


Kpop and Anime Enthusiast • 19

Scammer pretending to be in Palestine v2

Currently there is a scammer posing as either a person in Palestine, having a family in Palestine, or is an orphan/an orphan with kids in Palestine. I have another post where I’ve been documenting this scammer but I’m redoing it here since recent updates are hard to be seen. Every account that will be listed here are scammers. Please make sure that if you see this as a reblogged post, please check the original to see if it’s been updated since. This scammer will send you hate asks if you call them out and they have been doing this since the start of February. Here is my original post.

The most common thing is that their blog is usually only a week old at best and commonly is taking their posts from a real fundraiser. Please do not give money to this scammer. Please note that they send asks to anyone who interacts with trending posts or tags and will promise to you that they’re legitimate but will refuse to answer any questions to prove they’re legit. If they do happen to send you a DM, please see if they’ll give you a direct link to their PayPal-me which would make it easy to figure out which country they’re actually located in.

As of 2/25/2024, these are the currently active accounts:

Please keep in mind all their info is generally stolen off a real Palestine fundraiser and a quick Google search of the text should lead you to the general location of it. Also please alert anyone who’s shared any of their posts and inform them of the scam by linking them to my posts.

Below is a growing list of fake names used across the accounts:

Nour Samar | maryline lucy | Fred Odhiambo | Jeff Owino | Valentine Nakuti | Conslata Obwanga | JACINTA SITATI | David Okoth | Martín Mutugi | Daudi Likuyani | William Ngonyo | Fred Agy | George Ochieng | sila keli | BONFACE ODHIAMBO


THEOPHAGY a challengers fanfic.

chapter one

table of contents • one • two • three •,…

in which the relentless pursuit of victory entangles rivals and friends alike in a complex web of obsession, love and self discovery.

an: who knew i could make tennis this dramatic. anyway, rebloggs are very much appreciated <3 please let me know what you think and feel free to send asks about theophagy, eve, challengers, whatever you want 🤍 enjoy.

ps: i’m thinking about creating a tag list for theophagy, so let me know if you’d be interested in that.


Tashi Duncan was a name that echoed through the world of tennis with a reverence that bordered on awe. A prodigy from a young age, she had an almost supernatural grace on the court, a fluidity of movement that left spectators spellbound and opponents in despair. Winning had become a second nature to her; it was not just an expectation but a foregone conclusion. Tashi's journey through the ranks was meteoric, and by the age of just fifteen, she had secured her place as a future legend of the sport.

Her confidence was as unshakable as her skill. She approached each match with a calm certainty, her powerful serves and precise volleys dismantling any challenge that came her way. Tashi Duncan was, simply put, the best.

But then came Eve Anh.

Eve was a name Tashi had not encountered before, a new entrant into the upper echelons of tennis who had taken the circuit by storm. There were whispers about her in the locker rooms, murmurs of an almost feral intensity, a predatory focus that left her opponents rattled. Tashi paid little attention to the rumours; she had faced countless challengers and emerged victorious every time. Eve, she thought, would be no different.

The day of their match arrived with an electric tension in the air. The stadium was packed, the audience eager to witness the clash of titans. Tashi stepped onto the court with her usual confidence, her eyes scanning the crowd before settling on her opponent. Eve stood at the other end, her expression inscrutable, her eyes locked onto Tashi with a piercing intensity that sent a shiver down her spine.

The match began and Tashi quickly realised that Eve was no ordinary opponent. She moved with a ferocity and precision that was terrifying, each stroke of her racket a slash of claws, each serve a piercing bite. Tashi struggled to keep up, her usual grace and power faltering under the relentless onslaught. It was as if Eve was not just playing to win, but to consume.

Point by point, Eve tore through Tashi’s defences, ripping apart her composure and confidence. Tashi felt as though she was being dismembered, piece by piece, her pride and skill devoured with every brutal volley. Each time she looked at Eve, she saw a hunger that went beyond the desire to win; it was a ravenous, insatiable need to dominate, to consume everything Tashi had ever been.

