
📿Marque of Light📿

@gilded-divinity / gilded-divinity.tumblr.com

This blog is dedicated to the IC writings, thoughts, experiences, and memories of Seraphelle Morningheart. Warning: Explicit Content may appear! 18+ blog. OOC aesthetics may appear every so often.


Tol Barad had a room for her; a real bed, strange and foreign to the touch. A dresser, a mirror, a stand to hang her armor upon. She undressed in sluggish, bone-tired movements, peeling her fatigues away to expose the tanned flesh beneath. Her adrenaline was fading fast, replaced by the sensations that ever reminded her of her own mortality: exhaustion, hunger, thirst.

Though the Priestess had urged away her bruising, what remained was a yawning, frost-bitten scar, splayed open like a maw above her hip. The breath of the Wyrm had pierced through her armor with its cold, marking her permanently. In front of the mirror now, she turns and adjusts to survey herself. Either side of her torso, along the rippling musculature of her core, ribs, now bore these reminders of her second tour in Northrend. One black, one pink and raw.

Yet it was her heart, not her body, which ached the most.

Much like a machine, left dormant for too long and sputtering to warm its gears, it awoke slowly. Prone to errors, to jams, malfunctions. She could feel it now — that tang of metal, the heat in her bones. So much like anger, like hatred, was her love. She supposed that they came from the same place, boiled over with the same intensity.

This was her curse; to yearn for what was just outside of her reach. Perhaps she could struggle enough to grasp it, but in her wake would follow destruction, pain, brought on by the hottest blue-white flames. The wick would burn out quickly. The wax would melt to liquid. It couldn’t last. This, she knew by now.

Sif knew, too, that this was simply the balance of the world. Vicious, uncaring in its perfect harmony. She could not have both — could not love and hate so fluently. Could not be made of both stone and soft earth. Long ago this choice had been made, and in weaponizing herself, she’d disconnected from the lesser end of the mortal coil. Existing now between two planes.

So why was she still weak?

This was the eternal question. It haunted her, and she pondered it while prowling into bed, her bare skin sinking heavy into the sheets. The comfort was jarring. Nearly too much to bear. The pillow felt wrong against her cheek, the blanket too warm, the mattress too soft as it gave way beneath her.

Why was she still weak?

Her eyes shut against the question. She could rest only while stroking her fingers down fabric, imagining that multicolored hair rested somewhere beneath.



It was a dark walk, a somber walk north. A dreamland where every tree, path, landmark was recognized in vivid detail, yet it all felt removed somehow; lived in another life prior to this one. Her bootfalls heavy, she walked with her head down. Taking in as little of this place as she could. That said, the old commander could have navigated these roads blind.

Her destination arrived shortly. A small residence by the water, a timepiece really, elven architecture untouched by the last wars. It twisted up from the ground and jut against the sky garishly, with its rounded angles and smooth stone. Somehow she had come to prefer the straight edges, the predictability of human cities. Utilitarian shapes. Purposeful design. 

A ragged sigh tore from her chest. She stood a few paces away from the entrance, imagining the sleeping bodies within. Sif didn’t like to visit her brother  — but not for the same reasons as the rest of her kin. On every occasion it felt as though she pierced his bubble, shattering this delicate façade of peace. Reminding them all that a real world existed beyond, with pain and endless suffering, evils beyond the fathomable imagination; and she, its martyr.

Though she had made it this far. Closing in on the door, her knuckles rapped against the wood cautiously, once, then with more feeling. Without waiting for it to open, she turns and settles upon the first step, her back to the home.

It took a long moment. She expected as much, silently praying that it would be his stride and not that of his wife. Commotion sounded from the upper level: feet tripping over themselves, a curse, the rattle of expensive finery.

Indeed, that was surely Sethan Dawnbane.

A breath later the door creaked open. Just an inch, so eyes could view the shape of the form outside, bringing it into focus from the darkness. Nonetheless, Seth already knew who would be out here at this hour.

He did not speak at first. A hand rose, lighting one of the arcane lanterns that flanked the archway. All Milly’s handiwork. His wife had outfitted the home with such magical quirks, wards and the like, more to keep the children in than keep visitors out. A friendly folk, despite their chosen life as outsiders.

He sighs, fingertips pinching at the bridge of his nose. Preparing for this conversation. Slowly, Seth closes in to sit beside his sister, gazing at the leather hood that shrouded her face. This was new, but not entirely unexpected, given her role in the Fourth War. He’d heard enough from town, seen the posters.

