『 αρ; 』

@notyourpuppydog / notyourpuppydog.tumblr.com

There was a sigh of relief when he finally seemed cognant enough to start processing  what their next move would be. Although  her worry only seemed to grow when she  saw the pain cross his face when he checked  himself over. 
“I’ll be fine.” Ellie relented, keeping her wrist to  her chest. “Hand me that, and you treat yourself. You had the worse fall, and its just Ellie.” She wasn’t  about to let him play it off. It would end up causing trouble  for them later on. So it was better to take care of it now than later. After she sighed she took the bandage from him, moving and hissing when the wrist was forced from its position. 
“Fuck…. I think its broken.”
    to some degree, she was right. he had taken the brunt of the fall, and even he knew that if wasn’t treated, it would hinder them in the long run. he couldn’t allow that to happen. he had to get ellie out of here and find chris as soon as possible. hazel hues flicked skyward, staring at the broken bridge once more. it was possible to climb out, though very carefully.      it would take him a little more time than ellie since-- the hiss snapped him out of his thoughts, the soldier snapping his gaze immediately to her. broken? shit, that isn’t good at all.     piers stepped even closer to to ellie, worry writ across his features. “broken? ellie we need to get a splint on that fast. please let me tend to it-- i’ll get to myself after, ok? i promise-- but.” there was something kin to desperation laced in his tone as he spoke to her. it was bad enough she was stuck in this hellhole, now her hand was broken! and he couldn’t prevent that... “if we don’t splint that right now, it’ll only cause more problems.”

             ADA IS SITTING IN THE DARKNESS, ILLUMINATED ONLY BY A CYAN FILTER OF MULTIPLE MONITORS.  Her spine is melting into leather backing of office chair with naked legs crossed with an effortless & careless grace in its showmanship.  In her right hand is a PDA device, elbow propped on the armrest while her thumb flick at the screen.  Radars, SCANNERS & pie charts of progressive numbering & coding flits & fills the screen as she silently calculates all the complex arithmetic.  

It’s a facility in China, without all of the paper fans, gold regalia, jasmine petal springs & fancy accoutrements save for a potted chrysanthemum on a desk.  The walls are METAL & the floor is criss-crossed with cables, everything is wiped down & sanitized to the point that it gives off a lingering kiss of ANTISEPTIC.  

Piers is a SHADOW in her peripheral that she quietly acknowledges.  He’s a literal shadow.  A PHANTOMED shell of his former self. He isn’t afraid to get blood under his fingernails, nor does he shy away from the unethical ; if Ada tells him to jump & he asks her ‘how high?’.  

An analog clock above the computers tick away at the seconds.  Plays a mental game of ‘chess’ with him in silence & he’s since grown restless until she speaks.

      ❝ So, are you up for a little game?a rasp.  Before he hammers her down with the predictable, she continues.  


     ❝ ———a little game of chess.  There are a few old rooks I believe should retire.  This has the potential for many benefits. ❞  

Legs uncross, recross.