Eve's gaze was like a shark's, cold and unfeeling, and Tashi felt herself being drawn into those depths, drowning in her own fear and helplessness. She was no longer the lioness; she was the prey, caught in the jaws of a predator far more formidable than any she had faced before. Eve's dominance was total, her victory a feast, and Tashi felt every bite, every tear as her spirit was shredded.

When the final point was scored and the match ended, Tashi stood on the court, feeling eviscerated. Eve approached, her expression unreadable, but the gleam in her eyes spoke of a hunger momentarily sated. Tashi extended a trembling hand, feeling the cold grip of her conqueror, and in that moment, she knew she had been devoured.

Eve had not just defeated her; she had consumed her, leaving Tashi a hollow shell of the champion she once was. The court was her hunting ground, and Tashi had been her feast. As she walked away, Tashi could still feel the gnawing teeth, the relentless hunger of Eve, and she knew she would never be the same. She had been devoured, body and soul, by a predator unlike any she had ever faced.

Eve was a figure of mystery and intensity, her presence on the tennis court nothing short of mesmerising. Her journey in tennis had been one of relentless pursuit, a hunger that drove her to devour her competition with a ferocity that was both awe-inspiring and terrifying. For Eve, tennis was not just a sport; it was a lifeline, an essential part of her existence as crucial as the air she breathed.

From a young age, Eve had discovered that she possessed a talent for the game, a natural ability that set her apart from her peers. But it was not just her skill that defined her; it was the insatiable hunger that burned within her, a need to dominate and conquer that transcended mere competition. Tennis was her battleground, and every match was a hunt, every opponent a potential feast for her unrelenting appetite.

Eve's rise through the ranks of tennis was marked by a series of brutal, decisive victories. She had a keen eye for talent, seeking out the best players with a predatory instinct. She latched onto them, drawn to their strength and skill like a moth to a flame. These players became her prey, their prowess on the court the sustenance she craved. She thrived on the challenge they presented, their resistance fueling her drive to overpower them.

But this hunger came at a cost. Eve was acutely aware of the the merciless nature of her pursuit. She knew that her approach to the game was not just about winning; it was about consuming her opponents, drawing from their strength until there was nothing left. She fed on their fear, their desperation, their struggle to keep up with her relentless assault. And when they began to falter, when their strength waned and they could no longer provide the challenge she needed, she would leave them behind, moving on to her next target.

This cycle of predation left a trail of broken players in her wake, each one a testament to her ruthless efficiency. Eve felt a pang of guilt every time she moved on, a fleeting acknowledgment of the destruction she left behind. She knew it was terrible, this parasitic drive that defined her. But the hunger was too strong, too deeply embedded in her soul. It was who she was, and she couldn't change that, no matter how much she might want to.

Off the court, Eve was a solitary figure, her intense focus on the game leaving little room for personal connections. She kept to herself, her interactions with others marked by a certain detachment. It was as if she feared that letting anyone get too close would expose the voracious hunger that drove her, the dark need that she barely contained.

Despite her inner turmoil, there was a part of Eve that reveled in her power, in the fear and respect she commanded. She saw herself as a necessary force in the world of tennis, a crucible through which the strongest players must pass. Yet, there was also a part of her that longed for something more, a connection that went beyond the superficial ties of competition.

Her encounter with Tashi Duncan had been different. Tashi had been a formidable opponent, her strength and skill a tantalising challenge that Eve had relished. The match had been a feast, every point a morsel of satisfaction for her ravenous appetite. But in Tashi, Eve had also seen a reflection of her own struggles, a kindred spirit battling her own demons. The connection they shared on the court was electric, a blend of rivalry and respect that left a lasting impression on Eve.

After that fateful match, Tashi Duncan's world was irrevocably altered. The court, once her kingdom, now felt like a graveyard of her shattered pride. The days that followed were a haze of restless nights and distracted days. Tashi couldn't escape the haunting presence of Eve; she was everywhere and nowhere, a spectre that invaded her every thought.

