


Hello and welcome to my ask-blog dedicated mostly to Oka x Ayano (I ship almost everyone x Oka, so don't be afraid to ask for other ships as well~). I don't any of these characters. Enjoy~!
Anonymous asked:

to answer your question on the video, it's ayano X taeko(senpai)

I didnt know this is a thing omg-mun


oh my god im crying this makes me so happy that 2 students are gay holy fuckc

emotion: happy

Good??? YES?


My thoughts on the new yansim update video

Ok, so, I have a lot to say on the new update video, and surprisingly, it’s mostly positive. First off I would like to say that this?

Looks cool as fuck.

The newest look of the game is something I actually enjoy very much, it looks like a actual horror game. Also, I really really hope that this game is renamed to lovesick, due to the issues I have with the abielism routed in the y/ndere troupe, and how some people consider it a slur. As someone with bpd, I do rather dislike this word, and am glad that the games name might be lovesick. Even if y/ndere simulator is still a subtitle.

The new title screen of lovesick/yansim is very eerie, and I love it. Not to mention the music was amazing tbh, fit the atmosphere and was creepy. I like that lovesick/yansim is taking steps to feel more like a horror game. I’ve talked about it here some before, and so have others but I want more characters like kokona, ones that make me like them and sympathize. The dev has long said that you’re supposed to feel like a monster, but asides from kokona, if you killed anyone you really didn’t. They’re all blank slates, and it’s harder to sympathize, and feel bad for them because of it. I really think yansim/lovesick could pull inspiration from undertale, particularly the genocide route. That route is gut wrenching, purposes a moral dilemma, and makes you feel horrible. Like a honest to god monster, and not the good kind. And that’s the kind of horror yansim/lovesick needs, desperately. It just wouldn’t work without it, to be honest. The physiological aspect could be a big thing in this game, posing the question; how far would you go for love?

This new update gives me hope that the dev will implement more horror like things, and I’m actually really excited. I love horror games, especially those that delve into the psychological horror genre, so much so that I’m actually making a game myself (though it’s still in its drafting phase)

The atmosphere in some of this is really good!! I especially like the taro customization screen, tbh. Though, I would like the fact that the atmosphere goes down from the original layout to stay, it makes it feel like your actions have consequences, and again, that’s good in horror games. I really hope that the pink light hearted atmosphere stays, at first, until people start disappearing, and then it goes down. I always loved that concept.

I love mai so much and I really!!! Like how she has an actual name now, like thank god.

Unfortunately her description is still the same, but one step at a time I guess.

I love both colors schemes tbh but!! That magenta one is really cool?? This is a really nice symbol for the game, too. (Unlike the yansim side one, like, no. The underwear on heart??? Nothing to do with the game. The dev should just recolor this Symbol to be light pink and stuff I think)

The fact that you can spy on people now and sell the info to infochan is really cool. It’s a great replacement for panties shots, which is, unfortunately still a option to do in game (just take them out completely?? this option fits the game better anyways??) but I’m still really excited about this because!! It’s so cool??

Blackmailing is super cool too. Tbh, I like the idea that you have to figure it out using clues better than just info telling you.

Using clues in the student’s info and stuff is a lot more interesting than just being told what to do.

The main thing I’m happy about is that the dev is actually listening to us! He’s listening to us critics, which is really exciting!!!! Whenever someone says that we aren’t doing anything/won’t change the devs mind, we can point back to this victory, because look! We already did! We’re affecting this game! And that really fucking cool. I still hate the dev and that will never change due to things outside of the game’s development, but the fact that he’s actually listening to us is great. It means we might actually be able to save this game.

I’m super happy with this, although it isn’t perfect, because it shows we’re making progress!

I absolutely adore the main menu of lovesick mode

I love the way the game is turning out and i'm actually excited!!

Anonymous asked:

are you running out of questions?

