asking people’s pronouns. real life isnt the internet. asking someone’s pronouns in real life with people around is fucking degrading. we all know you wouldnt ask a cis person’s pronouns. when you ask, a trans person hears “i’m not sure if you’re actually the gender you’re presenting as. do you mind if i embarrass you and get really invasive on a personal level?” not to mention you might out the person youre asking to whoever else is around.

if youre really fucking lost, ask their name, or just guess by by how they present. the worst that can happen is you get corrected and you can be respectful about it. these are basic social conventions that should be left unsaid.

in conclusion, trans people are regular people and you should treat us normally. thanks for coming to my ted talk.


hi. trans woman here. people asking pronouns actually, to me, shows somebody in most cases on a level of understanding with trans issues and wants to be respectful. most people don’t ask these things out of malice, they want to respect you. sure, doing it in front of a bunch of people might be a bit embarrassing, but being trans in public means having conversations like this at times. it’s a hell of a lot better than someone asking “So are ya a boy or a girl?”

plus, truthfully “appearance” isn’t always best to go off of. assuming based on appearance isn’t always the best option. nonbinary people exist. hell, there are drag queens that go OVER THE TOP with their appearance compared to me and still prefer he/him. 

i’m sorry to say this, but “outing” a trans person only really happens if that trans person passes super well, and what does passing mean? it means being seen as cis. if you don’t pass as well, like me, and are visibly trans like a lot of trans people unfortunately are... you’re already “outted”. i feel like this is something a lot of trans people have trouble admitting, for reasons i completely understand. as hard as i try, i might not pass super well. someone asking me my pronouns is the least of my worries, it gives me the chance to assert my identity without backing down. 

i feel a lot more uncomfortable at times correcting anyone who refers to me as “sir” because i try my HARDEST to present at times and still get it. when i see that, i can see that that person either isn’t paying attention or has already made their mind up about me, and isn’t worth my time. instead, people who ask my pronouns express an amount of concern i rarely see, an amount of awareness of trans people that surprises me. and trust me, i interact with A LOT of people working in customer service.

i can’t ask you to feel differently, necessarily, but it’s pretty bad of you to speak for the entire trans community like that, @hustlerose ... every trans person is different, has different levels of comfort, dysphoria, preferences, etc... 

when someone asks my pronouns, i see someone wanting to talk to me for more than 5 minutes, and wants to take the time to respect me. that makes up for any amount of awkwardness i might ever feel.


I know most are probably inactive or bots, but I do have over a thousand followers on this blog, and I figure I should at least say:

I’m heavily considering moving to another blogging platform. Even before the tumblr purge I hardly used tumblr anymore. I will still post my art here on my art blog, considering I’m not a NSFW artist, but as for my personal use, it’s over.

I had a lot of good years on tumblr, but I guess somewhere along the line it just became clear I would never truly use it in a dedicated manner.

I’m going to be making a mastodon and probably a pillowfort, I’ll keep you all updated on that. I, of course, still use my twitter and would be happy to follow any mutuals there.

Anyway, rip tumblr. It’s been fun.



for further addendum

This is misinformation lmfao there’s thousands of different mastodon instances which are basically like different websites. Yes pedophiles can unfortunately afford to host their own websites and choose to outfit them with the basic mastodon framework, BUT. The good part is that you can report this to your good instance owner and they can ban EVERYONE hosted on the icky instances from ever interacting with anyone on your instance & their posts from being seen so you will never have to see pedo bullshit or worry about it being on your timeline or your pals on your instance following pedos.


Tumblr is apparently doing some crazy nonsense again, so it seems like a good time to remind everyone that Pillowfort.io is a new social media platform that aims to give users control of their content and how it’s seen and shared, as well as provide better communication tools to promote conversation and creativity. If this sounds good to you, you can donate $5 to our PayPal and you will receive a registration link the Friday after your donation. And if you decide the site isn’t for you, you can request a refund for up to three weeks after you sign up. (All money we receive through this process is going towards paying our hosting expenses and compensating our programmers.)


just realized like.... a lot of my likes are going to vanish YIKES


well i was already looking for an excuse to leave this website.

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