
k a t i e


Mostly I'm lost between the pages of a book, and the letters on a keyboard. I'm also a part-time alien, so that's super fantastic. 👽

You can fall in love, but falling out of it is like saying you fell out of a hole. It's more like climbing out of love, right? You thought you SO(s) were climbing w/ you to somewhere but then found yourself alone.

*I'm currently stoned and this came to mind.

But when u fall in love ppl also say that the other person catches you when you fall (assuming that love is reciprocated) so, they’re presumably on the ground because how else they gonna catch you? Assuming that, it’s possible that there’s holes to fall back down into, and get away from them. Relationships take work. It’s easy to get distracted by one of these holes & lean too far to peer down them, and end up falling. Once you fall through one hole, you go down another, and another, until you’re lost & they’re not there anymore. Or the version u find in that hole isn’t the same person u thought you knew.

Which is why falling in and out of love shouldn’t be thought that way. At some point, you really gotta choose to love that person, to love them in spite of everything & love them and continue to work together. Else you’ll find yourself falling down another hole & have to catch ur self.

I’m stoned too so sorry for the ramble :(


On Jan. 11, 2013, the body of 17-year-old Kendrick Johnson was found in the most unusual of circumstances: upside-down and rolled up in a school gym mat. The mysterious death of Kendrick Johnson was initially ruled an accident by law enforcement asserting the ridiculous theory that Johnson must have accidentally fallen into the center of the mat while reaching for a sneaker

Some inconsistencies in the case:

  • the black and white gym shoe that lay on the ground below Kendrick Johnson, the one he was presumed to be reaching for, was lying on top of a pool of blood, but there was no blood on the shoe itself.
  • A hoodie and a pair of orange and black gym shoes were also found lying on the floor of the gym 
  • traces of blood on the wall nearby that wasn’t Kendricks
  • A private pathologist revealed Kendrick Johnson had suffered hemorrhaging on the right side of his neck, which meant that he likely died from blunt force trauma
  • the second autopsy revealed that some of Johnson’s organs were missing and in their place, his body had been stuffed with newspaper.
  • A whole hour of footage from the gym was missing, right at the time which would have shed light on what happened that day






Can we please stop speculating about people's sexualities? Is that a thing that can stop here on this hellsite and on Twitter? Maybe? It's one thing to do so in private but to air your opinions where they can be found? Not okay.

As someone whose had their sexuality speculated about literally right in front of them by their friends like

“What ARE you”

“You’re AsExUal huh that’s why you never talk about crushes”

“U never talk abt guys or girls so r u lesbian????”

“Are you GaY”

Like stfu It’s one thing to casually ask someone “hey what sexuality are you” and another to harass them about it. Fuck off it’s hurtful esp if you’re still in the closet and also don’t know how to talk to other people abt your crushes Jesus fucking Christ


When I worked in a tea shop, I actually got a few people coming in requesting jasmine tea. Why jasmine? Because that’s what Uncle Iroh would drink on Avatar: The Last Airbender.

So here’s something to think about:

Even though he was royalty, Uncle Iroh was a master of preparing his own tea– even after he left with Zuko, he could always be seen preparing it on his own, eventually opening a successful tea shop when the one he worked at turned out to be awful.

For a firebender, heating a pot of water wouldn’t be difficult– a few seconds of rage and you’d have it at a rolling boil– but a rolling boil would ruin the tea.

The secret to a good cup of tea is often in the temperature of water that you use.

Jasmine, green and white tea tends to need between 160-180* F (71-82*C)– go any higher than that, and you’ll scald the leaves and wind up with bitter tea. Let it steep for too long, and it’ll scald anyway. So you can’t just boil the hell out of it and walk away; to be really good, a cup of tea needs a lower temperature and a softer flame. It needs patience and attention. And that’s where Uncle Iroh excelled.

It was such a wonderful character detail, and I love it so.

…I…wait…I just…b…

*Gags* “This tea is nothing more than hot leaf juice!”

“Uncle…that’s what all tea is.”

“How could a member of my own family say something so horrible?”


“We’ll have to make some major changes around here!” — His next line which he says firmly, grabbing the teapot and looking at Zuko as he turns.

Like literally after this the main plotpoint between these two is Iroh teaching Zuko how to be more patient/kind/open-minded while also teaching him how to properly work in the tea shop and I just…do you mean to tell me those two were actually not just random meshing plotpoints but were a direct correlation?



Therapists aren’t people who you “pay to pretend to care about you”, therapists are people you pay to teach you how to care for yourself


Me: I am violently depressed.

Therapist: Oh! Sounds like you need to do YOGA! That will help!