“…Sif.” He continues to stare, eyes narrowed, golden hued and sparkling in the dark. A hand settles tentatively upon the ground between them. “Are you…”

He pauses. Her hand was pressed at her side, bloodied between the fingers. Hiding a wound. Ears twitch, and his gaze inspects her more thoroughly, as if for the first time. The colors she wore, the manner of her armor — all foreign to him. Though he knew better than to ask about it now. 

Instead, he moves in — not reaching for the wound yet. Just for her. The embrace was not confident. He did not force it, but merely offered his arms, which Sif found herself leaning into before she could process the strangeness of it all.

“I am fine.” Her voice hoarse, weak, unusual. When was the last time she’d allowed for this? Felt love from her own blood? Showed it herself?

Suddenly it was centuries ago. She as a girl, in their sprawling courtyard tended to with religious care. The lot of boys were training, and she, along with her sisters, stood back and waited their turn to prove merit. This was a fickle rule — she often insisted on fighting with the men, until she ended up in the dirt.

It was Seth — the youngest, and a prodigy in his own right — sparring Silas, the oldest and no doubt most prideful Dawnbane. The matchup had been protested against by their father, though it was their mother who now urged them on, and watched with eyes narrowed into thin, thin slits.

Sif could only spectate, her fingers twitching at her back, every sense prickled on high alert. She could remember this feeling as if it were happening now — the savage protectiveness she felt. Not for her sisters, for Silas, the others. Only for her little brother. The boy she had taught to hold a sword.

Seth was quicker, but his stamina wore thin, and he was nowhere near as strong. His parries weakened, slowed, and Sif watched with a sinking feeling as he was gradually pushed back against the wall. She leaned in on her toes, aching, waiting, as her sisters whispered from behind.

Why would he challenge Silas?

Mother would show him.

It came quickly. Silas broke through his guard, slashing forward in a wide arch. The tip of the blade caught Seth in the face, cutting a gash from his cheek to nose. Wide-eyed in horror, Sif glances up to their mother, expecting the fight to be ended there. Blood was not supposed to be drawn. Yet no movement was made, no words spoken. She watched with no falter in her expression.

Sif’s breath caught. She watched Silas rear back, preparing for another strike. When the younger cowered in fear, she was propelled forward by some will far beyond her own. Breaking between the pair, she caught the sword in an open palm; it cut deep, spattering her blood across the grass before them. 

“SIPHIAH-!” The oldest roared in anger, his long hair flowing behind him, eyes wild as he shoved in nose to nose. “You would dare —?”

His words were interrupted by the back of her hand swinging hard against his face. A sheen of gold covered her, empowering the strike, seething in a manner that was very much alive. Here was her one advantage; she could not best Silas physically, though none of her siblings harbored such an innate connection to the Light.

Sent reeling backwards, he cursed her name, looking up to their mother in a fury. Rather than look his way, she stared down at her daughter with a deep-seeded frown. That look of disapproval settled heavy into Sif’s heart. She could see it now — the crease between her brows, the coldness in her eyes. It was far worse than her anger, and bit with a more venomous edge. 

Sif turned then, to where Sethan was crouched, holding a hand over the wound on his cheek and staring in shock. She knelt and hugged him, fiercely so, shielding him from all that stood at her back. From Silas, their mother; from the city beyond these walls; from their country, from the world.

In the present, she reached up to thumb over that scar she could still feel on his face, etched in place since that very moment. Her breaths drew in unsteadily. The corners of her eyes stung for the first time in a year. She muttered once more, in a tone that indicated just the opposite was true,

“…I am fine.”


The Growing Darkness

Aug 12th, 40 L.C.

The forests of Heartsgrove grow darker and more dangerous as each day passes.  While I was having a joyous time at the tournament, one of my Ranger patrols went missing.  That’s FOUR Rangers… gone without a trace!  I promised myself, and those in my charge, I’d never be one of *those* lords.  Indulging oneself while their people suffer…

I don’t understand it.  Heartsgrove has been stagnant for the past sixty years since the Sarceline Incident, the Rangers keeping the beasts of the forest at bay without issue.  Something about that flute, the one the “bandits” removed from the Heartsgrove tree, a relic of the green dragonflight.  It’s removal did something, like it was a linchpin of sorts.