Nope i just haven't had the time to answer any;;;;There are 122 questions that i havent answered yet hhHHH ;;;;;-mun


Yandev claims he works 12 hours a day without a break, and look, the “very busy Alex” even commented this video, did not say he had no time? Hahaha, also read the youtube’s comments of this video if you wanna have some extra fun ;^)

Anonymous asked:

So I had an idea on how to fix Senpai's sister. Have her be a much older sister instead (25-26), who is overprotective of her Senpai because of a past incident you only learn if you befriend her. The reason she's difficult is because she Only shows up at school at certain events (morning drop off, forgotten lunch, Senpai getting in trouble, volunteering) and she is harder to kill. Choosing to befriend her not only let's Ayano learn about Senpai, but also gives Senpai and Ayano a chance to bond.

Honestly that sounds so much better


Having 1 (one) brown character in your game isn’t diversity

Now if u really wanna get technical everyone in the game is Japanese except possibly the photography club kids cause I refuse to believe mr.blonde hair blue eyes “"fURRDDUU”“ is anything but white

There is a tiny bit of diversity but I’d still like to see a small hand full of brown characters I am that desperate

the only diversity that’s currently in the game is a lesbian turtle and a possibly lesbian member of the rainbow six (yui)

No no remember the only diversity in the game is tit sizes

but there’s also unique panties!! Musume has pink ones!!!11! Rivals have special panties !!!! diverse!!!

Who cares that all characters have no personality? I mean as long as some females have unique panties everything is really great!1!!

Like damn, if you’re trying to make a realistic game, AT LEAST make some diversity in skin tones. Believe it or not, most Japanese people aren’t naturally corpse-pale. In fact, a lot are tan or tannish.


Ayano's backstory video plot-holes

Okay so the newest video of Mr Yandev came out and I’m speechless at this point. I’m not gonna pretend like I know much about how psychology works (because I always sucked at that subject in school) but I swear on god this video made me cringe harder and harder as it got to the finish. Take shots for everytime she says “I can’t feel anything” (or just the word anything) There are several reasons why she would act like that. (Well not completely, because the character backstory makes no sense) I mean, what year does she live in so the doctors won’t be able to diagnose this as being a psychopath (not a sociopath, I just realized there is a difference recently. Sociopaths are made and psychopaths are born.) Okay maybe not a psychopath. but anything at all? Not even issues in the brain’s functions? I thought at the beginning that it was depression but Ayano was born like this so she could be a psychopath, but being a psychopath doesn’t mean that u will feel Nothing at all, it means you won’t feel empathy (and some smaller details that I forgot) psychopaths, if I remember correctly and not effing this up, can “be normal” they can have friends, get married and have kids and I think fall in love too maybe? (Not quite sure about the love part) so the only thing she would lack would be empathy and care for others. But she would still be able to get a pretty average life so far, if she is given the right treatment on what to do in certain situations and how to act (give them an idea of what is a pass and what is not) Gosh I feel like I’m butchering psychology here, feel free to correct me. And small question, when or how did exactly doctors found out she was “broken”? What does broken even refers to, if we accompany it with the artwork given in the video, it can be pretty confusing. And the “acting like she is normal” part, makes me feel a little weirded out, I mean yeah that’s a thing, I know so, but eventually if you go long enough in that route of acting the same thing over and over, it becomes like second nature to you, that you forget that your acting. A “believing the act” situation. So if Ayano kept this long enough she should have been fine. And I mean, I think she did, she kept doing this since she was young, and I can’t say that she haves some sort of brain damage, for her to feel NO EMOTION at all. Not even feeling one emotion, is kind of a big deal, this stuff is chemicals in the brain, the lack of something means either the part of the brain that makes that chemical is damaged, or it’s just not producing enough chemical juice. (in the case of lack of making chemicals, medical pills should be the answer for this usually) But here is also something a bit quirky, emotions aren’t just one chemical at a time, some of the emotions are a bunch of chemicals together. And sometimes these chemicals could have some biological effect on the brain activities and/or organs and so on. So the one chemical don’t usually have one job, it haves multiple uses in the body both psychologically and biologically. And guys there are a lot of chemicals out there xD so for Ayano to feel NOTHING at all. This should have some pretty obvious side effects on her body too. She can’t “feel nothing” without having at least some drastic issues in her health too. That’s the only way it could make SOME sense. And that’s not depression or being psychopath. I have no idea what her state/diagnose is. Heck I don’t even know if something this dangerous as lacking so much chemicals can keep Ayano living outside of a hospital for the rest of her life. If living at all.

