
never tell me the odds

@chicdean / chicdean.tumblr.com

'here’s to u. the food might be bad, and the beds might be hard, but at least we're living our own lives...and nobody else’s.'
bekah | taurus | (I post mostly supernatural and star wars)

saying the democratic primary is now down to two white men implies bernie sanders and joe biden come from the same background as every other non-obama president and pretends that bernie sanders' lifelong commitment to civil justice doesn't come from growing up learning about the suffering his family underwent during the holocaust.

it's fucking insane someone could look at him and decide his being jewish, which would make him the first jewish president in the history of this country, isn't important enough of a 'diversity win' to care about because he's not elizabeth warren, a white woman who lied about being an indigenous american for decades to boost her chances of being diversity hired

if you want to rail against the type of man who dominates american politics in order to advocate for more diverse leadership, take aim at joe biden, the white man who pushed the racist crime bill through the legislature that directly led to the mass incarceration of black people in this country for drug offenses

hey, just so you know? this shit is so fucking serious.

someone in the crowd at his rally tonight (march 5, 2020) unfurled a massive nazi flag behind him, and since then photos of trump supporters protesting against him as recently as last year with swastikas on their posters have started making the rounds again.

when the media boils bernie sanders down to ‘just another white man’ they are intentionally burying his lived experience as a jewish person because they do not want to acknowledge the discrimination he has faced that has made him the staunch advocate for civil justice for all people that he has always been

I agree with all of this except one important thing:

Warren did not “lie.” Warren believed what she was told by her family, and when a DNA test proved otherwise, she publicly apologized and worked with tribal leaders from several Native tribes to figure out how to make amends.

That is what we call GROWTH, and if you can’t extend understanding to someone who trusted her family to know the truth about itself, you’re going to have a hell of a time dealing with other Presidential candidates being less than perfect.

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