
Ask Queen Nightmare Moon

@askqueenmoon / askqueenmoon.tumblr.com

Not active. Primary blog for @cosmalumi Long live the queen. Queen Nightmare Moon has ruled Equestria since she defeated her sister 1000 years ago, but not all is well in her empire and her lies are catching up with her.

Hey guys

I'm sure that many of you have come to this conclusion by now, but I'm afraid I will no longer be continuing this comic.

I've put off making this announcement for so long because it's a hard decision to make, and I feel awful about letting everyone down. Every day I delayed posting it made it harder to announce, so I'm just going to suck it up and do it now before I lose my nerve.

I know many of you enjoyed the story, and I hate that I'm leaving it incomplete and couldn’t reach a half decent cutoff point. Unfortunately, this isn't a comic that I ever could finish; the scope was too big and there was too much to cover. I realized this a while ago and thought I could simply end it at a different point in the story and leave the rest to imagination, but even that wasn’t feasible for me. There were a lot of story changes and inconsistencies along the way that needed to be worked around, and that made me worry over how pages would be received. On top of that it was too much of a time commitment because I had written way too many perspectives that needed to be shown for a comic drawn by one person. At some point, it felt like I had stagnated as an artist and would draw this for the rest of my life while everyone around me learned to go beyond their boundaries and could be creative and draw what they wanted, and that was frustrating to say the least. It is for these reasons that I’ve chosen to step away from it.

All this said, making this comic for the last couple of years has been a lot of fun. There have been ups and downs, but I genuinely loved drawing it, and I can’t emphasize enough how thankful I am that so many of you have stayed with me all the while. It's been an amazing experience and I've met a ton of great people along the way. This series has helped me become a better artist, writer, and overall a better internet user. This comic has been my constant for so many years, and it’s hard to let it go, but I know it’s for the best and I’m glad I was able to share what I could with you guys.

I will still continue to draw ponies. I don’t believe this is something I will ever just stop since it’s been such a big part of my life and I cherish each and every one of my characters. I do plan on doing more comics in the future, but they’ll be more casual projects.

In closing, I don’t see myself updating this blog much further and if you’d like to see my art, I still post to my art blog @cosmalumi and my twitter of the same name. Thank you for your time everyone, and thank you again for reading my story and getting to the end of this post. I appreciate all of you!


My 2023 art summary! These were the faves of each month!

These last few months have been very colourful! Magetober was too powerful lol

I didn't draw a ton in the first half of the year, then art fight happened, then I went into hibernation in August XD

Still really love how that sketch for May turned out and July's is probably my favourite of the middle group. I remember the piece in april made me so sad for a while because I couldn't for the life of me understand why it looked so off while I was working on it But yeh, many humanoids this year! I'm very happy with my progress and I think I've learned a lot


Hey guys! This blog may be cancelled, but I'm still active on my art blog. If you're interested in seeing my stuff, you can follow me there!


Crowned in violet and blue Purity accompanies the two. Wonders for forgiveness arise, From a certain soldier’s demise. A red tulip held in tired sorrow. A cruel irony, Surrounded by pinks and yellow.

I did say I was going to draw @goombot‘s Bright Eyes proper and here it is!

I can always appreciate a good, tragic character, while also being cute at the same time!



Thank you again aleths!


Probs get asked this a lot but do you post the comic anywhere else?? Im not on Tumblr much these days and im afraid i'll miss out on the comic XD


It’s posted here on DeviantArt though it’s a couple pages behind and I try to post links when pages go up on my twitter. If anyone has any suggestions as to where else I should post it, let me know!

Edit: not sure why the answer's not showing up on the dashboard... Dang it Tumblr.


Some info sheets I made: health potions and magic cocaine

Trying to get back into art after burnout. I’ve been having a hard time finding any motivation to draw, but this was a good starting point!


Stuff that’s technically canon but will probably never show up or have any effect on the story. Thought some of you might have fun reading it though <3

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