
Gruvia is my religion.Also love some other couples



I really hate reading fanfics on wattpad because I can’t search through the pages within the books. I don’t know if this makes sense. Does anyone have any recommendations for Gruvia Angst on wattpad. I’m having a hard time using the site.


Hey, not to sound pushy. But maybe you can go and check my book out. It’s on Wattpad, it’s called « The moment our eyes met...». It’s a modern Gruvia slow burn. There’s also my one-shot book in which three angst. My account name is @Arya_Reyes.

It’s okay I will. Thanks for giving me the suggestion.

I love this fanfic so much😭

Everyone should give it a try

(I'm aabcaxi on wattpad 😚)

Juvia: *strapped onto a sacrifice table*
Juvia: But why is Juvia bait?
Gray: Y-yeah, Erza. Shouldn't it be Lucy?
Lucy: Hey!
Erza: Well, I figured since we are up against a Water Demon, it'd want a water-mage as a bride. So, that's why-Hey, Gray! Don't go taking the ropes off!
Gray: *mumbles* Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine.

I approve Lucy being the bait!


I love this

"Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine" 🤣


Reblog to make it stronger😩✊

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. 🕯 manifesting 🕯

🕯 a new gruvia 🕯

. 🕯 content 🕯

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p.s. it finally worked, right????

YOU! Reblog it too to help


Sakura Haruno - From a Girl to a Legendary Kunoichi.

Sakura’s growth from a girl who is “more interested in love than ninjutsu”, to one of the world’s most renowned Kunoichi, was quite remarkable.

The catalyst for this growth, as was the case for a lot of her development, were Sasuke’s words. They were harsh, but necessary, as it made her realise that she was becoming a hindrance to her team:

Those words would resonate in her mind until the Forest of Death, where she was stuck between a rock and a hard place:

And once she had finally reached her breaking point, and could no longer tolerate being the one to always get in the way, she decided to let go of her naive desire to look more appealing for Sasuke, and cut her hair. This symbolized the start of her blossoming into something special:

At this point, even though she knew she probably couldn’t defeat the enemies before her, she was at least going to go down fighting to protect those dear to her; She had finally found her resolve as a kunoichi.


And she even opted to sacrifice her body by purposely getting hit by shurikens and kunais instead of substituting, in order to land a surprise attack on her opponent, demonstrating her physical toughness as well:

The idea was reckless, but effective, and it paid huge dividends:

Now although she was eventually subdued, as she had expected, she could at least pride herself with the fact that she had fought her hardest to protect her friends instead of doing nothing. This was a huge turning point for her.

Later on during Sasuke’s confrontation with Gaara, Sakura once again illustrated how much she had grown as a person. In contrast to what had transpired in the Forest of Death where she had been absolutely petrified in fear of Orochimaru, when she saw Gaara heading to kill Sasuke, she put her life on the line to protect him, with no ounce of hesitation whatsoever:

I can only imagine what was going through Sakura’s head when she saw Gaara flying towards Sasuke, with the intent to kill:

So she got in the way, and was literally staring death in the face, but she didn’t move an inch. Not because she was afraid, but because her love for Sasuke was that powerful. It wasn’t a crush anymore, it was love, born from the desire to ease his internal suffering which at that point, only she was aware of.

After Naruto had come back unsuccessful in retrieving Sasuke, Sakura decided that simply putting her body/life on the line to protect her comrades was no longer enough; she needed the ability to actively fight and do things on her own terms, so that she could sufficiently aid Naruto in saving their friend: 

Thus, she turned to Tsunade in order to train and cultivate her skills:

Therefore, much like Naruto with Jiraiya and Sasuke with Orochimaru, Sakura set herself on the path of becoming part of the next generation of Sannin:

Tsunade taught Sakura the fundamentals of extremely precise chakra control, and as Kakashi and Naruto learned, that training wasn’t for the sole purpose of teaching Sakura medical ninjustu:

Sakura had gained the extreme levels of chakra control necessary to amplify her strength to monstrous levels:  

And Kakashi immediately saw that Sakura was a star in the making; to have come such a long way in a relatively short amount of time, he knew that at this rate, she’d probably surpass Tsunade some day.