❛ i suppose i could go & introduce myself… ❜ || @notyourpuppydog
        it was a S I L E N C E which permeated the air in a manner so grotesque to the soldier he near wanted to weep, just to make any sort of noise. however, moments such as these were a N O R M when it came to being in the presence of one ada wong. while not yet entirely accustomed to it, he had, nevertheless, accepted it long ago. after all, she took him under her wing, despite the woman in R E D having claimed she was a solitary worker. this was only his, what, third or fourth mission working with her? for all of them, much like right now, he remained in the shadows, keeping a gaze on her so acute it could R I V A L a hawk, if not put it to shame.         was P A T I E N C E an attribute he had in his previous life? before waking up on the sandy beaches of china in the arms of this woman? he wasn’t entirely certain, but if it had, it sure as hell didn’t pass over to this new existence. at least, not in an A B U N D A N C E. it was something this woman was teaching him without actually have a ruler in hand. the way she moved, lounged, S P O K E were every bit of a test to his forbearance, if not more, than any other method.        every tick of that godforsaken clock P E E L E D away the layers of patience the man had been clothing himself with. mismatched hues stared so hard at the woman’s back, straining to look at the many things flitting across the computer screens kin to B U T T E R F L I E S.       ada  R E L I S H E D in throwing him into various types of chess games, this one being no different. before he thought he was going to lose his very sanity from the silence, she spoke. as though she had timed it oh-so-perfectly, as if she knew his very B E I N G to the core, knew the limits of his patience. the husky voice brought an involuntary shudder through him, as it usually did.        before he could utter a response, body shifting to L O O S E N the stiff muscles, ada continued. words slipped from her lips like honey pouring into chocolate. piers subconsciously moved C L O S E R to her, the light of the screens illuminating his scarred face.              he was F I D G E T Y, and she knew this. perhaps even reveled in it.     ❝ will you at least let me be next to you T H I S time?
A shaking breath left her when the soldier finally moved and opened his  eyes. He was okay. They would be  okay. Her hand was held close to her chest, of course it was her shooting  arm, but she could manage. Fuck why did everything break on them?
“Come on big guy get up.” She offered her good hand and pulled him to his feet. “My wrist hurts, but I’m okay. We’re okay.” Ellie panted, clearly spooked that he had been hurt  trying to keep her safe. It was her fault. She  should have waited to cross the bridge until Piers was off of it. Now they were on the bottom  floor and both banged up. Piers more than her  because he had grabbed her and took the brunt  of the fall, allowing the teen to land on him.
“Fuck….. What are we going to do now?”
    hazel hues went down, mostly in thought. then      he glanced skyward, assessing the broken bridge      from which they fell. it’d been a long way down, but       they were both still alive, thankfully. immediately, despite      not being quite clearheaded just yet, his mind began to      work through all the possibilities of getting out. it wasn’t      going to be easy, but it was still feasible.       it was important that they find chris, but at this stage of        the mission, that also wasn’t going to be easy. as he       still processed their predicament, piers started to pat himself       down, wincing at the wound beneath his padding. ellie had        mentioned pain in her wrist, and that required his attention.      “here, miss ellie, we need to wrap that.” pulling some elastic       bandages from his person, the soldier kneeled down in front of the       young girl, offering a comforting smile. “don’t worry, once we take       care of your wrist, we’ll find a way out. promise.”
She paused smiling at his acceptance. 
“Just Ellie, but are you sure? You don’t have to if you don’t want to.”
"of course, miss ellie.” his smile widened.      “even if the captain and gramps can’t, i’ll always make time for you.”
“Hey! Shit, come on. Wake up! Don’t you  fucking give up on me.” She was panicked,  shoving the sniper who had fallen just as hard as she. Sure she was sore, and her wrist hurt from the fall, but they had to get up. 
“Come on get up! We have to get back to Chris.”
   consciousness hit him in the face, feeling     like a bag of bricks. he startled awake with     a pained gasp, limbs stiff, muscles aching.     fresh blood slicked across his skin beneath      the padding he wore, the padding which was      supposed to keep him safe for the most part.      well, at least he wasn’t dead yet, right? “yeah-- the c... captain... gotta find... the captain.”       with a groan, the sniper heaved himself to       first sit up, nausea slapping him. gloved hand       moved to press against the side of his head.       voice coming  out in a harsh, throaty rasp. “you ok, miss ellie?”
“Piers, come on its just Ellie really.  No formality needed.” She smiled a  bit at the soldier and patted the  ground beside her inviting him to join her by the fire. 
“It still hurts, but I’ve had worse. How are you?”
“sorry, old habits die hard, i guess.”           he hesitated at first, before moving           to sit down next to the younger girl.           it’d been a while since he was able to           have a break longer than five minutes. “even if you’ve had worse, it doesn’t make the pain any less important. do you need any pain killers or something to help?”

