
Fixin' Stuff 63 Ways

@allthemarvelousrage / allthemarvelousrage.tumblr.com

37/trans. He/him. Patron Saint of Ironhawk. McHanzo & Reaper76 trash. http://ko-fi.com/ficlicious

Hi! Lemme ramble at you for a minute

So it’s been a thoroughly awful year, for everyone. For me specifically, I buried a lot of people I cared about, including my grandfather, my step-mother, and my husband. I’ve been back in university, and I’m now a single parent with four kids. It’s a lot. It was overwhelming. Truthfully, it still is.

But now I feel it starting to come back, my desire to write my MCU fics again. 

I’ll be returning to my fics, probably starting this week, since I have almost a month until the summer semester begins and I’m now done all my exams. I hope you’ll join me when I release new chapters and start bringing some of those fics, like Stars, All Tied Up and Driving Straight, to a close. They’re the closest to actually being finished, but Love Story is haunting my dreams. 

I’ve missed y’all. There’ve been a lot of false starts in the last few months, but I’m patient and here for the long haul. 

I am writing.


sometimes I think about how al capone donated to charity in an attempt to improve his image

this is how I see 'philanthropic' billionaires today


This is very unfair to Al Capone, who donated a much higher percentage of his income than any billionaire ever and was reputedly a good tipper. 

you know what, you technically aren't wrong


WIP - After All I've Said

A CACW Winteriron soulmate fic.

Only a little bit this time. Been a rough day.

And a little bit more

Tis a good night for writing.

And end of chapter two. To AO3 it goes. But first, the torment should be shared. :D

Almost done chapter 3.

Okay, so this has been a hot minute, but I just did this after combing through my files again.

The new Chapter 4 Begins!

Bucky leaves Wakanda the same day Steve does, after Steve does, having finally discarded the notion of going back on ice again. He knows T’Challa’s cryotubes are nothing like the HYDRA facilities, but he’s spent decades of his life frozen in time. He doesn’t know how much time he has left on Earth, all things considered, but he knows he doesn’t want to spend any more time helpless and isolated.


Hi! Lemme ramble at you for a minute

So it’s been a thoroughly awful year, for everyone. For me specifically, I buried a lot of people I cared about, including my grandfather, my step-mother, and my husband. I’ve been back in university, and I’m now a single parent with four kids. It’s a lot. It was overwhelming. Truthfully, it still is.

But now I feel it starting to come back, my desire to write my MCU fics again. 

I’ll be returning to my fics, probably starting this week, since I have almost a month until the summer semester begins and I’m now done all my exams. I hope you’ll join me when I release new chapters and start bringing some of those fics, like Stars, All Tied Up and Driving Straight, to a close. They’re the closest to actually being finished, but Love Story is haunting my dreams. 

I’ve missed y’all. There’ve been a lot of false starts in the last few months, but I’m patient and here for the long haul. 

I am writing.

Well, that didn’t take long. 

I finished and posted Chapter 10 of Set on Fire, which I started writing for @thisbadge awhile back. 

That felt remarkably good. ^_^


Okay, this is kind of fucked up, but I’ve been plagiarized and my first thought was “I LEGIT MADE IT”.

Stop it, toxic reinforcement. Yes, it’s cool, but no. No.


If I still think the worst writer in the world is [Very Secret Dude], it’s because of their history and the extensive allegations of plagiarism against them. I refuse to support them, and that means anything in their universe. I haven’t watched movies, Netflix streaming series or spin-offs.

I would never claim anyone else’s thoughts as my own. Yet as a creator I’m knee jerk excited that someone likes me enough to lift “entire paragraphs” as the person who told me said. That’s all kinds of fucked up and I really think I’m going to have to dissect that and figure out where it comes from. Because it is not okay.

I’m really thinking about reaching out to the other writer to have a meaningful, non-hostile conversation about this.


setup and punchline

The artist is luo li rong

The statue doesn’t have big enough titties to have been made by a man.

I know I’ve reblogged this before but the schadenfreude is too delicious.


By the way, the statue is called  La mélodie oubliée (The Forgotten Melody). Luo Li Rong also painted it:

And here she and the statue are in a more formal setting (museum or art show, I can’t tell):

“Dork ass losers”


That beautiful statue started from this:

Ms. Luo Lirong graduated from China Central Academy Of Fine Arts. She’s a very talented artist. More of her works:

Beautiful. Extraordinary talent

Follow her on Instagram luo_li_rong_art.

one, I’ve never seen it with paint and it’s somehow even better. As are her other works. 


She’s back, and she’s beautiful.

I reblogged this before, but with fewer sculptures…

Can you have a second lesbian awakening?


I just realized that is February already lmao

I'll be doing 1 tiny ship doodle per day! Starting with Ironstrange ♥️

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