Those are all my thoughts on the last video, I really wish if Dev can just do a little research on these stuff, it can make him avoid awkward sets like this. (My brain is burning from thinking too much about this) but so far I dunno how Ayano is fully biologically functional.

U know what Dev? Just make her possessed with fun girl and that would be a good explanation of everything in her backstory (that would make the thing lots more interesting actually now that I think about it! And the true enemy! Would be AYANO HERSELF!) Man, I would actually like to see that happen. I’m all about paranormal stuff when they are done good! Also gives you a happy ending with Ayano being normal again and her parents would be happy that she is norm-


Ayano’s parents?….

And her dad?…. And mom?….. … ……

But what about the tapes? The ones we found around the school that says ayano’s father being a journalist and her mother is no where to be found?….

Wait, how is her mother a yandere (since she obviously knows what’s going on with her daughter) and in the tapes the woman he was trying to expose was the yandere not her mum….

And then he flees the country and her mom is no where to be found….

Her mother shouldn’t be normal, right?…

And if she is normal, how does she know what ayano’s condition is?….

And if the father is the journalist, when did all the chasing after the random yandere woman took place with him looking for solution for Ayano’s condition? I thought he was scared of her in the recordings not sad for her… And the courts and press?… Where did all that go?…

…. ……. …………..

You know what? I’m not gonna think about this any further, I’m so done. ^_^

Again feel free to correct anything I said. I would love to hear your thoughts about this too ^^

good points. if she really cant feel anything other than pity for her father, then yeah there should be some effects on her body too.

Well I for one know quite a lot about schizoism. I myself aren’t for sure but because of a traumatic event, I do lack in emotions. I haven’t felt anything fullheartedly for a year. But that wouldn’t explain senpai then, because for me, no japanese bookworm fuckboy can relly break this “wall” let’s say.

To me this whole backstory of ayano is just cringey. Like no, excuse me, i want a reckless badass that just kills for someone they like, like a real yandere and not some fragile little flower that lived an oh so awful life now now their prince has come to save them.


Also i would like to add that; no, our physical body does not change or look dif just because we don’t feel emotions. It’s in our head and not rly visible.

I pretend to be full of joy and i pretend to be sad whenever i see that it’s necessary. You get used to pretending.

But again. To go from zero emotion to a fucking blast of love and obsession is impossible for someone with schizoism OR PTSD. So ayanos story is straight up superbullshit64.



