
@askjosephmundy-blog / askjosephmundy-blog.tumblr.com

H.G. Wells once wrote, "If we don't end wars, wars will end us."

This is a scene from lethal weapon that kind of sums up my feelings about not ever being aloud to have something for myself that feminists have to ruin because they are fucking selfish bitches who only think about themselves. I feel robbed of my individuality by these fuckers I feel like i can't have anything nice because feminist try to intrude upon my fucking life. To be, or not to be, that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take Arms against a Sea of troubles, And by opposing end them: to die, to sleep No more; and by a sleep, to say we end the heart-ache, and the thousand natural shocks that Flesh is heir to? 'Tis a consummation devoutly to be wished. To die, to sleep, To sleep, perchance to Dream; aye, there's the rub, for in that sleep of death, what dreams may come, when we have shuffled off this mortal coil, must give me pause. There's the respect that makes Calamity of so long life: For who would bear the Whips and Scorns of time, the Oppressor's wrongdoings to this poor soul.


Another for you feminists fucks who try to ruin my hobby video by chris ray gun


For you lovely feminist cunts who frequent my tumblr *sarcastic cough*


I'm just gonna say it now.

If you are a feminist and you are following me just so you can fucking pester me. Get the fuck off my follower list I don’t need my follower feed gummed up with cancer. Thanks much appreciated. What do you say Jesus about all these shitheads hmm?.

Anonymous asked:

Okay if you're not a lesbian gamer you can shut the fuck up

But I have a lot Friends who are lesbian gamers and they agree with me what’s that say about you bitch?you poser gamer girl cunt? Hmm?

If you think the video game community sexualizes women that much wait till you get a load of the furry community. You will all collectively loose your fucking minds.


I cut myself again so maybe now people will actually care enough to help me

Good cut yourself you nasty cunt.

Wanna know why I hate people like you? You stupid as fuck feminists try to ruin my fucking hobby and bring your shitty political bullshit into it calling all gamers sexists, rapists, abusers, and a whole slew of nasty names. We already have a fucking stigma and we’d all appreciate you not adding to it. You fucking bitches are ruining my life by injecting your political narrative into everything I enjoy. It honestly would be better if you fucking killed yourself because if you hadn’t noticed the Internet is sick of you dumb broads mettling into every fucking aspect of our lives. People like you contribute to the male suicide rate, and if you guys had sons you’d probably abuse the fuck out of them or worse fucking kill them. The people who actually have fucking brains like me are fed up with your bullshit of you fuckers indoctrinating people. You don’t own video games. You don’t decide what content creators like video game developers do with women characters in their video games. Quit bullying the video game industry. And lastly stay the fuck away from our entertainment and keep your fucking bullshit political narrative out of our fucking lives ya fucking cunts. And as a parting gift.


I cut myself again so maybe now people will actually care enough to help me

Good cut yourself you nasty cunt.


someone with art skills, please draw d.va wearing a shirt that says “not your waifu” in honor of her symbol becoming a feminist icon at the women’s march in Korea.

We’re taking her back from the fuckboys

No you are not because d.va is a heterosexual woman. Designed by heterosexual men who don’t give a flying fuck about your fee fees. Ya dumb cunt. It’s only sexist when a man ogles a woman but when a woman oggles at an sexualized man you turn a blind eye.

Plus you stupid fuck I know of a few lesbian gamers who like women to be sexualized in fucking video games or you just going ignore them too are you going to tell them to fuck off? These women actually would be really upset if you did something like you’re describing.

Also male gamers aren’t the only ones that use the term waifu. You stupid fuck.

Oh but why do I know I’m just a man who knows lesbian women who’d like looking at other sexy women. Oh but I guess I’m fucking Sexist.

Because unlike you I actually go out and get other peoples opinion first before I just assume everybody thinks the way I do. You don’t stand for women and usage don’t sure as hell don’t stand for the women I know. Because they hate misandrist pieces of trash like you. My lesbian friends love me because I’m a funny dude and I am a genuine kind soul.

But my kindness when I enter the uncanny valley and run into people people who think like you and my lesbian friends can understand that. By the way the very few female gamers there are hate absolutely despise people like you they despise Anita Sarkissian as well. So do me my lesbian gamer friends a favor and get the fuck off Tumblr and stop giving us a bad reputation.


someone with art skills, please draw d.va wearing a shirt that says “not your waifu” in honor of her symbol becoming a feminist icon at the women’s march in Korea.

We’re taking her back from the fuckboys

No you are not because d.va is a heterosexual woman. Designed by heterosexual men who don’t give a flying fuck about your fee fees. Ya dumb cunt. It’s only sexist when a man ogles a woman but when a woman oggles at an sexualized man you turn a blind eye.

Plus you stupid fuck I know of a few lesbian gamers who like women to be sexualized in fucking video games or you just going ignore them too are you going to tell them to fuck off? These women actually would be really upset if you did something like you’re describing.

Also male gamers aren’t the only ones that use the term waifu. You stupid fuck.

Oh but why do I know I'm just a man who knows lesbian women who'd like looking at other sexy women. Oh but I guess I'm fucking Sexist.


someone with art skills, please draw d.va wearing a shirt that says “not your waifu” in honor of her symbol becoming a feminist icon at the women’s march in Korea.

We’re taking her back from the fuckboys

No you are not because d.va is a heterosexual woman. Designed by heterosexual men who don’t give a flying fuck about your fee fees. Ya dumb cunt. It’s only sexist when a man ogles a woman but when a woman oggles at an sexualized man you turn a blind eye.

Plus you stupid fuck I know of a few lesbian gamers who like women to be sexualized in fucking video games or you just going ignore them too are you going to tell them to fuck off? These women actually would be really upset if you did something like you’re describing.

Also male gamers aren't the only ones that use the term waifu. You stupid fuck.

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