The darkness grows, the beasts grow bolder, and sightings have come in of otherworldly monsters never seen before.  Were they hiding in the deep forest we usually don’t tread?  I have to resolve this soon.  I blame no one but myself.  I grew complacent in the land’s stagnant state.  Always kicking the can down the road while I tended to other matters.  But now the clock is ticking, loudly.  I just hope it’s not too late…


Reflections of a ‘Heart

What was her life now, who was she, what choices did she make to bring herself to such a strange place in life today? Thoughts similar to the previous continuously mulled through the Inquisitor’s mind. Clearly baffled, confused, and sometimes excited over the change in scenery her life has given her. Once a daughter of Quel’thalas turned to a woman of the fallen Lordaeron. Now she stood a tourist of Stormwind with a ‘home’ called Tol Barad. For a woman of her status with the tastes of nothing less than riches and wealth, she found herself humbled by the lifestyle of a Human who works daily. She has found herself influenced by the citizens of Stormwind. Yet still, her heart changed none. She would still be privy to her past ways of Thalassian blood despite it all; even if her mind was convinced to modernize itself to the social norms and etiquette of humanity. 

Then there was Sif. A fellow elf who she still could barely figure out. Could the Elven Bulwark even be considered a puzzle? It felt cheesy for someone so... unusually, beautifully, complicated. What were they if not friends or enemies? Frenemies, perhaps? Out to get one another with the silent agreement that no harm would come to either of them should they be capable of defending one another, unless that harm was each other? Unless the teeth torn into their necks, blade ripping their skin, or even verbal garrotes were from the lips of one another? A riddle, truly. 

From Brooke Saint Clare to Seraphelle Morningheart. No longer did she have to live under the guise of who she was not to now being who she truly is. During her social experiment through the Humans of Azeroth, she has made friends rather quickly. Obnoxiously so. It was something she told herself to beware of. To refuse each time- yet here she was. A woman of an Order led by a man with steel intent on the betterment to ensure those plagued would find themselves purged. If not purged, then perhaps... Set free from the dwelling lifestyle of purgatory. Such anger. Madness. Within the Order she has pledged herself to, the woman has also met a woman of fiery red hair. Who shared the lifestyle of hiding for some time. A woman she considered one of her only friends outside of a fair few others.

Then there was of course, the over-sized Kul’tiran who had no business being as big or strong as he was. An afflicted Human touched by the sorrows of Azeroth. Losing a wife, a family. A man who was hidden to all yet seemingly had the depth of the abyss. Ah... Then the Huntress and her pup. The original Torch Bearer of all. They took a shared oath side by side on a dreary evening. With the fiery redhead came a Human. A warrior who surprisingly enjoyed pissing wherever he could... New faces have arrived since. She has found herself enthused on the idea of interacting with everyone. No longer hidden by the shell of disgust to open emotion, she has softened. A woman still forged by blood and war, though her heart has been calmed by a one-eyed fool who often reminded her that everything would be alright. Such a thing was easy to believe when the one you love most speaks so... truthfully. 

There she sat. The ombre-haired elf, hidden within the corner-couch tucked away in her home away from home. Legs tossed over one arm of the chair as the other kept her back still; a hand raised away from the steaming cup of chocolate coffee within the palm of slender digits. The fair hand raised high found its way towards the high-pitched windows that filtered sunlight, perfectly so. Digits parted, eyes touched by sunlight watched as starry-skin was kissed by a glow of gold now. An essence of her own light sparked from those very fingers. A spiral of gold weaved between gold talons. 

So this was it. The start of something new. A world unknown to a woman who hated the unknown- yet still, this would be a journey she would take head-on with nothing less than a smile on her face.  



She had secured for herself a place in Elwynn, safer than the city, with more room to stretch her legs. The dwelling certainly wasn’t much — hardly more than four walls, a bedroll, a place to wash. And yet she couldn’t remember feeling more comfortable anywhere else. 

Not within the Kingdoms, at least.

It was a dark trip, boots shed by the door, while her first order of business was to go about lighting the candles strewn around the front room. The hearth was ignited with a snap of fingers. Each piece of plate was meticulously unstrapped, removed to rest upon a stand, leaving her in the cloth fatigues beneath.

Weary muscle flickered and set tense in her shoulders; Sif was certainly no stranger to bearing the weight of plate, though the accompanying aches and pains were unavoidable. Slowly, she made her way into the washroom, peeling off the tunic that slicked tight to her upper body with sweat.