Me: *signs up for yoga*

Me: *is violently depressed in Downward Dog*

Me: I hate myself and only see my flaws

Therapist: ok lets refocus on things you like about yourself. This week i want you to try and journal about good things you’ve for yourself and others.

Me: *does the homework* yeah but i still hate myself but feel bad cause i shouldn’t

Therapist: feeling like you shouldn’t hate yourself is a step in the right direction. Mental health is complex and isn’t something that will ~magically~ improve. We have a lot of hard work head of us but I’ll be here to help you.

TL;DR stop perpetuating the idea that therapy is unhelpful because the results are not instantaneous.

This. Therapy is a process, not an instant fix. Therapists care about their patients and work to help them reach a better mental state.

Exactly. And finding the right therapist is important to you. If you feel you don’t have a connection to the therapist you’re with, then you can ask for a new one. It’s not a personal attack against the current one—you won’t hurt their feelings by asking for a different one. You’re there for you, and you need to be thinking about the best kind of care you want.

Plus, if a therapist suggests using excersize or yoga to help you, try and give it an honest chance. Exercise has been scientifically proven to improve not only your physical health, but also your mental state. They’re not trying to invalidate your depression by saying this will cure it, they are trying to find ways to HELP you deal with it. Tools that you can go back to and utilize. Obviously exercising won’t help everyone, but it’s good to at least give it a long-lasting chance, and to discuss with your therapist mind tricks to help you become more relaxed. If it doesn’t work for you after some time, discuss with your therapist other things you can do to help you.


When you discuss about manspreading with a man and it ends up with him mansplaining.

Should have seen that coming…

Manspreading -Sorry thats just how we function. Most of the complains are about literally a normal position.

Mansplaining - How is it mansplaining when a man is way more qualified in how his body feels confortable tha you, because its his body.

It‘s mansplaining when a man is trying to explain to me what manspreading is. It’s a man telling me that feminists try to tell men to close their legs when sitting on their couch at home when actually feminists are just saying that it is incredibly rude of men to think that it‘s okay to intrude another persons privat space e.g. on public transport. The word manspreading isn‘t about men sitting in a normal position. It‘s about men taking up more than one seat. And I‘m sorry if your jeans are so tight that you can‘t keep your legs to yourself then please stand up and don‘t make me feel uncomfortable by resting your leg against mine.


You do realize closing your legs isnt exactly a good idea.

When you sit… your genitals are positioned between your legs, ao those legs must spread to give space. I mean if he ahd tight jeans and string support he couldve gotten em closer but with loose pants its impossible. Spreading your legs is a normal position. And this is when being very cosnidertae. Usually men like spreading more because if they are doing that so their testicles dont stay for a long time hughed closely by their legs which would cause them to overheat which is no bueno as well.

Second - public transport seats are tiny. Maybe its just my colossal self but no way U can fit in one seet even if I curb myself into a ball.

Third: Your comfort isn’t more valuable than a man’s. Negotoate a compromise. You cannot expect aman to not sit or crush his own genitalia for you.

Seats on public transport aren‘t that tiny (where I live) and rides on public transport aren‘t that long. I know men with long legs and bigger than medium sized genitals who can sit with their legs in a position that isn‘t intruding other peoples space comfortably so it is definitely doable. I‘m not saying you should close or even overlap your legs. I‘m saying you shouldn‘t rest your leg against the person next to you and act as if you owned the place even if they sat there first. And if you know that it‘s impossible for you to sit down next to someone then don‘t. If I get on public transport with a big bag and I know I couldn‘t fit into a spot without my bag intruding someone else’s space then I just stay there standing.

Stop womansplaining men’s bodies to them

Stop suggesting your subjective experience matters or is relevant to the lives of most or ANY men.

Leave men alone, let them be comfortable, and start calling out women who put their bags in chairs and shit

isn’t it weird that when I complain about men doing a think men try to explain why they do that thing??????

its so weird. like what gives them a right to????act like people?!?! and not sit there and take it????

The problem is that the man I was talking about didn’t explain why he’s spreading his leg but he explained the word manspreading to me by saying that manspreading is the way a man naturally sits no matter if it’s in a public space or at home alone on his couch. Which just isn’t true because manspreading is only applicable when it involves another person who is somehow affected by it.

Maybe, and here’s a wild af guess, he was just trying to explain what the position was (in his experience) and that it wasn’t just subjective to sitting in public transit, but that they do it unconsciously all. The. Time. At home, in public, wherever. Because it’s a natural and comfortable position to them? Plus, manspreading is a mainstream word, don’t pretend it has a definitive definition. It’s when a man spreads his legs—literally in the title, it’s not a situational kinda thing. Did you, perhaps, ask him why he sat like that? Or did you just assume he couldn’t reply in an educated way, considering he just “mansplained” to you?


