
[πŸ₯€May I Take Your Order?πŸ₯€]

@coffee-cupps / coffee-cupps.tumblr.com

Asexual/Major in Culinary/Sometimes NSFW/- Like my work? Leave a tip! https://ko-fi.com/G2G5PMT8F

Rating Shockwaves based on how much I’d like them to take me on a date.

For experiment purposes of course-

Number 9.

Shockblast: Transformers Energon

Rating: 1/10
Reasoning: He is very… destructive. He has a bad attitude and sounds like he just had 23 pounds of black tar heroin. I wouldn’t mind sitting down and getting to know him but, I don’t think I’d last 12 seconds around this emotional wreck of a mech.

Number 8:

Shockwave: BayVerse: Dark of the Moon

Rating: 3/10
Reasoning: I wouldn’t mind going out to dinner with him but if he brings his pet, I’m out of there. If he could speak more English instead of mumbling Cybertronian, we might get somewhere. He doesn’t look very cuddly so, I can’t see us vibing on the couch anytime soon.

Number 7.

Shockwave; IDW Comics

Rating: 3.5/10
Reasoning: Scary. I like bots like that but this is… scary on another level. In my opinion, he was one of the most fearful Shockwaves that I’ve seen. I’m sure he is a nice person deep down, but for now, I’ll just get a coffee with him.

Number 6.

Shockwave; KnightVerse

Rating: 4/10
Reasoning: We don’t know much about him, having only heard him speak once or maybe twice but, I will go on a date with him. Can I sit in his lap? Yes? Awesome. I think we would have an ok time, though it would be awkward. If it goes well, I’d go on a few more with him, and he does look better than BayVerse shockwave so, maybe we can cuddle?

Number 5.

Shockwave; WFC

Rating: 5.5/10
Reasoning: Hear me out. He seems like a cool guy. In the Show, you can see him flinching from Megatron quite a lot, making me thing he isn’t as β€˜emotionless’ as he says in the show. I’d love to go out with him, and I think we would both have a great time.


Number 4.

Shockwave; G1

Rating: 7/10
Reasoning: Cuddle bug. He is such a dork and a dumbass, I love him so much. We would have a great time just going out and getting coffee or maybe going to the library. G1, if you see this, call meπŸ₯Ί.

Number 3.

Shockwave; CyberVerse

Rating: 8/10
Reasoning: Very angry man. I’d want to take him out to just let him get rid of some of that stress, like seriously. Poor fucking dude. I feel like he would have a lot of emotional issues so we would stay up late and watch the stars, venting to each other. He would love cuddles, but not around other people.

Number 2.

Shockwave; Animated

Rating: 10/10
Reasoning: HUMP ME, FUCK ME, DADDY BETTER MAKE ME CHOKE. I love him so much honestly. His little deer antlers πŸ₯ΊπŸ₯Ί. Please take me on a date, or 2, or 40, or just marry me please? I love how he openly laughs in the show and how stupid he is. In a cute way of course.

Number 1:

Shockwave; TFP

Rating: 10/10
Reasoning: Do I really need to explain myself? Animated has the most emotional Shockwave but Prime has the most expressive one. I’d love to sit down with him somewhere and play with his little ear fins. I’d love to stay up late by his side and watch him work for hours on end.

Guys I’m updating this right now. Stay tuned for a part two with updated rankings and new shockwaves!


Do you need a short tail for a cosplay or fursuit?

I’m making custom tail for 30$-45$! Any colors you want (any more than 2 and it will be 5$ extra for every other color) I can add spots, striped, etc). Free shipping. Give me money people. It can also have belt hoops if you want. Everything is hand sown because my sowing machine broke. Message me and we can talk details. Sizes also can change.


This is for my neon alastor cosplay


Writing Commissions Open!

Hello guys! I'm currently in a lot of debt from a trip I recently took and need to get a bunch of money by the end of august! I'll be opening writing commissions for ANY FANDOM! If I don't know the fandom, I'll do some research. I also will write for your OC's! How long you want the story depends on the price, but prices wont go past 30$. I will write anything, a ship or x reader! If you just wanna donate, feel free! Any bit helps! Message me for commissions!