Ayano's backstory video plot-holes

Okay so the newest video of Mr Yandev came out and I’m speechless at this point. I’m not gonna pretend like I know much about how psychology works (because I always sucked at that subject in school) but I swear on god this video made me cringe harder and harder as it got to the finish. Take shots for everytime she says “I can’t feel anything” (or just the word anything) There are several reasons why she would act like that. (Well not completely, because the character backstory makes no sense) I mean, what year does she live in so the doctors won’t be able to diagnose this as being a psychopath (not a sociopath, I just realized there is a difference recently. Sociopaths are made and psychopaths are born.) Okay maybe not a psychopath. but anything at all? Not even issues in the brain’s functions? I thought at the beginning that it was depression but Ayano was born like this so she could be a psychopath, but being a psychopath doesn’t mean that u will feel Nothing at all, it means you won’t feel empathy (and some smaller details that I forgot) psychopaths, if I remember correctly and not effing this up, can “be normal” they can have friends, get married and have kids and I think fall in love too maybe? (Not quite sure about the love part) so the only thing she would lack would be empathy and care for others. But she would still be able to get a pretty average life so far, if she is given the right treatment on what to do in certain situations and how to act (give them an idea of what is a pass and what is not) Gosh I feel like I’m butchering psychology here, feel free to correct me. And small question, when or how did exactly doctors found out she was “broken”? What does broken even refers to, if we accompany it with the artwork given in the video, it can be pretty confusing. And the “acting like she is normal” part, makes me feel a little weirded out, I mean yeah that’s a thing, I know so, but eventually if you go long enough in that route of acting the same thing over and over, it becomes like second nature to you, that you forget that your acting. A “believing the act” situation. So if Ayano kept this long enough she should have been fine. And I mean, I think she did, she kept doing this since she was young, and I can’t say that she haves some sort of brain damage, for her to feel NO EMOTION at all. Not even feeling one emotion, is kind of a big deal, this stuff is chemicals in the brain, the lack of something means either the part of the brain that makes that chemical is damaged, or it’s just not producing enough chemical juice. (in the case of lack of making chemicals, medical pills should be the answer for this usually) But here is also something a bit quirky, emotions aren’t just one chemical at a time, some of the emotions are a bunch of chemicals together. And sometimes these chemicals could have some biological effect on the brain activities and/or organs and so on. So the one chemical don’t usually have one job, it haves multiple uses in the body both psychologically and biologically. And guys there are a lot of chemicals out there xD so for Ayano to feel NOTHING at all. This should have some pretty obvious side effects on her body too. She can’t “feel nothing” without having at least some drastic issues in her health too. That’s the only way it could make SOME sense. And that’s not depression or being psychopath. I have no idea what her state/diagnose is. Heck I don’t even know if something this dangerous as lacking so much chemicals can keep Ayano living outside of a hospital for the rest of her life. If living at all.

Those are all my thoughts on the last video, I really wish if Dev can just do a little research on these stuff, it can make him avoid awkward sets like this. (My brain is burning from thinking too much about this) but so far I dunno how Ayano is fully biologically functional.

U know what Dev? Just make her possessed with fun girl and that would be a good explanation of everything in her backstory (that would make the thing lots more interesting actually now that I think about it! And the true enemy! Would be AYANO HERSELF!) Man, I would actually like to see that happen. I’m all about paranormal stuff when they are done good! Also gives you a happy ending with Ayano being normal again and her parents would be happy that she is norm-


Ayano’s parents?….

And her dad?…. And mom?….. … ……

But what about the tapes? The ones we found around the school that says ayano’s father being a journalist and her mother is no where to be found?….

Wait, how is her mother a yandere (since she obviously knows what’s going on with her daughter) and in the tapes the woman he was trying to expose was the yandere not her mum….

And then he flees the country and her mom is no where to be found….

Her mother shouldn’t be normal, right?…

And if she is normal, how does she know what ayano’s condition is?….

And if the father is the journalist, when did all the chasing after the random yandere woman took place with him looking for solution for Ayano’s condition? I thought he was scared of her in the recordings not sad for her… And the courts and press?… Where did all that go?…

…. ……. …………..

You know what? I’m not gonna think about this any further, I’m so done. ^_^

Again feel free to correct anything I said. I would love to hear your thoughts about this too ^^

good points. if she really cant feel anything other than pity for her father, then yeah there should be some effects on her body too.

Well I for one know quite a lot about schizoism. I myself aren’t for sure but because of a traumatic event, I do lack in emotions (though it could be possible as the causes for schizoism aren't clear yet). I haven’t felt anything fullheartedly for a year. But that wouldn’t explain senpai then, because for me, no japanese bookworm fuckboy can really break this “wall” let’s say.

