where will i be this time tomorrow?

@happy-at-home / happy-at-home.tumblr.com

elise | she/her ✨my hyperfixation dump✨QUEEN BLOG: @im-happy-at-home  ✨ STRAY KIDS BLOG: @stayandnight ✨

I hate the trope of "I refuse to hit women!! [Gets decked]" cause it's boring but I do like the trope of someone in an RPG going "hey I don't wanna hit a kid that's kinda fucked up" and the kid just obliterates them

"i refuse to hit a woman!" = Sexist, overdone, does nothing to actually empower the woman or make the guy seem nice

"I refuse to hit a kid" = valid, even funnier when the kid whips absolutely ass in one go


Avatar: doing it right yet again


I really love this and I know exactly why but I can’t explain it.


Because it’s just another indication that we, as Human Beings, are one.


It’s also just like… a very human thing to do, to measure everyone’s heights in a way that makes it so significant


Learning a language that doesn’t use the same writing system as your native one is so fun because they change the font and you’re doomed


I had a penpal from Greece in high school. She had the neatest handwriting ever. She taught me a bunch of basic stuff, and it got to the point that we’d write our letters almost exclusively in Greek (a big deal, as this was before Google Translate was even a thing).

Cut to junior year of college. I took Classical Greek as part of my degree, and I was feeling like I had a leg up over my classmates, whose Greek handwriting looked like kindergarten chicken scratch, while mine was smooth and quick. I turned in my first assignment feeling pretty damn proud of myself.

About three assignments later, my professor pulled me aside with the goofiest look on his face…

“I appreciate the effort, but…”

You remember that phase I think all little girls go through in middle school/junior high? Where we have swirly tails on our G’s or our Y’s get all swoopy, or we dot all our I’s with little hearts?


Turns out, all the perfect little flourishes I’d been putting on my letters were not, in fact, part of the letters at all. My penpal had just still been in that phase when she taught me the alphabet!

some examples of printed vs. handwritten, and handwritten variability





chinese calligraphy 

chinese doctor’s prescription


n ofc there’s the infamous russian cursive


My eyes, my EYES!!! * screams *

human nature is such that every so often people rediscover minim


i give up on ever learning another language 🧍


Lawyer who is like visibly trying not to cry and teary-eyed and snifflign and drawing shaky breaths and hands trembling and constantly wiping his nose on his sleeves but he’s winning the case


I'm not going to cancel Kim Seon Ho because I don't agree with Cancel Culture. It's different when people commit straight up crimes and need to serve their time, then their ass needs to go. But I think his situation is different. Did he do some really shitty things? 100%. Did he hurt his ex? 100%. But we all still don't know the full truth, and we never will. We read a woman's words and I believe her and her anger and the struggles she went through. But he also has a side he chose not to put out into the public, in his response. I wish his apology was less vague but it sounds like, from the woman's latest post, that they talked things over and he was at least honest with her in his personal apology. Once again, we will never know the truth and that's something we have to live with.

With that said, I hope Seon Ho gets his shit together. It sounds like his fame really did get to his head and I hope the people around him keep him grounded. I hope he has good people around him to help him do better. I can understand why his projects are falling through because right now he's not the best topic but if we just shun people for the mistakes they make in their personal lives, then how are we ever going to get anywhere in this world.

I hope he takes this time and truly learns from it. I hope he learns to respect and appreciate whoever he's with, I hope he understands the fickle nature of fame, and I hope he takes it slowly from now on. He's worked a lot in his life so I can understand why he wanted to go 1000 mph once he started gaining traction but slow and steady really does win the race. I hope he takes this break to do better and be in a better state of mind.

And I hope he comes back with an even better project than Hometown Cha Cha Cha tbh. Because the fact of the matter is, Kim Seon Ho is talented, probably one of the best we have. He picks important stories and his platform allows a much bigger audience to watch those stories and learn from it. So yeah he hasn't been 100% honest with the audience, he isn't perfect, and he was a terrible boyfriend but that doesn't mean he has to lose a decade long career he built for himself. If something else comes out and he truly is a terrible human being then yeah I'll eat my words but right now, I will be taking a break from him and will most likely watch his next drama/movie. Because he will be coming back. Korean actors have gone through much worse and made it back to a very successful career. For example, Joo Ji Hoon, who's literally one of the most sought out actors now and has a drama coming out with the queen Jun Ji Hyun, pled guilty in the past to drug use which is like a bigger no no in Korea. Korea allows literal abusers and criminals to come back into the industry (a whole different problem there) so we definitely haven't seen the last of Kim Seon Ho, if he decides he wants to come back.