My paypal is here: paypal.me/CoffeeCuppss

Can't donate? A reblog helps! <3

Byakuya X GN! Reader

{πŸͺ·Marriage ProposalπŸͺ·}

[In which Byakuya asks your hand in marriage…]

I love this man. Enjoy my newest brain rot. I’ll get requests done soon, I’m mainly wanting to write for Toshiro and Byakuya.
  • None

Byakuya Kuchiki was a vision of moonlight and stardust, a noble figure in all his finery. He stood tall, as though his kenseikan weighed him down with the heavy burden of honor and duty he bore. His skin glowed like polished ivory in the pale light of the Soul Society and his eyes shone brighter than any star even when casted to the ground the mortals walked.

You were the one person that could make him feel something he hadn't felt in such a long time; joy. He finally felt like he belonged somewhere and that was with you. Every day filled with laughter, smiles and love replaced the dullness of his life before. With you, he didn't have to be alone anymore and for once in his life, it felt like everything was going to be alright.

Time flew by and soon everyone around you knew that the you were meant for each other. You two started making plans for their future, wanting to build a life together that would be full of love, laughter and joy. Both of you were sure this was what you wanted.

Byakuya wanted to marry you. He had never felt more sure of anything in his life. He knew that as long as you were by his side, he could face anything the world might throw at him. He wanted to show his love for you in a way that would last forever, so he asked your father for permission to marry you.

Your father was a quiet man but nevertheless, he could see the depth of Byakuya's love and care for you and gave him his blessing.

Byakuya made sure everything was perfect before asking you to marry him. Byakuya Kuchiki, resplendent in the noble regalia of the Kuchikis, was going to ask you to marry him on March 13, the first day of the Cherry blossom season for the world of the living.

On that fateful day, Byakuya finally asked for your hand in marriage. You felt overwhelmed with emotion; it was clear to you that this man was truly devoted to you and would love and care for you forever.

Byakuya could see the joy radiating from your face as he took out a little box from his pocket, revealing a beautiful cherry blossom-shaped diamond ring. You smiled and without warning, tears started to stream down your face as you silently nodded in agreement.

The two of you were wed a few weeks later under the cherry blossoms. Despite the time constraints, Byakuya had put together a grand ceremony that was filled with wonder and joy. The newlyweds danced all night beneath the soft petals of the cherry blossoms.


Byakuya X GN! Reader

{πŸͺ·Morning CuddlesπŸͺ·}

[In which Byakuya is yours forever…]


I love TYBW Byakuya, he is just so pretty! I’m going to me writing random things to try and get a healthy writing schedule going, so please feel free to make requests! I really enjoy writing for Bleach, I really like the characters.



  • Soft Byakuya
  • Mentions of sex
  • Byakuya is so sweet here



The rays of golden light glistened through the open window that laid at the corner of the room, a gentle breeze brushing the blossom-pink curtains to the side and filling the room with the crisp smell of Cherry blossom season; and it was that smell that awake you from your peaceful slumber. With a distorted groan, you stretched, your body shivering at the sudden movements at such a time in the morning. As you moved back to you spot after your morning stretch, you felt lanky arms slither their way around your waist, delicately tracing the exposed skin of your stomach. A gently kiss was placed on the back of your neck, sending a slight shiver down your spine. You leaned your head back, meeting your husband’s soft lips in a sweet kiss.

β€œGood morning my dear”. His voice was deep, as he was still waking up. You hummed in response, bring a hand up to gently stroke his hair before dragging your hand down to caress his cheek. His gray eyes met yours, swirling with an emotion that could only be described as pure love. Pure love for you. The kind of love that spoke volume. He wanted to make love to you, just like he had done the night before, and the night before that. His hand raised up to intertwine with the fingers that held his face, gently removing it to place a soft kiss to the skin. You smile gently, before pulling your hand away and sitting up on the edge of the bed.

β€œC’mon love, we have work to do”. Your voice was groggy, but to him, it was the most beautiful sound in the world. As you began to stand up, arms wrapped around your body and pulled you back, back to the bed once more, and into his arms.

β€œFive more minutes”. He mumbled into your hair, inhaling your scent. You could only sigh, letting your body relax.

β€œFive minutes, that’s it…”

Anonymous asked:


Ulquiorra X Gn! Reader

{πŸ¦‡SFW and NSFW HeadcannonsπŸ¦‡}

[In which Ulquiorra is yours…]


Welcome dear! Thank you for the request! I’m a big fan of Ulquiorra and find him pretty cool. Remember, request for all Bleach characters are open 24/7!



  • Soft Ulquiorra
  • Dom/sub dynamics
  • Soft kisses
  • Nsfw stuff
  • Fluff
  • Smut




  • Ulquiorra is an asshole, an emotionless asshole, except to you.

