
Games And All Those Things

@ilovetoplaythesethings / ilovetoplaythesethings.tumblr.com

The arcana | Choices | Romance Club | Lovestruck | And some other games

Since the last SCN update was 3 months ago and there seems to be a lot of misconceptions around it in the fandom, here's a brief reminder for those who struggle to follow the plot 🫶

🟢 Amen has a traumatic past and a sh*tty job, that does not make him a bad person.

🔴 Amen isn't abusive to Eva, on the contrary he's the only one who ever tried to give her a chance at a better future.

🟢 If romanced properly Amen deeply loves Eva to the point he basically already proposed. All comments about how he only want s*x are invalid as the truth is he stopped/refused s*x multiple times when Eva offered

🔴 Shesmu are canonically power-hungry and often violent criminals so corrupted by dark magic that their souls turned cold. Eva is the exception to this and not the rule. Playing as a shesmu doesn't mean they're the "good guys".

🟢 Hunters are law enforcement, if the law doesn't differentiate between "sort of decent" and "worst ever" shesmu that's not on Amen or the hunters as they have no hand in law-making

🔴 Dia and Eva were never close friends, Eva's bestie was Isman before and later Livius.

🟢 Dia was lawfully executed due to her own crimes and Remmao's setup. Had she been innocent the hunters would've had no reason to touch her.

🔴 Amen never caused Eva nightmares or PTSD, her dreams started before they met

And that's the whole tea yall 🍵✨


Romance Club news recap...

Song of the Crimson Nile

I'm posting and answering this because I was anonymously asked about the Ramesses and what was said by Remy I've seen some complaints sent to me.

First of, Yes Remy proposed Ramesses as a branch if the fandom sees interest in him.

She clearly said that if, he'll be an incomplete branch, with less screentime. Later on added he will be an endgame as not to reproduce the Gabriel route in KCD.

So she clearly stated:

✅Ramesses = incomplete branch, less screentime with an ending.

I know my girl likes a lil controversy but people be doing too much screenshots provided 👇

Posted April 6 2023

Ramesses plot relevance

February,7 2024


Wincy, author of the stories "Heart of Trespia" and "Soulless" , answered some questions:

Should we keep the two stats in the Soulless story in equal amounts to achieve balance?

✅Answer: If you are looking for balance, you should keep all stats "as low as possible" while ensuring two of them are equal. For example, 2/2/3 will give you a balance path, while 4/4/0 will not match balance.

They say that Reinhold and Ellaire cannot have children. That the cause of this was the disease that he inherited from his ancestors and the medicine/poison that Uncle Osmont had given him for years.

Was there another reason?

✅There is no other reason. Ellaire is very fertile herself, so it is likely that they will have children after some time.

Will the threads in the "Soulless" story be closed soon? Will there be consequences for those who get confused?

✅ Stay tuned for updates! For now, just enjoy exploring the favorites.

Is Ava a thread?

✅Yes, Ava is a love interest.

And Elliot?


Will there be new romances in the future in Soulless?

✅They won't be anymore. All love lines have already been introduced.

I have a question. So Vincent is human, right? This means that it has a short lifespan. While Vyxaria, on the other hand, is immortal. Wouldn't she die right after Vincent if they were connected by ritual?

✅She won't die. She just won't be connected to anyone anymore.

Source: Overheard romance club

✨recap of sotcn s2 so far✨

> remmao mutilates (cuts off tongue and fingers) his priest "friend" from the temple who made eva and rame's necro comission possible just so he has no way of ratting them out

> in order to distract the hunters he also betrays dia and hands her over to them - she then is tortured and interrogated and later executed

> livius finds out eva is a shesmu but doesn't plan on betraying her, he wants to help instead so she tells him the whole truth

> amen already knows about everyone who is a shesmu (is not so sure about eva but dia never betrays her) and he's using them to get to the elders - she confirms remmao and ramesses are shesmu although he already knew that

> he's also specifically after remmao (who apparently is like a shesmu celebrity??)

> remmao finds out about amen threatening ramesses and him opening his mouth and beats him up to teach him a lesson

> likely not the first time and rame still loves him and doesn't wanna go against him cause he's too dangerous

> dia manages to send eva a message about amen knowing everything

> rame warns eva that remmao is gonna betray her and blame something on her so the hunters catch her (if they're dating he'll wanna run away with her)

> ash is actually the god set and eva is his "payment" for some deal her mother stroke with him - now he basically owns her and is making her do stuff for him

> also on that eva and rame were meant to get caught and killed on the temple but he intervened so that wouldn't happen

> aaand he implies he's the one who mistakenly killed isman

> remmao then invites eva to his house at night (creepy house btw) where they are alone and smiles mischievously (she may or may not have a knife to defend herself)

✨the end✨


I really really appreciate how the punishment scene with Amen wasn't used to paint him as a perverted weirdo, especially since it was hinted at something more before.

Like of course he could've done anything to Evthys, with or without her consent, in his home and afterwards no one would've said anything about some random below-average scribe to like the second most important man in Egypt.

I like how his character was portrayed as super scary and dangerous but nothing actually happened with it, he wasn't an actual creep, just gave the most mild punishment possible

If he had done something closer to what the reader was made to expect it would've ruined the character for me tbh, it would've irredeemably put me off

Tw: SA

The sad thing is RC authors have always made the villain love interestes sexually assault or abuse the MC(disgusting and unforgivable)then everything is forgotten and forgiven(Lucifer, Amrit).

With Amen I was pleasantly surprised: as a villain love interest, he does work:

He's an arrogant, bossy and intimidating man but as not as Lucifer and Amrit

For an example, I was terrified for MC in this scene: by refusing to lend our cloak, he lost his patience and forced us to lend it:

I was terrified


Look how scared she is, and look at him, he's huge, he could have forced himself on her, but he didn't, he simply told her to obey and gave her a punishment.

I was shaking, I was terrified of her and for a second I thought of the worst:I thought there was going to be a sex scene but nothing of it.

I didn't expect it.

I was surprised.

I'm not romancing Amen, I believe he's more interesting as a villain/antagonist and damn I believe they have done a good job: he's an arrogant, bossy man(like all the villains we have encounter) that believe in his ideals but someone to understimate of and he's decent:

1.Amen has been suspecting us since he has met us and it would be foolish to think he doesn't know we are Dark Magician along our friends and mentor.

2.Before bringing us to justice he wants evidence, he doesn't allow anger or his temper to cloud his judgment until you test his patience:

if you play chapter 8, we have stolen some of his belongings to ease his suspects and we got back our cloak for commissions.Now he's looking for the thief.

By decent I mean, he's not "kind" to us because we are romancing him:

1.When he met us for the first time, he thought we were a prostitute, yet he didn't treat us badly for it, he simply told us that it was too dangerous to offer our services late at night.

2.He offered a spot in his cart to MC and if we refuse, he doesn't treat us badly for it.

3.When he finds out we don't know how to write, he doesn't humiliate us, he states we need to learn



"surprisingly an unpopular opinion, but just because you like a book, you are not obligated in any way, shape, or form to also like the author. i keep seeing players saying "if you don't like the author, don't read the book". no? you can enjoy SOTCN, for example, while still calling out the author for her problematic behaviour. i find it much worse to put a writer on a pedestal and not hold them accountable for their actions just because you enjoy their books. how can anyone learn from their mistakes then?"

So… could anyone tell me exactly what happened? 👉🏻👈🏻

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