

@pao-mith / pao-mith.tumblr.com


the second of my emergency commissions, this one for @madamava!

i ended up closing my commissions for now bc i have an upcoming trip that's snuck up on me, but i may open them up again after i get back if ppl are interested!


HELP :')

alright so

i got hit by a very bad repair bill and so i'm opening up some ~emergency commissions~ to try to mitigate some of the damage

i'm offering specifically bust commissions, either unlined or lined, for $30/$40 respectively, at

if you do not want a commission, or want to help out with a smaller amount of money, i am also accepting donations at

th-thank you..................


“My submission for Artstation’s most recent contest, ‘Beneath the Waves’! Feel free to visit my thread to see wip images of the whole process: https://www.artstation.com/contests/beneath-the-waves/challenges/35/submissions/25032 Based on this awesome concept by Mahea Rodrigues (https://www.artstation.com/vollelune): 

In Mahea’s universe, she’s known as ‘The mother’. Here’s a paragraph describing a bit of the character’s lore, from her thread: —— ‘She is the current ruler and mother of the guide. Rulers grow much larger and more destructive than the others, and she has seen the chaos that those before her have caused. Her fear of what she will become and desire to not harm her people and her child has caused her to adapt in a way that she can hide and wither away'” ——


You love and support trans women!


People who are pansexual are:

  • attracted to persons regardless of their gender 
  • and/or attracted to all genders
  • people with a really pretty PRIDE flag

we are not:

  • special bisexual snowflakes
  • calling bi people transphobic 
  • confused

Also bisexuality is an awesome and valid identity and you can pry my bi/pan solidarity from my cold dead hands

People who are bisexual are:

  • Attracted to two or more genders
  • Can be attracted to all genders but prefers to use bisexual as a term/label
  • People with a really cool pride flag

We are NOT:

  • Transphobic
  • Disregarding of nonbinary genders
  • Confused

Shout-out to my pan siblings btw! Y'all are great! Anyone who disagrees can pry bi/pan solidarity from my cold, dead fingers

Woo! Yes!


a list of current immortals

  • florence welch: probably like 200 BCE celtic queen
  • keeanu reeves: 1500 renaissance hoe
  • jeff goldblum: late 1800′s i would guess
  • harry styles: fairly new immortal, 1970′s 
  • lorde: 1920′s flapper era
  • hozier: man who even knows, rough estimate is like, 400 BCE
  • john mulaney: 1930′s/40′s, still bitter about the great depression probably and if he could put it in a bit with out being #exposed he would
  • paul rudd: newest to the immortal club, didn’t age past the 1990′s

I feel like this list is forgetting Sir Patrick Stewart who I believe has not aged since 7000 BCE.. After all his twin brother was the Kennewick man..

as a self-appointed expert on Hozier, i would say that date is possibly accurate.  

many of Hozier’s songs reference being buried in the earth (In a Week, Work Song), and some are directly inspired by bog bodies (Like Real People Do, Run). two of the most famous Irish bog bodies, Old Croghan Man and Clonycavan Man, are dated between 392 and 175 BCE, and both are speculated to have been kings ritually sacrificed to the goddess of the land. in Take Me to Church, Hozier demonstrates a willingness to offer sacrifices to a goddess, and in Foreigner’s God, he thinks fondly upon the image of a pre-Christian Ireland (“when the land was God-less and free”). as well, Old Croghan Man is estimated to have been about 6′6, and Hozier is about 6′5. 

the only possible flaw in this theory is that in a Facebook Q&A (here at 5:28), Hozier says that he is over 3000 years old. 400 BCE only puts him at ~2400. it could be that after so many years he’s lost track of how many thousands, but another possibility is that he is more contemporaneous with an older bog body, the Cashel Man, also presumed to be a sacrificed king. that would put him closer to 4000 than 3000, but again, we could forgive an immortal for getting his millenia wrong.

in any case, it seems likely to me that Hozier is an ancient Irish king who was ritually sacrificed to the old gods, but somehow returned (possibly through intervention by said old gods) to give us music subtly hinting at his experiences.

this hozier addition is frighteningly detailed and I’m here for it


All facts though 🤷🏾‍♂️

Because [cishet]men don’t have or really understand indepth friendship. They depend on ALL of their emotional support from their parents (read: mothers) or their spouses (read: wives). So when they are expected to care about the well being and feelings of a woman they aren’t fucking they think the world is ending.

I GUARANTEE somebody got their feelings hurt after reading this LMAO


For those who didn’t understand

10/10 post

“Women aren’t vending machines you put compliments into until sex comes out.”


tbh this is proof that social media has completely ruined my sense of humor like i could go see a stand up comedian live and not laugh as hard as i did from reading this one fucking tweet

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