
@polygllot / polygllot.tumblr.com

a sideblog for languages. bilingual. target languages: br portuguese and spanish.
Common Spanish words I need to memorize

bastante  …  quite/fairly

estuvo  …  he/she/it was

mismo  …  same

tal  …  such

avisar  …  warn/alert/notify

harás  …  you will do

allá  …  there

[Corrections are always welcome]


spanish vocab- things i like

-alpacas- alpacas       ex. Hay muchas alpacas en los Andes en Peru. -antropología- anthropology       ex. Antropología es el estudio científico de humanidad. -agosto- august       ex. Agosto es un mes extraño para yo porque es el termino del verano (siempre lo siento mal porque no hice hacer nada todo el verano). -abejas- bees       ex. Quiero ir acampando con mis amigos, pero Gael tiene alergias de las abejas. -mangas de campana- bell sleeves       ex. Este vestido es blanco completamente y tiene mangas de campana muy grande. -bioquímica- biochemistry       ex. Ines me preguntó si tuve la tarea para nuestra clase de bioquímica. -pizarras- chalkboards       ex. Poniendo una pizarra en mi dormitorio me ayudó con quedando organizada. -protector labial- chapstick       ex. Mariana siempre olvida su protector labial y necesita pedir prestado la mía. -canela- cinnamon       ex. Mi perfume favorito tiene trasfondos de canela y sándalo. -clásicas- classics       ex. Mi tía estudió las clásicas en universidad. -rocío- dew       ex. El rocío en las flores en la mañana es la cosa más bonita en todo el mundo. -niebla- fog       ex. Me gusta niebla mucho, pero odio manejar en ella. -genética- genetics       ex. La madre de Lucia, Dra. Gaspar, es muy servicial con nuestra clase de biología porque ella especializarse en genética. -indie pop- indie pop       ex. Sabes… esta palabra es el mismo en los dos idiomas. No es muy estimulante. -lino- linen       ex.  La ropa de lino se arruga con facilidad. -lingüística- linguistics        ex. Estoy obsesionado con la lingüística hace poco. -mini-vestidos- mini-dresses       ex. “¿Sabes dónde está mi mini-vestido con los flores rojos?” pregunta Alma. -musgo- moss       ex. El musgo es mejor por el medioambiente que el césped. -nectarinas- nectarines       ex. Nectarinas son nativas de China. -aceite esencial de naranja- orange essential oil       ex. Uso demasiado aceite esencial de naranja en mi difusor. -perlas- pearls       ex. Absolutamente necesito un cordel corto de perlas para mi cumpleaños diecisiete. Es tan elegante. <3  -arroz- rice       ex. Ruben hace arroz con salsa de soya y cebolletas como una comida casera cuando estoy enferma. -luz de las estrellas- starlight       ex. Cuando mi novio y yo salimos en noche, nos gusta mirando en la luz de las estrellas después de nuestra cita. -arquitectura sostenible- sustainable architecture       ex. La interesa de Hugo en arquitectura sostenible es lo ayudó conseguir un trabajo con una firma de arquitectura.


Language learning in under 5 minutes

  • write 1 or 2 sentences to sum up your day
  • learn 5 new words
  • listen to a song
  • watch short video
  • conjugate a verb
  • read and attempt to say out loud a tongue twister
  • count from 1 to 100
  • sing the alphabet
  • read a page in a book
◇ How to improve your knowledge in languages ◇
1 Don’t translate the new words, just use a dictionary, such as you do in your native language.
2 Rewatch movies - because now you can understand the movie, even if you don’t know exactly what are they saying
3 Read Wikipedia™
4 Talk alone
5 Learn your favorite songs and write their lyrics in a paper
6 Read a book or whatever
7 Watch recipes videos to learn food vocabulary
8 Force yourself to consume content even if is boring because you can’t understand what is happening
9 When you’re consuming some content, have an open tab with Google Translator - this makes the movie/book/video more dynamic and less boring
10 Tandem is a free app which allows you to practice your target languages with natives and this is awesome.

Many of you may know that I keep youtube playlists of language samples, and I thought it was about time to compile them all into one post. They contain pretty much anything where you can hear the language clearly – music, dialogues, tutorials, movie trailers, readings, etc. I’ll probably add more in the future. Hope someone finds them useful!