❝ do a lady a favor, hmm? ❞

     a single hazel eye flitted up when the woman spoke. brows quirked for a moment, before furrowing slightly. she already knew he would do A N Y T H I N G for her, whether asked or not. even if he was given a chance to live or die; for her, he would always pick the latter. some part of him had to wonder what exactly she wanted, as she always simply demanded, rather than ask. “since when did you ever start A S K I N G for favors?
She snaps the ammo into her sniper rifle, glaring at the other from behind her mask. She’s not saying a word nor is she telling him if he’s incorrect or not. She walks forwards a bit, putting the rifle onto her back and strapping a knife to her thick thighs. She didn’t appear to be carrying ANY medical supplies at all..? Were they lied to about her? These people seemed to be cold, like their heart was full of nothing but stone. Blood soaked the bottom of her feet and her three fingers… she was late for a reason.
“Do not question your sources.” Her voice was muffled by the mask, made to sound more electronic if anything. She grips the sleeve on her envirosuit and pulls on it fixing the pockets full of ammo. “If you want me to keep you alive, than you better smarten up.” On the back of her enivrosuit was a number Seven, a big yellow seven on the back on her shoulder. She was just a number. trained to kill and trained to be a medical assistant.
“Let’s just get this over with.”
      her response elicited immediate tension from the three teammates behind him, and he could feel trig start to open her mouth. piers interjected before his second-in-command was able to say anything. “i question my sources only when there’s a reason to.” again, his eye looked her up and down, as if blatantly implying that she was enough reason for him to have doubts. then he spoke again, scathing in tone. “we don’t need you to keep us alive. if it had been any other way, we would have never crossed paths to begin with. just make sure you don’t try to play renegade on us. we either work as a team, or you don’t work with us at all.”           turning away from the stranger, piers pulled out a slim device, tapping the screen. blue light emitted, before a hologram of a building appeared, circling. “inside this place is approximately eighty civilian employees, one hundred security personnel, and ten vials of modified g-virus.” as he spoke, the hologram zoomed in to several different floor locations, red dots popping up. “the vials are kept in the core of the establishment, contained in high surveillance, with four different layers of coded passwords almost impossible to hack.” the hologram zoomed once more, a big red dot appearing and pulsing.        one of the i.v.a. members leaned in, swiping two fingers along the hologram. she spoke then, concentrating on the areas of interest. “z team will go in from the top of the building here, and get access to this office. there are several codes there that will need to be given to j team once they get to the secured room. i will cut into the building’s power supply and shut it down. once that happens, that’s j team’s cue to proceed with the codes. we will have less than three minutes to get in and out of that room with the vials.”        piers dropped several green pins on the hologram, before tapping the screen. a beep came to all three communicators that the i.v.a. members had. “guards are hostile and cleared for take down, but do it discreetly, and hide the bodies. ok team, move out.” the three members nodded, before dispersing, blending and disappearing into the night. the man then turned to the stranger, fishing out an earpiece from his pocket and tossing it to her. “you’ll be needing that. we’re j team, so we need to move fast if we want to get to the room in time.”
     with i.v.a’s main medic and tech expert temporarily out of commission ( he was currently carrying a vastly differently job ada requested of him ), the team was given a rendezvous point to greet an interim contractor. piers didn’t like the idea, but after having been with i.v.a. for the past three years, the man didn’t much like strangers sidling into the team, even IF it were for a short time. his teammates were his family, and with everything they’ve been through, new faces were never trusted by any of the members.      so when the contractor finally made their appearance ( eleven minutes late, trig liked to point out with disdain ), piers didn’t bother offering a hand to shake. after all, they weren’t here to make friends, just get the job done. a single eye swept over the outsider, turning cold with annoyance. ada didn’t even bother telling him the name of this person, but then again, ada never liked to tell him much of anything unless he backed her into a corner for information. “you’re our temp, right? we can skip the names and get straight to work. i’m told you’re proficient with technology as well as medical aid; or was my source incorrect?”    the words spoken held some ice in the tone, as if daring the stranger to tell him he was wrong.

❝ looks like the BSAA has a bad habit of unjustly declaring people dead, wouldn't you say? ❞

