
A Black Smudge

@theblacksmudge / theblacksmudge.tumblr.com

A 'queer' Christ is not scandalized by human desire but liberates that desire from cloying common-sense satisfaction, misuse, and disrespect. This liberation begins in regard and esteem for the body and comes to proximate fulfillment in authentic love of the body, as authentic love and loving. Thus, a 'queer' Christ embraces all our bodies passionately, revalorizes them as embodied mystery, and reorients sexual desire toward God's desire for us in and through our sexuality.

Enfleshing Freedom: Body, Race, and Being, M. Shawn Copeland


vampirism to me really is about the knowledge that you have the capacity for true awfulness inside you. it's not irrational, it's not baseless, it's not just the over magnified product of an anxious mind, it's a concrete set of memories of what you're like at your worst and a constant just-restrained desire to sate yourself at the cost of everyone and everything around you. it's about looking at all your loved ones and, whether you like it or not, being able to tell exactly how much you could drain from each and every one of them if you ever so chose. it's about having fangs in your mouth and taking painstaking steps to not let them cut someone when they try to kiss you. it's about hearing honest reassurances from friends and wondering if they understand that you can't stop listening to their pulse as they speak. it's about your hunger not being like others' hunger. it's about trying and failing and trying again to find a way to live nonetheless.


[Video caption: TikTok by @color.nerd with three flashlights arranged in a dark room at slightly different angles - blue, green, and red - with their beams overlapping in a large area. Transcript from here is as follows, and describes what happens on screen.]

I've got three flashlights here, a blue one, a green one, and a red one, and as you can see here, [he holds a sheet of paper into the intersecting area] when their beams all combine, you get white light. And if you take a piece of paper with a slit in it, and you block those beams, you can decompose that white light into back into its constituent parts: red, green, and blue. Now, this is something really cool - if you take something that casts a shadow, it's actually going to cast three: a cyan, a magenta, and a yellow shadow. If I allow each of those shadows to pass over the slit, you're going to see that they block out only their complementary color.

[End caption.]

Source: tiktok.com

vampirism poses the question "what if there was a fundamental, horrible, unending well of want in your soul that, if truly satisfied, would lead to great pain for all those you hold closest and, in turn, their absolute and total revilement of you?" and naturally as a person with no problems I don't relate to this in any way at all.

vampirism also poses the question "what if someone you loved, through no fault of their own, needed something from you, and giving it to them and seeing them happy provided you the greatest joy, and you were the only one who could do it, but at the same time it was slowly draining all your life out of you?" which is also a completely unrelatable idea to me because I'm a normal person with no issues.

"ugh this is not what vampires are about :/ you've been poisoned by contemporary vampire romance"





I love the point where Tolkien stops pretending he's writing a mid-20th century fantasy novel and just fully writes in Old English half-lines:

Still she did not blench: maiden of the Rohirrim child of kings, slender but as a steel-blade, fair yet terrible. A swift stroke she dealt, skilled and deadly. The outstretched neck she clove asunder, and the hewn head fell like a stone. Backward she sprang as the huge shape crashed to ruin, vast wings outspread, crumpled on the earth; and with its fall the shadow passed away. A light fell about her, and her hair shone in the sunrise.

There are 3-4 paragraphs like this. It's great.

Holy Week had come and gone: Why seek you the living with the dead? Labor awhile longer and then you'll have the summer, you'll go to the seaside, you'll lie all day in the sun.

Henry Henry, Allen Bratton

“Not all writing is cursed, but surely all of it is haunted. Literature is a catacomb of past readers, past writers, past books. Traces of those who are responsible for creation linger among the words on a page; Shakespeare can’t hear us, but we can still hear him (and don’t ghosts wander through those estate houses upon the moors unaware that they’ve died?). […] Of all of the forms of expression that humanity has worked with—painting, music, sculpture—literature is the eeriest. Poetry and fiction are both incantation and conjuration, the spinning of specters and the invoking of ghosts; it is very literally listening to somebody who isn’t there, and might not have been for a long while. All writing is occult, because it’s the creation of something from ether, and magic is simply a way of acknowledging that—a linguistic practice, an attitude, a critical method more than a body of spells. We should be disquieted by literature; we should be unnerved.”

— Ed Simon, from his essay “Who’s There?: Every Story Is a Ghost Story”, published in The Millions, August 18, 2021

“We’re trying to get somewhere with the problem of the extreme brevity of Cordelia’s role in King Lear, which is less than ninety lines. Nobody believes this until you count them. Or the great silences in literature, characters who come on and say nothing — from Aeschylus to Dostoyevsky — or say only a few words. Or the idiot at the end of Boris Godunov: he sings two notes which go through the whole of the world in their despair and horror. And students have been responding, you’ve been responding, you know the stuff by heart, it fills you, and you leave, you walk down the street, and you see a headline: ‘A Million Dead in Rwanda.’ It isn’t only that you are numb to the constant horrors of our century, it’s that they don’t even enter your imagination.”

— George Steiner, The Paris Review, 1994

The issue of likeability is one that I came up against often since, but never so clearly with Helena. Seldom does anybody ask whether they like Hamlet, Henry V, or King Lear, but somehow the heroine has to be sympathetic, palatable, likeable. It is definitely easier for a woman to be liked if she is pretty, gentle, and unassuming than if she is intense, ambitious, and complicated like Helena.
On the other hand, it is interesting that George Bernard Shaw preferred Helena to any other Shakespeare heroine, and having studied the part in depth and played it in repertoire over a period of two years, I feel certain that Shakespeare was basically on her side. Every decent, wise character in the play approves of her, and her only detractors are Parolles, a known cheat, and Bertram, an immature snobbish boy. 

Dame Harriet Walter, from Brutus and Other Heroines: Playing Shakespeare’s Roles for Women

Anonymous asked:

Hello!! Do you have any recs for sexy horror movies?

This is slightly vague I can work with it:

  • The Shiver of the Vampires (1970)
  • Your Vice is a Locked Room and Only I Have the Key (1972)
  • The Blood Spattered Bride (1972)
  • Shivers (1975)
  • Videodrome (1983)
  • The Hunger (1983)
  • Gothic (1986)
  • Hellraiser (1987)
  • Def by Temptation (1990)
  • Candyman (1992)
  • Return of the Living Dead 3 (1993) (this one might be me being insane)
  • The Addiction (1995)
  • Blood and Donuts (1995)
  • eXistenZ (1999)
  • Thirst (2009)
  • Raw (2016)
  • Knife+Heart (2018)
  • Titane (2021)
  • Suitable Flesh (2023)
And bodies, whether living or dead, decay continuously. Our topmost layer of skin is dead. Our hair is dead. Bacteria, fungus, and germs thrive in just about every nook and cranny they can find. The smell of body odor is, in fact, the smell of these bacteria feasting on fatty compounds secreted by our sweat glands. And yet, bodies are sexy, not in spite of the fact that we are decaying but exactly, I think, because we are.

The Loveliness of Decay: Rotting Flesh, Literary Matter, and Dead Media, Jesse Stommel

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