I guess I just want to say hold people accountable and don't blindly follow celebrities. But don't add fuel to the fire over things that happen in their personal lives. If this makes you stop watching him, that is perfectly fine. If you also want to take a break but keep watching him in the future, that is also fine. You're allowed to do whatever you want, but please don't let that be spewing more hate and lies into the world. There's enough of that to go around.


It took me days to understand why Doha and Seonah never thought of apologizing to Dusik when what happened wasn't entirely his fault. Then I realized...

He never explained himself. He never bothered telling them everything.

Of course, everything was one-sided because the only thing he told them were his apologies and that he wants them to live better despite the tragedy although it hurt him too. Because that's his personality trait. Throughout the show, we've seen how he's always so nosy and tries to fix everyone's problems so they wouldn't worry too much. It was so evident during Gam-ri's struggle to get the dental implants for herself. Dusik just assumed she needed extra money because Hyejin questioned her about it. He rushed to her house and handed her a wad of cash although she never needed them because she can obviously afford it. This guy is all about, "You need my assistance and this is all about you and your problem, and since I care so much, just sit there and let me fix it for you." He's too selfless and he loves and cares, a lot. And that's a problem.

I understand how natural it was for him to take all the blame. He knew his privileges. In all honesty, Seonah had more to lose than Dusik. She lost her husband, which I assume is the breadwinner of the family. Losing him meant that she'd have to raise an infant alone and find a job to feed her kid and herself. She needed to survive without a partner, a person that's supposed to be there when things get tough and supports her in difficult situations. It was totally normal for her to swear at the world, including Dusik. And Dusik, being the empath he is, would never dare telling her what actually happened because at the moment, a wife lost her husband and a child lost his father to death.

For Doha, Dusik is known to be "the guy that got my dad into this mess" because the conversation that Dusik and the dad had was theirs only and no third party was there to clarify everything. The tragedies that Dusik, Jeong-u, and Doha's dad experienced are not fully revealed to the families. And the lone survivor, who will never care about explaining himself, suffers the consequences of things that could not be fully controlled by him. And this is where the writer tries to simplify things with Episode 15, that is for Dusik to forgive himself.

There will always be problems that we cannot fully control because that is the nature of the world we live in. We make mistakes, have misunderstandings, we fight, and we also reach a point where we learn to forgive and understand each other. Humans are complex beings that do not fully understand where is the correct road, path to a fulfilling life. And everything will always be grey. It's never black and white. I love how the writer really emphasizes on human healing, be it with other people or within the self. Shin Ha-Eun fully captured what human behavior is.


Every time a singer or actor gets into some scandal or we get wind of some part of their personal life that isn't great, I always have the same 2 thoughts:

First, because fans put certain actors or singers on a pedestal, when it comes out that they are not as good as they have portrayed themselves or they have done bad things, it's just that much bigger of a disappointment. As much as you might admire someone or see them as a role model, it's always important to remember that what we see isn't everything. With Kim Seon Ho, I didn't really follow his work that closely before HomeCha, so I don't feel any disappointment from hearing about his past. From the little that I know, it's unfortunate that he's kind of a shitty person, but I don't think I can make a judgement on his true character based on this. I do feel bad for his ex, because I think she's really on the losing end no matter how things resolve. Things rarely end well when a normal person is thrown into the limelight against a celebrity.

And secondly, liking someone's work or art does not equate to supporting them in every single one their actions. It's entirely possible for me to enjoy a show or movie or song even after I learn of the artist being involved in a scandal and that may include illegal activities. And that is because I liked the show or movie or song for what it is, not just because of who was in it or wrote it or sang it. Would this apply to future work? Probably not. Like I wouldn't go searching for new stuff with this celebrity in it, but if it was something I already liked, it's not likely that my feelings will change. So if I keep sharing HomeCha stuff, it's because I still like the show despite this new news.


not having homecha episodes to scream about this weekend feels weird tbh


HOMETOWN CHA CHA CHA — EP. 07 “I know that look in your eyes. It means you want to cry.”

You order from all over the world. The US, Germany, England… The packages are from everywhere. I just bought some clothes. That’s all. And it’s none of your business.
I’ve been discovering a new charming side of you every day. Today I found out… that you’re cute. You’re so adorable. What do you mean I’m adorable? Don’t be silly. Am I that cute?
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