To me this whole backstory of ayano is just cringey. Like no, excuse me, i want a reckless badass that just kills for someone they like, like a real yandere and not some fragile little flower that lived an oh so awful life and now their prince has come to save them.



give me a character (from anything ever) in my ask and I’ll rate:

somewhat attractive | eh | not really my type | pretty | handsome | beautiful | stud | gorgeous | SWEET LORD MERCY

can you relate to this character on a personal level?: no | not really | somewhat | yes | they are me

would you date/be friends with this character in real life if they were real?: total bros | friends | best friends | date | become their steady boyfriend/ girlfriend | neither | i don’t know |



6 Signs You Need To Take a Hiatus From Magic

Over the last month I’ve hardly managed to do any witchcraft. Yep, you read that right. I’ve been majorly slacking on my magical practice. It seems like every time I turn around there’s something else I have to do, more work, more cleaning, more everything! It’s been a busy month for sure and while normally I’m pretty good about being nice to myself a few days ago I caught myself in a little funk. I was definitely not happy about how much I wasn’t practicing magic.

Then I promptly snapped out of it, realized that berating myself wasn’t going to make me any less stressed or busy and decided it might be time to take a short break from magic. 

What?! Taking a break? You can do that?

Yes, my witchlings, you can give yourself a break. A lot of witches (myself included) tout the benefits of having a daily practice and while those benefits are great you are not likely to be receiving the full effect if you’re tired, stressed or trying to squeeze all of your witchcraft into a spare 30 seconds.

Some people have this idea that if you stop practicing magic regularly your abilities will degrade and it’ll be like starting from square one all over again when you come back to it. This is totally not true. While you may experience a slight rustiness if you take breaks for months on end you’re not going to lose any power, effectiveness or connection simply by giving yourself a little time away. In fact, you might find that taking a break makes your spells more powerful and effective simply because you aren’t so damn exhausted when you get back to it! 

Do I really need to take a break?

Short answer: Yes.

The long answer is that you may not need a break now or next month or next year but at some point in your journey you WILL need to take a break from magic. Life gets crazy! Sometimes there’s just nothing else to do but give yourself a break.

Not only that but magical burnout is a very real thing. Have you ever tried doing heavy workouts every day or done a creative challenge like NaNoWriMo? After about a week of pushing yourself to the max every day you get worn out! It becomes a struggle and nothing seems to quite go as easily as it did before. On top of which, with that big drop in ease and effectiveness come a mountain of demoralizing thoughts telling you that you can’t do it and you’ll never be good at whatever it is you’re trying to do.

This same thing happens with magic. If you’re doing big spells every single day you’re probably going to feel it! Your enthusiasm and power start to taper off and magic starts to feel more like a chore than something uplifting and exciting.

That magical burnout only worsens if you try to “power through it” and unfortunately that tends to be the exact reaction most people have when they start feeling weaker! So, how can you tell if you need a magical break?

6 Signs You Need To Take A Hiatus From Magic 

1. Your spells stop working or get weaker

If you start noticing that your spells are falling a little flat or just plain old not working at all it might be time to take a break. Your batteries are run down! Spells don’t work if there isn’t enough energy behind them to get them to the finish line.

When this starts happening it’s time to focus on replenishing yourself. Sleep a lot, eat good food, do something that makes you feel energized, socialize, just work on getting your energy back up to par before attempting spells again.

2. You feel run down

Everyone feels run down every now and then and a day or two  of feeling tired isn’t necessarily cause for alarm but if you’re finding yourself frazzled, exhausted and worn out for more than just a few days you’re probably placing too many demands on yourself! Unfortunately it’s not always possible to take a breather from work, kids or other obligations so in order to keep your sanity you have to give yourself a little wiggle room in the areas of your life that can take it. 

I know, it sucks having to put down something you love because your life has gotten crazy. It really, really sucks. But forcing yourself to do magic even if you’re not up to it isn’t going to make you feel good about your craft or your life! Give yourself that breather and when life calms down again your craft will be right there waiting for you.