    SILENCE PERMEATED the air as dark hues stared L I S T L E S S L Y to the papers in gloved hands. feelings kin to vexation started to prickle at the back of his neck, the young man’s own visage frowning back at him in black and white. everything was listed, from his N A M E to his supposed birthplace. hell, there was even a C O N T R I V E D account of his history in and before the organization he supposedly played a part in for a good number of years. the bioterrorism security assessment alliance.       the mere name of it nearly brought a S C O F F to chapped lips, fingers curling to crumple what he believed to be F A L S E allegations to his very name. was this some sort of new ploy ada was trying to carry out? if so, it wasn’t working. not even accompanying fact that the man he had crossed paths with called him so F A M I L I AR L Y by name, demanding piers to ‘remember’. in his own opinion, there was nothing T O recollect. he recognized neither the stranger nor the patch the man tried to shove in piers’ face, D E S P E R A T E.      waves of various thoughts and emotions T U M B L E D over each other as the young man took his time to sort through what ada had given him. no matter how hard he strained his memory, it L A P S E D when it came to considering the bsaa, or even the man, chris redfield. for a mere moment, piers contemplated this to perhaps be part of a new mission i.v.a. was going to carry out. but that was immediately crossed off and T O S S E D to the side. was she trying to say she no longer W A N T E D him working with her, for her? no… as C R Y P T I C as ada always conveyed herself to be, she was always blunt with him.      a test of L O Y A L T Y then? to toss piers into such a predicament, giving him two options: go back to this supposed life he had before, or stay with her. after having P R O V E D himself more times than necessary, the soldier almost wanted to accuse ada of not having any faith in him, any T R U S T. but he kept his tongue in check; deep down, he felt as though this was going to be the last strain to make his allegiance unquestionably A B S O L U T E. and the man had every intentions of staying true to his faithfulness. after all, he prided himself in being loyal.       whoever he was in the past, whatever he did, whoever was his superior then… N O N E of it mattered now. if piers had T R U L Y been part of this bsaa, under the command of such a respectable man as chris redfield, then their E A G E R N E S S to declare him dead was enough for him to stay where he was. ada wong was his superior now; she was the woman who gave him a second chance at life, who aided him in his rehabilitation. ada was the one who gave piers a reason to keep moving, and he wasn’t about to give her any reasons to D O U B T him.        a sense of C A L M N E S S washed over him, cleaning away all the negativity that fluttered around in his belly like the wings of rabid butterflies. whatever he used to be only S E R V E D to give him the necessary skills and strengths to stay by ada wong’s side. he had every intention of staying there for as long as she needed him, and even B E Y O N D that. even when the woman falls into D E N I AL about depending on his presence, he will be there. he will persevere.                                         HE WILL R E M A I N.         fingers went L A X, and he appreciated that papers were given to him instead of an electronic device. no doubt he would have chucked it against the wall, B R E A K I N G it. finally, after that long stretch of S I L E N C E, piers flicked his gaze to his emancipator, brows furrowing for a moment as he assessed her staring him down kin to a H A W K, a predator. in those daunting, black orbs that sparkled with C H A L L E N G E, he witnessed just a flicker of worry, uncertainty. was he going to leave her and return to the ones who didn’t even look for him? ada wong was a woman who worked A L O N E, who could brush him off her shoulders with great E A S E and disappear without a trace. if he made the choice to leave, he likely wouldn’t see her again.            that was not what piers W A N T E D, and part of him wanted to so strongly believe that this G L O R I O U S woman in red didn’t want that either. lips parted, the words flowing freely without hesitation, without second thoughts. the tone laced with husk and a D E M A N D to be listened to. he was here to stay. no contrition.
           “this doesn’t change anything, ada.”
She’s clearly displeased with his poor display as apparent by the obvious look of judgment. “Seriously?” A sigh of frustration passes through parted lips before she begins ripping apart his poor attempt, “How. Piers, your pants are thicker than Chris’s skull.”
ouch. such stinging words. regardless, the soldier just grinned, deciding to take the statement in a whole different way. “glad you took the time to notice my pants, sherry. you look cold, want to use me as your blanket?”

“Yes, sir. Sorry, sir.” Finn quickly hurried after them, although he felt uncomfortable. He didn’t like the looks he was getting. He tried to stay close to Piers. Trig and the stranger didn’t seem happy with his presence. He wished Piers would remember him. What all had he missed? After all this he would need to find the Captain. That would be his next mission.

piers led finn through the door, a foul stench immediately accosting them. yet, as if he had already gotten accustomed to the smell, the sniper kept walking, never once scrunching up his face or pinching his nose. down the hallway, turn a right, down another hallway, and then up some creaky old ladder. piers knocked in a slight rhythm against the ceiling door. then it opened, and he moved, disappearing into the room above without waiting for finn.


He jumped a bit but relaxed when he saw Piers. “O-ok…yeah.” He followed Piers, shoving his hands into his pockets. He wanted to just close his eyes and have everything go back to normal. Where had he been for two years? He rubbed his arm nervously. The only evidence of his mutation was random burn on his arm and a scar that ran down his spin from where his back split. He pulled his long sleeve shirt down further.

piers turned and moved off back to the alleyway where trig was waiting with one other person. no greetings were given to finn, only glares of contentment. piers waved them off, and they simply tailed him, each rambling in a foreign language to the sniper. turns and twists were made for a solid ten minutes, the sky growing darker, until they finally arrived in yet another alleyway. trig and the other stranger moved ahead towards one of the many sheets and blankets that hung off the walls, pushing it aside to reveal a hidden door.                a glance was thrown back towards finn, to make sure he was still with them. “don’t lag behind, macauley. didn’t they teach you that at the bsaa?” and then he, too, made his way towards the door.

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