Brazilian Portuguese: Basics

  • Sim = yes | Não = no 
  • Quem = who | Quando = when | Onde = where | Como = how | O que = what | Quanto = how much | Por que/Porque = why | Qual = which
  • “Como?” is also used in casual conversation to ask for the other person to repeat their sentence. Has the same effect of “O que?”
  • “Onde” expresses a place (like the mall, the park…) while “Aonde” gives the idea of movement (so, you don’t ask “ONDE ela está indo/where is she going” but “AONDE ela está indo?/ where is she going?” Same meaning, natives will understand you… it’s just for the sake of grammar. 
  • Por que/Porque/Por quê/Porquê are variables of “why”. Long story short, separated (por que) must be used in questions, together (porque) in answers. Porquê is used as a substantive, more as in “reason” (me dê um porquê/give me a reason why), while por quê must be used at the end of a sentence. 
  • Com licença = excuse me 
  • Você poderia me ajudar? = Could you help me? 
  • Como se pronuncia ___? = How do you pronounce ___?
  • Como eu posso chegar em ____? = How do I get to ____?
  • O que significa ___? = What does ____ mean?
  • Qual o endereço para ___? = What’s the adress to ___?
  • Qual o seu nome? = What’s your name?
  • De onde você é? = Where are you from?
  • Olá = hello | Oi = hi 
  • Tchau/Adeus = goodbye 
  • Te vejo depois/Vejo você depois = See you later 
  • É um prazer te conhecer = It’s a pleasure to meet you
  • Bom dia = good morning | Boa tarde = good afternoon | Boa noite = good night 
  • Both “vocꔓtu” mean “you”. They are utilized more or less at the same frequency, but it depends which place of the country you’re going to.
  • Por favor = please 
  • Obrigado = thank you (used if you’re a man) | Obrigada = thank you (used if you’re a woman) 
  • Me desculpe = I’m sorry (meaning “forgive me”)
  • Eu sinto muito = I’m sorry (used at more serious situations, usually in regards of things that happened, and not personal blame. If you go to a funeral and you say “desculpe” instead of “eu sinto muito” things might get a little tense…) 

Any doubts just hit me up! I’m more than glad to help :D 


Okay, so if any of my followers are learning Brazilian Portuguese I have some tips for u guys to speak more naturally a.k.a not sounding like you’re 90 years old.

first of all: these are in no way the right grammatical way of writing and everything I list here is based off my experience as a native speaker.

one more thing, english isn’t my first language so please correct me if I write something wrong.

ok vamos lá:

- when you use the verbestar always get rid off thees- part of the verb

  • ex: “I am studying” - “eu to estudando” instead of “eu EStou estudando

- when you want to use “me/te” it’s more common to put the possessive pronoun before the verb than after

  • ex: “I love you” - “eu te amo” instead of “eu amo-te

- and if you want to say us” just say a gente

- one more thing about possessive pronouns: most people never useo/a/os/as instead you should try using ele/ela/eles/elas

  • ex: “I hate them” - “eu odeio eles/elas” instead of “eu os/as odeio” or “eu odeio-os/as

- if you want to say like” just usetipo

  • ex: “I hate that guy, like, he’s such a dumbass” - “eu odeio aquele cara, tipo, ele é tão babaca”

- never use “para a” or “para o” when speaking out loud, just say “pra” and “pro”

  • ex: “I’m going to my friend’s house” - “eu to indo pra casa da minha amiga”

- also If you need to show you’re surprised by something just say “nossa”

  • ex: “woah, that’s a lot of cake for only one person” - “ nossa, isso é muito bolo pra uma pessoa só”

- if you are going to the South we tend to use more “tu” than “você” but we still conjugate the verbs as if we were using “você”

  • ex: “do you need any help?” - “tu precisa de alguma ajuda?” instead of “tu precisaS de alguma ajuda?”

- when you need to say “thank you” just say “brigada/o” instead of “Obrigada/o”

- also if you are a girl you should use “brigadA” and if you’re a boy you should use “brigadO”

If you guys have more questions just send me a message - my main blog is @aelins

Anonymous asked:

Can you give us some examples of tongue twisters in Portuguese?

1 - “Casa suja, chão sujo”Means “dirty house, dirty floor”. It’s quick but everyone fucks it up.

2 - “O tempo perguntou pro tempo quanto tempo o tempo tem, o tempo respondeu pro tempo que não tem tempo pra responder pro tempo quanto tempo o tempo tem”

This I’d say it’s the easiest one, means “Time asked time how much time time has, time told time saying time doesn’t have time to tell time how much time time has”.

3 - “O rato roeu a roupa do rei de Roma” | “O rato roeu a rolha da garrafa de rum do rei da Rússia”Mean “The rat gnawed on the king of Rome’s clothes” and “The rat gnawed on the king of Russia’s rum bottle cork”, respectively.