Tashi's obsession with Eve grew, an insidious vine wrapping around her mind, squeezing tighter with each passing day. She replayed their match in her head endlessly, dissecting every movement, every stroke, every glance. She scrutinised Eve’s form, trying to uncover some secret, some flaw she had missed. But each analysis only deepened her sense of awe and dread. Eve was flawless, a predator who had revealed Tashi’s own vulnerabilities in the most visceral way possible.

She began by studying Eve's matches with an intensity bordering on obsession, dissecting every move, every habit, searching for some clue, some insight into the mind of her conqueror. And it didn't take long for Tashi to uncover the quirks and rituals that defined Eve's presence on the court.

The soft hum that Eve emitted between points became a haunting melody in Tashi's mind, a constant refrain that echoed through her thoughts even when she wasn't watching. She found herself humming along, trying to decipher the meaning behind the ever-changing tunes, wondering what secrets they held.

Eve's unique way of bouncing the tennis ball before serving became a mesmerising spectacle for Tashi, a hypnotic dance that seemed to defy the laws of physics. She watched in awe as Eve spun and twirled the ball with effortless grace, each variation a testament to her skill and creativity. Tashi found herself mimicking the motions in her own practice sessions, hoping to capture even a fraction of Eve's magic.

And then there were the water bottles, meticulously arranged in a precise pattern on the sidelines. Tashi watched as Eve lined them up with obsessive precision, marvelling at the dedication and focus it must take to perform such a seemingly mundane task. She wondered about the significance of the ritual, the hidden meaning behind the carefully arranged bottles.

Her own training took on a frantic, almost manic quality. She pushed herself harder than ever before, driven by a desperate need to reclaim what had been taken from her. She studied Eve’s techniques, mimicked her strategies, and adapted her own style in a bid to become stronger, faster, better. Yet, no matter how hard she trained, the image of Eve standing over her, victorious and unassailable, remained seared into her mind.

In Eve, Tashi saw more than just a formidable opponent; she saw a divine force, a manifestation of power and grace beyond mortal comprehension. Eve's dominance on the court was not just skill; it was a revelation, a glimpse into a higher plane of existence where victory and defeat were mere illusions.

Tashi's fixation consumed her personal life as well. She withdrew from friends and family, her world narrowing to a singular focus: Eve. Conversations were tinged with an undercurrent of Eve’s name, her presence a ghostly thread woven into the fabric of Tashi’s existence. Her relationships strained and faltered, unable to compete with the all-encompassing spectre of her infatuation.


Yours Truly, Bradley Bradshaw masterlist (Rooster x Reader)

After Bradley breaks things off with his girlfriend just days before the start of a deployment, he expects a few lonely months of nobody writing to him or waiting for his return. But the fateful arrival of a package from a class of fourth graders learning about aviation changes everything. Suddenly he has a group of inquisitive pen pals that he's more than happy to converse with, and their pretty teacher is someone he finds he wants to get to know better, too.


I think the hot new trends for this summer should be reading comprehension and critical thinking skills


Drake's lyrics:


And Drake has done what exactly? Too busy making slave references in trash songs.


Pairing: Bradley Bradshaw x f!reader

Summary: Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw is the perfect roommate. He tidies up after himself, he picks up your favourite snacks when he does the grocery shopping, and he’s just a little bit gorgeous…falling for him was inevitable.

Themes: The love’s requited (but they’re just idiots), friends to lovers, domestic fluff, pining.

Updated: 3/10/23

You’re always welcome to request blurbs set in this universe, share your headcanons, and ask questions! For example, if I reblog a prompt list you can specifically request that the blurb be set in this universe, or you can make up your own requests and scenarios set in this universe!

The series is non-chronological and blurbs are listed here in the order they were posted in. You can request blurbs set at any point in the story you like!

