
terror AU fanzine

@terroraufanzine / terroraufanzine.tumblr.com

✨ BRAVE NEW WORLDS ✨ Featuring Alternate Universe fanworks for S1 of  AMC's The Terror ✨ ONSALE UNTIL 30 NOV ✨

Here's my piece for @terroraufanzine (somewhat belated because I kept forgetting to post it). It's the Mutineers as the Addams Family! Tozer's frog is named Tommy, by the way.


The Terror Drag AU is here!!! I hope you will enjoy this silly little comic I made for @terroraufanzine it was such a pleasure to work with all the talented people involved, so thanks mods and fellow artists fic-writers.

Can you spot all the cameos???


My piece for the @terroraufanzine!!

Please meet genderqueer t4t ~The Franklins~, John Jane and Jane John! They are the reigning MILF/DILF power couple, ruling the space exploration social scene. Sir is an excellent space captain while Lady is an ever graceful hostess. 


The Lady and Mr. Punch: A Music Hall Horror (Featuring the Remarkable Ross and Ross!)

“Oh, come now, it will cheer you up,” Ross said, standing and pacing the room. He fairly shone with excitement. “Popular entertainment will lift your spirits straightaway. If anything, it will bolster you to know the poor caliber of playwright you’re up against. Do not think,” he added, holding up his hand as Crozier blustered, “that I am entirely altruistic in my invitation. I tell you plainly that the theater is haunted-”
“-and as Ann has not yet recovered from her tumble at the mortuary, I thought an investigation of this sort was rather better than going after that headless fellow in Yorkshire.”

I’m pleased to introduce my contribution to the @terroraufanzine Brave New Worlds, in which Francis Crozier is a struggling alcoholic playwright, Ross and Ross are the finest paranormal investigators in all of London, and James Fitzjames has the misfortune of being the star quick-change artist at a haunted music hall! T-rated, 5k, with a healthy dose of Annrossier and Fitzier. Links can be found in the notes and in the reblogs. Enjoy!


here's my full piece for the @terroraufanzine!! I had a blast drawing the most self indulgent t4t fitzier jupiter ascending au and struggling to render holographic surfaces. James has inherited earth and must now brave space bureaucracy and political intrigue to keep it, francis is the disgraced legion member sent to escort her, hijinks ensue!

Terror hadn’t been their favourite haunt—it was just a little too cool for them, the crowd a couple of years older, the beer a little too expensive. There were other pubs that they frequented more often during the week: Erebus, Clio, places where it was hard to move without bumping into someone they knew. But on the weekends, they went to Terror for the music.
Its scene had been a bit legendary back then—Blanky and the Boys with their raw, unvarnished metal, Silna and her acoustic guitar and killer voice, the ever-shifting band around luckless Ned Little. But James had come back for Frank Words.
James’s favourite singer-songwriter is having a comeback, and James is going to be at the show.

A Fitzier musician-and-fan AU, written for the @terroraufanzine


Third Strike a Winner

No Archive Warnings Apply * Rating: Teen * Category: Gen * Words: 4328

Tags: Alternate Universe - Baseball, Alcohol, Mutiny but make it community league baseball, Fandom typical excess of Thomases, Doctors committing pun crimes, Not everyone makes an appearance but I did try

“Welcome, everyone, to a special presentation of the Community Baseball League! I’m Alex MacDonald, and joining me at the scoreboard is Stephen Stanley… We’ve got quite the show for you tonight, folks: an exhibition match between the league-leading Mariners and the newly-formed Pirates!”

(written for @terroraufanzine <3)


@simplyirenic and i worked together for the @terroraufanzine! it’s a prequel that ties into our @terrebus-fc football AU, set before the merger of the two clubs terror fc and erebus athletic. i.e. another excuse for me to draw jerseys :] you can read her fic here. thank you to the mods for organising!

p.s. if you’re looking for a funky present for a friend or yourself, you might want to check out our terrebus fc acrylic pins - take a look here and order here!


the terror + roller derby!au/genderswap!au (written for @terroraufanzine) ↳ as francis prepares to lead a new season of her team, the london tear-a-bites, everything seems out to stop her from succeeding. the amount of ego, pride, and hubris each member of her team carries is unmatched, which while admirable for the most part, only serves to fuel the mounting pressure. it all comes to a head at her arrival to the first practice. a fight is occurring with half the team involved and half watching disinterestedly. only one major injury occurs, that of their captain, billie, changing the entire team and the course of their season.  bonus: playlist here


Thank you so much to everyone who has supported us so far! Sales for the Terror Alternate Universe Fanzine are officially closed, but the store may be open for a little longer while we finish processing some things … so if you missed the official deadline GO GO GO! ✈️ ✈️ ✈️ 


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