
Rhi Exists


It's true, I do

Beatrice and Benedict are same-sex leaning disaster bisexuals who are both extremely surprised when they end up falling for someone of the opposite sex.

hot take: beatrice saying “he hath EVERY month a new sworn brother” about benedick is her teasing him for just having an endless string of boyfriends

Yes. Good. Excellent. Just as Shakespeare intended.


I would also like to add that ‘And a good soldier to a lady. But what is he to a Lord?’ is Beatrice asking for confirmation that Benedick is a bottom

David Tennant and Catherine Tate best encapsulate the bi disaster vibes each of them give

Look at these dorks


A spread with questions I often ask myself when I’ve gone too far out. Great for those nights where you question existence. You don’t have to do each card in order, do it as you please!


Let’s be clear– if you don’t think trans women are women, trans men are men, people other than cis women can’t be witches, etc– my blog is not the blog for you. 


1. What the fuck kinda answer is that?

2. How the hell did she stay so calm??

And this shitbag is running for president rn

He looks like he died and was left in the desert to rot, covered over with dirt for a week, then dug up, reanimated and made a political candidate.

If you look at her eyes closely you can see all the ways she’s imagining killing him


hey everyone this scumbag is jair bolsonaro and hes currently leading the race for presidency in brazil.

he is incredibly racist, homophobic and sexist, having multiple tines stated disgusting things like the ones said above

he also is a supporter of the military dictatorship that we were under for a few decades

there is a real chance he might win the elections in a month and i am dreading the future bc of this result

@my fellow brazilians in this website #EleNão

por favor, ele não

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