4 - “A aranha arranha a rã. A rã arranha a aranha. Nem a aranha arranha a rã. Nem a rã arranha a aranha.”

Means “the spider scratches the frog. The frog scratches the spider. Neither does the spider scratch the frog, neither does the frog scratch the spider.

5 - “Três tigres tristes comem três pratos de trigo. Três tigres tristes para três pratos de trigo. Três pratos de trigo para três tigres tristes.” Means “Three sad tigers eat three plates of wheat. Three sad tigers for three plates of wheat. Three plates of wheat for three sad tigers.”

6 - “Num ninho de mafagafos, seis mafagafinhos há; quem os desmafagafizar, bom desmafagafizador será”| “Em cima daquele morro há um ninho de mafagafos com sete mafagafinhos dentro, quem desmagafinhar os sete mafagafinhos, um bom desmagafinhador será.” | “Um ninho de mafagafos tem sete mafagafinhos, quem desmafaguifar um ninho de mafagafos, um bom desmafagafinhador será. Assim como eu desmafaguifei, um bom desmafaguifador serei.“ The most famous one by far. Mafagafos are fictional birds. Respectively, they translate to “In a mafagafo nest there are six mafagafinhos; whoever demafagafates them will be a good demafagafator”, “Up on that hill there’s a mafagafo nest with seven mafagafinhos in it; whoever demafagafates the seven mafagafinhos will be a good demafagafator”, and “In a mafagafo nest there are seven mafagafinhos, whoever demafagafates a nest of mafagagos will be a good demafagafator. Just like I demafagated, a good demafagafator I shall be”. This gave me a headache to translate.


a list of untranslatable words ☕️

cafuné - brazilian portuguese: the act of running one’s fingers, gently but deeply, through someone else’s hair 積ん読 (tsundoku) - japanese: the act of leaving a book unread after buying it, typically piled up together with other such unread books 木漏れ日 (komorebi) - japanese: sunlight filtering through the trees mångata - swedish: the roadlike reflection of moonlight on water verklempt - yiddish: a person who is too emotional to speak liefdesverdriet - dutch: the heartache caused from an unrequited love and the mental pains one endures; the physical pain of depression fika - swedish/finnish: gathering together to talk and take a break from everyday routines, usually drinking coffee and eating pastries 幽玄 (yūgen) - japanese: an indescribable sentiment, can only be described as a painful awareness of the mysterious beauty and human suffering l'esprit de l'escalier - french: the moment one finally thinks of a witty remark, far too late, after the opportunity has passed kilig - tagalog: the feeling of butterflies in your stomach, usually when something romantic or cute takes place いるす (irusu) - japanese: pretending to be absent from home when someone is at the door habseligkeiten - german: personal belongings, small treasures and property, which define our happiness and sentiments nefelibata - portuguese: cloud walker; name given to the quixotic dreamers, they appear spacey, otherworldly, but intelligent σοφρωσύνη (sophrosyne) - greek: self-control, balance, wisdom & grace;virtue that follows the aphorisms “nothing in excess” & “know thyself" hiraeth - welsh: homesickness for a place which never even existed. Connotations of sadness, yearning, profound nostalgia and wistfulness torpe - tagalog: being too shy to pursue amorous desires waldeinsamkeit - german: the feeling of being alone in the woods litost - czech: the humiliated despair we feel when someone accidentally reminds us, trough their accomplishment, of our inadequacies dustsceawung - old english: contemplation of the fact that dust used to be other things - the walls of a city, a book, a great tree… duende - spanish: the spirit of evocation; the mysterious power a work of art has to deeply move a person gattara - italian: a woman, often old and lonely, who devotes herself to stray cats tоска - russian: a sensation of great spiritual anguish, often without any specific cause, a longing with nothing to long for, nostalgia φιλότιμο (philotimo) - greek: a complex array of virtues; expressed through acts of generosity & sacrifice w/o expecting anything in return  gezellig - dutch: abstract sensation of individual well-being that one shares with others;cozy ambience, anything pleasant, homely, friendly