3. You just don’t feel excited about magic

Ugh, this one is the worst. I HATE feeling like something that used to be fun and exciting is suddenly a drag. It’s especially hard to deal with because witchcraft is often a source of spiritual solace for many of us!

When this happens I like to simply do what I do in other areas of my creative life when I feel stuck and bored. I do something else. If I’ve got writers block maybe I’ll paint or go for a hike and take nature photos. If dancing starts to feel weird and unproductive I’ll focus on writing or find some random DIY project to immerse myself in. Sometimes I’ll just let myself get engrossed in a new book. 

When witchcraft starts feeling like a chore it’s time to switch gears. Pay attention to your other hobbies, get outside and do something active, hang out with your friends, let a curiosity turn into an engrossing 4 day reading binge. Just get your mind off of the craft and onto something else!

4. You find yourself repeatedly forgetting to do spells or rituals that you had planned

I am so guilty of this one. Now keep in mind, if you’re a super forgetful person to begin with it’s probably not a big deal and missing just one spell isn’t anything to worry about either. It’s when you start forgetting to perform spells and rituals repeatedly in a way that’s unusual for you that you should consider taking a break.

Our brains are pretty sneaky and will often trick us into getting a break whether we want one or not. Constantly forgetting your craft is a pretty convenient way for your mind to get the breather it needs. If you find this happening to you, don’t sweat it! Getting upset about missed spells and rituals isn’t going to help. Take the hint and give yourself a chance to rest and recuperate. 

5. Spell casting leaves you feeling tired, moody or achy

There are a few reasons why spell casting might have negative effects on you. The first possibility is that you’re ungrounded. If you’re not grounding after spells you should be! Magic can drain your energy or leave you with extra energy in ways that can throw your entire equilibrium off balance. So, first things first, ground yourself! If you feel better afterward you’re probably just fine.

If you still feel crummy even after grounding however, it’s time to consider giving yourself a serious breather. Like most other forms of self care, when you neglect to give yourself the rest and nourishment that you need it’s going to make you crabby. Self care is important in all aspects of our lives! 

6. You have to really “reach” to find the magic to make your spells work

Lastly, if you find yourself digging around trying to find your magic every time you cast a spell it’s probably a sign. After overdoing it it can start to feel like you’ve lost touch with your magic or like you can’t quite make it work. This is such a frustrating feeling and can be really upsetting to someone who is heavily invested in their craft. Many people try harder, work more and end up even more fed up and pissed off about this unprecedented drop in magical ability.

Your connection to your magic isn’t gone though! It’s still there, I promise. You’re not a bad witch. You haven’t suddenly lost your ability to use magic. You’re just tired.

Give it a rest, do something else, take care of yourself and every now and then reach down and see how easy it is to touch your magic and pull it out. If the connection is still bad then leave it alone but after a while (and in probably less time that you’d think) you’ll find that connection feeling just like it used to. One day you’ll reach for your magic and find it awake, sparkling with energy and ready to go!

Nobody really loves taking breaks from the things they love but trust me, taking a break can be good for you and good for your magic. Give yourself permission to kick back and relax!

I’m sure many of my followers have noticed my hiatus, and I’m sorry for that. I just needed a break from witchcraft. This whole post really summarizes it for me… but fear not! Slowly I’m warming up again, and I’m sure by this time next month I’ll be ready to hit it full force again. I miss my craft, and I most of all miss you guys!!


Honestly, the fact that the dev uses so many punny names for his characters only proves how lazy he is. I mean, his system of naming characters in general is just plain lazy. From my standpoint, it takes literally just a few minutes to come up with a decent first and last name, so why does he insist on keeping all these horrible names? And yet he wants this game to somehow be taken seriously with characters like "Fureddo Jonzu" lmfao.


*dev voice* “I’m too busy with Osana to think of names! But anyways meet the photoraphy club’s vice president Dafune Bureiku!!!”

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