  • When things first started, he refused to look or even talk to you, sometimes refused to be in the same room as you, but overtime, that all stopped.

  • Now, he really like hovering over you, just standing behind you, showing comfort without others knowing.

  • When in private, he loves to hold you close and kiss the pulse on your neck. Feeling your heartbeat under his lips does something to him. Not only that, but the concept of you letting him, a hollow, kiss you somewhere that could kill you with one bite makes him feel something. Something like a strong sensation of love and trust.

  • He refused to show much love towards you in front of any other Espada, last think he needs is him, or worse, you getting made fun of. He won’t allow it.

  • He genuinely likes to sleep while holding you, he really does enjoy it and he doesn’t k ow why. Feelings such as this is useless, so why does he feel good? Why does he care about you so much.

  • You where the first to say the big three words. β€˜I love you’. And why you did, you knew he wouldn’t say it back. He does love you, but he can’t bring himself to say it, not yet. But once you say it, he became deeply affected by it. Holding you closer, touching you softer, kissing you longer.

  • He kisses your hand sometimes, which is surprising because the first time he did it, was in front of Lord Aizen himself, after you complete a mission perfectly, even as a human.

  • He is the type to silently be like, β€œLOOK AT THAT! THAT’S MY S/O! DOES EVERYONE SEE THEM”? Somehow always has a proud glint in his eyes when your around.

  • He kinda enjoys hugging you and holding your hand. He finds you so warm and he enjoys it from his cold skin. You set him ablaze.
  • β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€’


  • Ulquiorra will take a long time for him to get this vulnerable with you. Exposing his skin to your eyes is something he was very hesitant to do.
  • But once he does, oh boy, he is stunning.

  • During most days, he will be the dominant one, always being soft with you. But on some days, he will allow you to take control.

  • He enjoys holding your hand during soft sex, and loved having his body really close to yours, feeling your breath on his cheek as he nibbles at your neck.

  • The first time, he’ll be super soft with you, going in and out of you so slowly as to not break you. But once you two are comfortable after a while, he may get rougher.

  • The first time he finally says that he loves you is when he finishes inside of you for the first time.

  • He is really sweet during sex, always whispering kind words to you as he softly thrusts up into you.

  • He enjoys the lights being off during the act, he finds it more intimate.

  • He really does love you and really enjoys kissing your lips during the act. Ya’ know…to keep you quiet ;).

Toshiro Hitsugaya X GN! Reader

{❄️Relationship HC’s❄️}

[In which Toshiro is soft with you…]


Hello! I’m officially off of Vacation from Florida and plan on writing a few things! Here is the first one! Most of them will be about Toshiro, maybe Byakuya or Gin. Maybe even Aizen.


  • Heavy fluff
  • Soft Toshiro
  • Soft kisses
  • Cuddling and hugs



  • Toshiro is the type to not really show any affection to you, acting as if he was annoyed with you while attempting to cover up an obvious blush that dusted his face.
  • The longer the crush has lasted, the harder he will fall, and will slowly start to show his affection, only if the crush doesn’t disappear.

  • And for you, it never disappeared.

  • Toshiro likes to wake up early, to get a good start on his paperwork for the day, but he struggles sometimes when your warm body is draped around him, protecting him from the chilled room.

  • When he finally gets you off of him, he is already late but he couldn’t really care. Sitting in his bed kissing you softly over and over agin, he didn’t want to leave. He couldn’t leave.

  • He’d lazily get up, walking into the bathroom to shower while you rolled out of bed to start breakfast.

  • By the time he was finished, breakfast was ready and he sat next to you, kissing your lips before beginning to eat before heading to work.

  • Toshiro loved to give you little gifts. Small ice sculptures, rocks, little trinkets, ect. He loves it.

  • He doesn’t always show his emotion or speak his mind so the little gifts is one of his best ways to show affection.

  • He loved to hold your hand. To brush his thumb over your skin. He loves it.

  • When in public, you show each other respect, showing no signs of your relationship. People know, but you two just never show it out of respect for the other.

  • Toshiro loves to do paperwork with you. Just sitting in silence and enjoying the other’s presence is enough for him.

  • He loves to hug you, privately of course but, he really loves your warmth. He could stay up all night, holding your warm body in his arms, gently kissing your head.

  • He is so in love with you, he can’t wait to ask you to marry him.
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