


Wildlife, travels, flowers and reblogs. My main blog is @marauderfan.

DO NOT REBLOG IN NSFW, 18+ (Porno, Naked), AND not in TRASH BLOGS, racism, politic, guns/wars blogs, thanks.

Red kite, today there were 2 flying around our house as they have their habit few steps away from our house, I was taking pictures of them from the media room then I ran on the terrace as he was flying above our roof and he surprised me as he flew quite near me.

A irresponsabilidade pode causar mortes *       *       * Irresponsibility can cause deaths

Respect yourself and respect the work of the health personnel, please.

MAnoel T, decembro de 2020

Yes! Stick with the rules


This photo was taken by my late son Shane who passed away in 2013 at the age of 38 of complications of lymphoma and leukemia.  Today is his birthday…Miss you Shane, so very much…

© Shane Kramer All Rights Reserved

Every 4 minutes someone is diagnosed with a blood cancer, like leukemia or lymphoma. Consider sharing this post to help us find a bone marrow match for all patients in need of a bone marrow transplant.

The cure for blood cancer is in the hands of ordinary people.  You could be the cure!

For more information click here

Source: seagirl49

que só!

o amor cun xemido fermoso transparente con esa luz do inverno que se repetía como apéndice da conciencia o mundo da carne a soidade da dor e o vento de non saber cando de súpeto espida apareces como sol e como estrela descoñecida
I aquela noite e no silencio a lúa sobre o teu peito convertidos en bolboreta o xardín era outono onte á tarde perdín a careta o sorriso parvo de estar calados o nó rebelde de non ser memoria horizonte rachado lugar estreito da lei enganoso xogo das ás a ollada futura onde a nada se converte no aloumiño disperso do tempo é certo que todos os mediodías nace unha nova sombra do azar
II a pel unha beira á que chegas ti serea neste cristal de silencios unha tarde unha man un penedo a dicha de ser cascarolo e agonía escóitoche de ser luz de existir de ser forma da mar de chegar de onde vés entre brisas e dende aquí beizos que nos derreten lembro os teus ollos de onda a vulnerabilidade de vivir fuxíndonos
Do libro máis alá do pulso (work in progress)

© MAnoel T, 2020


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