Search #and they were roommates vibes on my blog for inspiration!




i am absolutely unqualified to weigh in on this so feel free to correct me, but some of you are using the wrong honorifics in your benedict/colin fics (ie from what i've observed as canon while watching the show) and it drives me a little Insane. so

  1. lord/lady: an earl/countess, a viscount/viscountess, a baron/baroness. the heads of a family, like lord bridgerton (anthony) and the new lady bridgerton (kate), as opposed to the dowager (violet).
  2. mister/miss: any other family member. that means eg colin's (mister bridgerton's) wife, pen, will not be called lady bridgerton, she will be mrs bridgerton. and how eloise, francesca, hyacinth are all miss bridgerton & benedict, colin, gregory all mister.

i've seen a handful of fics where a sibling's wife is referred to as lady bridgerton and it lowkey makes my eye twitch. all love guys xx


Being a girl is: wanting to go to bed early but deciding to just get on tumblr/wattpad/Ao3 for a little bit and then end up finding a fic series that you really like and read until well past your usual bedtime then keeping on because it’s already past your bedtime. Then being mad when you wake up in the morning because you overslept your timer.


It Had To Be You ✨Masterpost✨

Pairing: Benedict Bridgerton x fem!reader, Modern AU

Rating: Teen & Up except Ch 7 & Epilogue - can be skipped

Summary: Modern AU romcom. A love story heavily inspired by When Harry Met Sally.

Status: COMPLETE (32k words)

Amazing collage above by @colettebronte including an edit by @bridgertontess 🧡

Chapter 1: A brand-new start title from Country House - Blur [ Spotify ]

Chapter 2: Pour myself a cup of ambition title from 9 to 5 - Dolly Parton [ Spotify ]

Chapter 4: You've Got A Friend title from You've Got A Friend In Me - Randy Newman [ Spotify ]

Chapter 5: This was never the way I planned title from I Kissed a Girl - Katy Perry [ Spotify ]

Chapter 6: Just Somebody That I Used to Know title from Somebody That I Used To Know - Goyte [ Spotify ]

Chapter 7: A thousand flowers could bloom (18+) title from Glory Box - Portishead [ Spotify]

Chapter 8: I've changed my mind, I take it back title from Erase/Rewind - The Cardigans [ Spotify ]

Chapter 9: Nobody else gave me a thrill title from It Had To Be You - Harry Connick Jr [ Spotify ]

Epilogue: Wonderful You (18+) title also from It Had To Be You - Harry Connick Jr [ Spotify ]

Fic playlist With links to songs referenced above


Bridgerton shade of blue

Benedict Bridgerton x Female Reader

Benedict bumps into you, quite literally, at a ball while trying to escape his mother's attempts to find him a partner. You decide to humour him with a dance, not realising just how entwined you would become with him. It seems the universe will find every excuse to push you and Benedict together, no matter how much you fight it.


Season One

Chapter One - Mr Bridgerton

Chapter Two - Empty drawing rooms

Chapter Three - Becoming acquainted

Chapter Four - Roots for friendship

Chapter Five - Diamonds

Chapter Six - Splendid

Chapter Seven - The prince

Chapter Eight - Sparkling diamond

Chapter Nine - Late night scandals

Chapter Ten - Duel at dawn

Chapter Eleven - Ruse to ruse

Chapter Thirteen - Passionate

Chapter Fourteen - Scandals in abundance

Chapter Fifteen - Rhythm of our hearts

Chapter Sixteen - Entanglement

Chapter Seventeen - End of the season


Season Two

The tag list is full! I'm sorry! I've reached the capacity!


they used the attention the world gave the superbowl to conduct a massacre. they used the attention the world gave the grammy’s to conduct a massacre. they are now going to use the attention the world will give to the met gala to begin the rafah invasion.

eyes on rafah.


‼️🇵🇸 An activist, who destroyed multiple engine parts of the jets Israel uses, has been released!

🔸 Source: pal_action

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