When you discuss about manspreading with a man and it ends up with him mansplaining.

Should have seen that coming…

Manspreading -Sorry thats just how we function. Most of the complains are about literally a normal position.

Mansplaining - How is it mansplaining when a man is way more qualified in how his body feels confortable tha you, because its his body.

It‘s mansplaining when a man is trying to explain to me what manspreading is. It’s a man telling me that feminists try to tell men to close their legs when sitting on their couch at home when actually feminists are just saying that it is incredibly rude of men to think that it‘s okay to intrude another persons privat space e.g. on public transport. The word manspreading isn‘t about men sitting in a normal position. It‘s about men taking up more than one seat. And I‘m sorry if your jeans are so tight that you can‘t keep your legs to yourself then please stand up and don‘t make me feel uncomfortable by resting your leg against mine.


You do realize closing your legs isnt exactly a good idea.

When you sit… your genitals are positioned between your legs, ao those legs must spread to give space. I mean if he ahd tight jeans and string support he couldve gotten em closer but with loose pants its impossible. Spreading your legs is a normal position. And this is when being very cosnidertae. Usually men like spreading more because if they are doing that so their testicles dont stay for a long time hughed closely by their legs which would cause them to overheat which is no bueno as well.

Second - public transport seats are tiny. Maybe its just my colossal self but no way U can fit in one seet even if I curb myself into a ball.

Third: Your comfort isn’t more valuable than a man’s. Negotoate a compromise. You cannot expect aman to not sit or crush his own genitalia for you.

Seats on public transport aren‘t that tiny (where I live) and rides on public transport aren‘t that long. I know men with long legs and bigger than medium sized genitals who can sit with their legs in a position that isn‘t intruding other peoples space comfortably so it is definitely doable. I‘m not saying you should close or even overlap your legs. I‘m saying you shouldn‘t rest your leg against the person next to you and act as if you owned the place even if they sat there first. And if you know that it‘s impossible for you to sit down next to someone then don‘t. If I get on public transport with a big bag and I know I couldn‘t fit into a spot without my bag intruding someone else’s space then I just stay there standing.

Stop womansplaining men’s bodies to them

Stop suggesting your subjective experience matters or is relevant to the lives of most or ANY men.

Leave men alone, let them be comfortable, and start calling out women who put their bags in chairs and shit

I am calling out women who put their bags on seats it‘s just as disrespectful. It‘s literally what I just said. If my bag’s too big I stand and that‘s what I expect of every other being as well. If I can‘t fit into a spot for whatever reason without making someone else feel uncomfortable I don‘t. Unless it‘s for health reasons (elderly, pregnant,…) but then I would expect people to make room voluntarily. However a healthy man can stand just like a healthy woman with a big junk of bags can stand. And therefor no I will not leave men alone who literally sit down with their legs on mine.

Yeah, no, you only talk about it as a side piece. You haven’t developed a derogatory term for it. You haven’t disparaged women for it. You haven’t insisted women are sexist for it. You don’t say women who defend it are womansplaining. You dont claim their being aggressive or oppressive by doing it. You dont actually care about that, you just know you’ll be called a hypocrite for NOT bringing it up, but you hold men to a higher standard and your OG post proves that


I disagree. Femininity could become toxic, but not in the same way as toxic masculinity. Toxic masculinity has extremes becoming harmful to the self and to others, toxic femininity has extremes becoming harmful only to the self. Basically allowing yourself to be tread on, looked over, or overly vulnerable.

Ps. This is still the fault of the patriarchy. Men were in power when they decided for these to be the gender norms.


So good to know that toxic feminity doesn’t exist and all the boys who have been beaten, tortured, humiliated, drowned, thrown into the fire by their mothers or raped by their female caretakers have only themselves to blame. Fucking patriarchs, amirite?  

Toxoc feminity:


Emotional Manipulation

Picking at emotional wounds

Weaponizing victimhood

Causing emotional confusion

Did the people who say toxic feminity doesn’t exist just never spend time in a high school? 

There was literally a case not that long ago where a bunch of female high school students shot up the house of the girl they routinely bullied, wasn’t there? But yeah, noooo girls are never toxic. Never ever ever. It’s just teh evil mens~.

> There was literally a case not that long ago where a bunch of female high school students shot up the house of the girl they routinely bullied, wasn’t there?

Well plus, if we’re discussing typical behavior characterized popularly amongst women (not being sexist, I’m talking about social science) femininity can become toxic in the sense of victimizing themselves, minipulation, pettiness, jealously, etc. I mean, wasn’t it said in the medivle era that poison was a women’s weapon? It may not be looked as obvious as “toxic masculinity” but it still exists, and telling women they’re perfect and that “femininity” can’t become toxic basically excuses all abuse coming from women. Like Munchhausen by proxy syndrom, something that has (so far, and that I know of) only affected women. Women want to be a caregiver so bad, they will poison he elderly or their own children. It’s toxic, and it isn’t the patriarchy’s fault—it’s your fault for excusing it and letting it slide. Just as other men and women are responsible for letting their friend of family members toxic masculinity pass.