It was the mirror above the sink which drew her attention then, and with a start, Siphiah struggled to recognize the visage staring back at her. The mask, the helm, the obscurity had become more comfortable — now this was the stranger, the guise, the unknowable creature which lurked beyond steel. She tilted her head this way and that, inspecting the angles of her face, the hard jaw, the sickly scar that spiderwebbed down the side of her neck from Darkshore.

A new mark, too, was visible. Stretching her arm straight, she surveyed the closed gash that crept over her bicep, healed by a flash of light. Brooke’s light. Recalling that moment, a hot warmth settled in her core, a warmth she hadn’t felt in ages. There was something she’d wanted to say before the medic turned away. Sif had never been good at handling such feelings. Love, affection, it presented in her with an animal fervor, a desire to protect with tooth and nail; and yet, little real emotional tact. 

No matter, for a decision had already been made on that front. Earthly pleasures had been shed, girlish wonders made irrelevant. She was a machine of flesh — not a lover, no. Her heart lay dormant. She could no longer pretend to be a domestic thing, a wolf in sheep’s clothing, pacing around in her cage. 

And what would they think, anyway, this group she had come to trust? She could see herself where they couldn’t. In Teldrassil, beneath miles of billowing smoke; in Lordaeron, on a field littered with human corpses and deadly plague; in Darkshore, where the very sight of her prompted choruses of terrified screams.

No guilt was felt over the matter. Rather, a determination to ensure that she remained in this state of neutrality, never bound to wishes and wills of any state but her own. Water was drawn from the sink, rubbed between her hands to soothe the callouses and blisters that ensued from regular wielding. She leaned down to wash her face, reacquainting herself with foreign features, the fragile nature of her own skin. 

How she wished, sometimes, that she could be made of steel.


Nature Finds a Way


  • Name: Thomas Edmond Reignsford
  • Age:  37
  • Race: Human
  • Gender: Male
  • Sexuality: Straight
  • Marital Status: Widowed


  • Hair: Medium Brown, Short and faded to the neckline, parted in the middle with a few strays dangling down.
  • Eyes: Steel blue with a tinge of green around the outside of the iris
  • Height: 5′9″
  • Build: Athletic, Lean muscle


  • Profession: Baron, Father, Ranger, Houndmaster, Knight
  • Hobbies: Hunting, Fishing, Woodworking
  • Residence: Oakvale, Mirwood County, Duchy of Westridge
  • Birthplace: Stormwind Evacuation ship, The Great Sea
  • Fears: Failure, Disappointing those close to him.


* Bold your character’s answer.

  • Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
  • Disorganized / In Between / Organized
  • Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
  • Calm / In Between / Anxious
  • Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
  • Cautious / In Between / Reckless
  • Patient / In Between /  Impatient
  • Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
  • Leader / In Between / Follower
  • Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
  • Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
  • Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
  • Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
  • Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
  • Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful


  • Military: Thomas has served within the First Regiment for nearly a decade, in conflicts spanning the world over.  It’s very possible we campaigned together somewhere.
  • Informality: An avid hunter and fisherman, it’s not uncommon to find him on a pond’s or river’s edge casting a line, or maybe hauling a dressed deer carcass out of the woods.  Those of holy pursuits might recognize him from his routine weekly prayers at the Cathedral.  He would sometimes be accompanied by his son and his sister.
  • Nobility: The Nobles of Stormwind would recognize Thomas from his time actively serving within the House of Nobles, specifically the Ministry of Interior as the Master of Forests


Thomas’ story is pretty open-ended but most of his major plot arcs are coming to completion. I would love to develop some new ones with friends old and new.

The writer is 18+ and would prefer to write with those similar due to the possibility of dark themes coming to life. Thomas despises undead of any kind (Scourge, Forsaken, Death Knights, etc) as they are outside the natural Life/Death cycle.  Though he dislikes Horde as a entity, he judges individuals on their actions and has had some… cordial interactions with Horde members at neutral events (e.g. ToA and Conquest).


Contact me right here @thereignsfordreport or find me on Moon Guard Alliance on Reignsford

I took this format from  @gilded-divinity, who borrowed it from @anecdotes-of-a-keeper​ & @thaneirstaer​ :P


“It’s all about making a memorable entrance!” I’ve spent both way too long making this and debating about posting it or not but here it is! It’s alot of fun making these even if they are somewhat messy to make :D

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