Porque in Portuguese

  • Por que -> interrogative pronoun used to make questions, it means why Example: Por que você fez isso?
  • Por quê -> interrogative pronoun used at the end of questions, it also means why Example: Você nao estudou hoje, por quê?
  • Porque -> conjunction used in answers and explanations, it means because Example: Ele não ligou porque estava fora da cidade.
  • Porquê -> masculine subtantive used to express a motive, it explains the reason of something Example: Eu não sei o porquê ele não está aqui.
  • animado | excited
  • ansioso | anxious
  • assustado | scared
  • chateado | upset
  • chocado | shocked
  • com medo | afraid
  • confuso | confused
  • culpado | guilty
  • decepcionado | disappointed
  • deprimido | depressed
  • embaraçada | embarrassed
  • entediado | bored
  • envergonhado | ashamed, embarrassed
  • estressado | stressed
  • exausto | exhausted
  • feliz | happy
  • frustrado | frustrated
  • furioso | furious
  • irritado | annoyed
  • miserável | miserable
  • nervoso | nervous
  • preocupado | worried
  • solitário | lonely
  • surpreso | surprised
  • tranquilo | calm
  • triste | sad
  • zangado ou com raiva | angry
a Folha – Leaf o Relâmpago – a flash of Lightning a Nevasca – Blizzard a Flor – Flower a Brisa  Breeze o Gelo/o Sorvete – Ice/Ice cream a Primavera – Spring o Grau – Degree o Granizo – Hailstone o Outono – Autumn/Fall o Calor – Heat a Estação – Season o Frio – Cold a Frente Fria – Cold Front a Folhagem  Foliage o Ar  Air a Pressão do Ar – Air Pressure a Umidade - Humidity a Lua - Moon a Fase da Lua – Moon’s Phase a Neblina – Fog/Mist a Precipitação – Precipitation a Chuva – Rain o Arco-Íris – Rainbow a Capa de Chuva – Raincoat o Guarda-chuva – Umbrella o Patins de Gelo – Ice Skate a Neve – Snow a Bola de Neve – Snowball o Floco de Neve – Snowflake o Boneco de Neve – Snowman o Granizo – Sleet o Verão – Summer o Sol – Sun o Nascer do Sol – Sunrise o Pôr do Sol – Sunset o Raio de sol – Sunshine/Sunbeam a Praia – Beach a Tempestade – Storm a Temperatura – Temperature a Temperatura Mínima – Minimun Temperature a Trovoada – Thunder Storm a Previsão – Forecast/Prediction a Frente quente – Warm Front o Clima – Weather o Vento – Wind o Inverno – Winter a Nuvem – Cloud a Avalanche Avalanche/Snowslide o Furacão – Hurricane o/a Metereologista – Meteorologist a Gota de Chuva – Raindrop o Protetor Solar – Sunscreen o Termômetro – Thermometer
Nascer (do Sol) – to Rise Pôr (do Sol) – to Set Relampear – to Flash with Lightning Trovejar – to Thunder Patinar no Gelo – to Ice Skate Chover Granizo – to Hail Chuviscar – to Drizzle Chover – to Rain Nevar – to Snow Suar – to Sweat Esquiar – to Ski Brilhar – to Shine Bronzear – to Tan

Even though they didn’t make it to playins this year, I think we can agree that each of the eliminated teams is special in their own right!

boston uprising are STRONG

la valiant are DRIVEN

florida mayhem are DARING

toronto defiant are PASSIONATE

washington justice are CHEERFUL

dallas fuel

houston outlaws are IMAGINATIVE

paris eternal are PERSISTENT


Brazilian Slang

So I just wanted to share some of the most common gíria (slang) that I have learned over my year in brazil

e aí? - what’s up?/hey (of you literally just respond with e aí)

valeu - thanks

- you (short for você)

velho/vei - dude/man (not used as a noun, just like “hey dude” - “e aí vei”)

mano - dude/man (same as above)

o cara - guy (can but used same as vei/mano, but also used as a noun)

massa/legal/bacana - cool

chapado - really drunk or high

gato/gata - hot/attractive

burro/burra - idiot

pão duro - frugal (lit. hard bread)

a piranha/vadia - slut

cadê? - where is?

tá ligado? - you following? (it’s not rude, brazilians just like to check your attention in a conversation)

pegar alguém - to make out with someone (mostly used to refer to like a one time thing a party)

ficar com alguém - to make out with someone (as above) or to have a thing with someone

ficar puto/puta - to get mad/upset/annoyed

deixa pra lá - never mind

beleza - good/alright

tipo - like (in the since of comparison and when you don’t know what to say)

tô/tá - am/is (short for forms of estar)


Brazilian Potuguese Vocabulary - Fruit part 1

a amora - blackberry o abacate - avocado o abacaxi - pineapple o açaí - açaí berry a ameixa - plum a banana - banana o caju - cashew o caqui - persimmon a carambola - star fruit a cereja - cherry o coco - coconut o cupuaçu - cupuacu o figo - fig a framboesa - raspberry a fruta-do-conde - sweetsop a goiaba - guava a graviola - soursop a jaca - jackfruit o kiwi - kiwifruit
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