When you discuss about manspreading with a man and it ends up with him mansplaining.

Should have seen that coming…

Manspreading -Sorry thats just how we function. Most of the complains are about literally a normal position.

Mansplaining - How is it mansplaining when a man is way more qualified in how his body feels confortable tha you, because its his body.

It‘s mansplaining when a man is trying to explain to me what manspreading is. It’s a man telling me that feminists try to tell men to close their legs when sitting on their couch at home when actually feminists are just saying that it is incredibly rude of men to think that it‘s okay to intrude another persons privat space e.g. on public transport. The word manspreading isn‘t about men sitting in a normal position. It‘s about men taking up more than one seat. And I‘m sorry if your jeans are so tight that you can‘t keep your legs to yourself then please stand up and don‘t make me feel uncomfortable by resting your leg against mine.


You do realize closing your legs isnt exactly a good idea.

When you sit… your genitals are positioned between your legs, ao those legs must spread to give space. I mean if he ahd tight jeans and string support he couldve gotten em closer but with loose pants its impossible. Spreading your legs is a normal position. And this is when being very cosnidertae. Usually men like spreading more because if they are doing that so their testicles dont stay for a long time hughed closely by their legs which would cause them to overheat which is no bueno as well.

Second - public transport seats are tiny. Maybe its just my colossal self but no way U can fit in one seet even if I curb myself into a ball.

Third: Your comfort isn’t more valuable than a man’s. Negotoate a compromise. You cannot expect aman to not sit or crush his own genitalia for you.

Seats on public transport aren‘t that tiny (where I live) and rides on public transport aren‘t that long. I know men with long legs and bigger than medium sized genitals who can sit with their legs in a position that isn‘t intruding other peoples space comfortably so it is definitely doable. I‘m not saying you should close or even overlap your legs. I‘m saying you shouldn‘t rest your leg against the person next to you and act as if you owned the place even if they sat there first. And if you know that it‘s impossible for you to sit down next to someone then don‘t. If I get on public transport with a big bag and I know I couldn‘t fit into a spot without my bag intruding someone else’s space then I just stay there standing.

Stop womansplaining men’s bodies to them

Stop suggesting your subjective experience matters or is relevant to the lives of most or ANY men.

Leave men alone, let them be comfortable, and start calling out women who put their bags in chairs and shit


Girl fans of the MCU: Oh look a female hero that isnt sexualized. Take that men!

The same Girls: 2000 thirst posts about Chris Evans/Pratt/Hemsworth or Tom Hiddleston/Holland (etc) being cute/shirtless and dehydrated to almost death just to show abs/in extremely tight clothing

The same girls: Here is my smut hurt comfort snuggle sinful babies gay ship fanfiction of this 2 male marvel characters.

Men: Scarjo is hot tho


Any more straw in this strawman and he’s gonna start dancing on the yellow brick road

If you can’t handle the fact that female sexuality can be just as toxic as male sexuality that is your problem

Its not toxic, everyone needs to just stop being hypocritics and let people enjoy what they want.

I agree. But I think it can become toxic when the women (or man) begins to fetishize something. Like you’re a man and watch lesbian porn? Great! Your a woman who likes to watch gay porn? Coolio. But I think it can become harmful when it leaks into the real world, or even in just simple fanfic. Like people reading a gay love story (that isn’t smut rated) and being angry their “gay babies” don’t have a sex scene, and harassing the author. Or fag hags who long for a OMG GBF just to talk about boys and go shopping, snd sterotyping all gay men and expecting them to want a “girl” to hang out with. Plus, like this post said, the double standard.

I think we should stop shaming people for their preferences, or what turns them on when they’re being unharmful about it (like shaming people who aren’t open about their open preference, but judging them) However, I think that if someone is being openly stereotypical or wanting their gay friends to kiss in front of them or whatever for their kink (actually witnessed this with my friend, we no longer talk to her) should be talked about like “hey man, I feel like you’re overly sexualzing me and my people in this way, please don’t do it around me, and tone it down” then it’s okay. Or like lesbian commercials that are obviously JUST to catch men’s attention—that ain’t cool.

Hey. I can agree with that. Im talking specifically just the personal enjoyment. People who start taking their personal enjoyment and putting it on people like stereotypes need to be educated on how thats damaging.

I totally agree. I’m glad we could have a civil conversation, thanks for hearing me out.

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