And then came her unlocking of the Byakugou Seal; the moment when her true potential had finally been awakened, and the chakra that she had been amassing for all that time was at last ready to be put to use. This time however, she wouldn’t just be healing from the sidelines, she’d be on the front lines, standing side by side and on equal terms with her team mates: 

And she subsequently demonstrated to the entire allied shinobi forces what she was truly capable of, and every one of them were left in shock and awe (apart from Sasuke of course): 

Her display of strength was so impressive that even Hashirama Senju, who was touted as “The God of Shinobi”, acknowledged her abilities as possibly greater than Tsunade’s:

Shortly afterwards, the next generation of Sannin were truly born, as Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura recreated the “Three-Way Deadlock” summoning, with Sasuke’s Aoda and Naruto’s Gamakichi replacing Manda and Gamabunta respectively. Katsuyu needed no replacement:

They each subsequently demonstrated their prowess with their summonings, showing that it wasn’t just a case of simply being capable of summoning them; they all knew how to proficiently use them as well:

And Sakura wasn’t about to fall behind; she knew the task at hand and set about doing it with great efficiency:


It’s such a shame that a large portion of the fandom to this day, still fail to realise what Shizune was talking about here: Sakura’s growth, both emotionally and physically, was there for all to see. She is indeed a “helluva girl” :P

And several years in the future, even during times of peace, she most certainly hadn’t lost her senses for combat, as Shin found out the hard way that there were severe consequences for laying hands on her husband and daughter: 

And Sasuke, even though he hid it most of the time, had always seen her potential. He had probably remembered Sakura’s words when they were reunited on the battlefield during the war:


And at this point, he couldn’t have agreed more. No one believes in Sakura more than Sasuke:

And with good reason; Thanks in large part to his words, she had developed from a girl who cowered and cried in the face of adversity:


To a world renowned Kunoichi who doesn’t take shit from anyone:

And people say that she lacked development! :D


Oh so Lucy doesn’t remember being a yokai! Interesting! I’m glad she’s back to normal! ❤️

Okay okay, but did you guys notice the Natsu's blushing while saying "she's back to normal" ? 😳🤭


another chapter without juvia??? UUUGGGHHHHHHHH

I'm kinda nervous for the next chapter. In this chapter we discovered that it was really Lucy fighting Natsu, and the next chapter will probably be about gray saving Juvia.

I'm really curious to know how he'll do it and what will happen after that.

And I'm also curious to know how Lucy and Juvia turned out like that. I'm excited for the next chapter. Hope I'm right.



Sorry if I wrote something wrong, english it's not my native language and I have a bit of difficulty in expressing myself


Tag game

I was tagged by the awesome @sithsoka half an eternity ago, shame on me.

rules: tag 9 people you would like to know/catch up with 

last song: Seasons in the sun, by Terry Jacks. (It’s my I’m writing angst playlist)

last movie: The Great Museum, a film documentary, but it wasn’t for me, sadly.

currently watching:  I’ve started again Star Trek Discovery, that I had abandonned in season 1, and I need to watch the last season of Lucifer, but there is always something stopping me.

currently reading:  The 25th Hour  by  Constantin Virgil Gheorghiu. It’s a novel about the horrors of authoritarian regims and also the horrors of the modern era treating man like a number to force into a category, and let me tell you it’s a depressing read! 


I was tagged by @gabriel4sam. Thanks for my first tag in one of these🥺😍!! Ok here we go..

rules: tag 9 people you would like to know/catch up with 

last song: Maddnes by Ruelle. I have a subwoofer in my car and I love to bass it up when I’m driving home 😂.

last movie: The DUFF, I’ve always wanted to watch it and it finally came up on hulu!!

currently watching:  Attack on Titan: the final season. I can’t wait for the next episode to come out!!

currently reading:  Literally any codywan fic I can get my hands on right now lol. My most current series is Hanging by a thread by @corranblue! It’s soo good and cute and I can’t wait for the next chapter to come out.

Some of you I’ve been following for awhile and others just recently. Anyways I’d like to know more about you guys. You’re all invited to my tumblr codywan fanclub lol.

Thanks for the tag, @kitcatkim! <3

last song: Island in the Sun, by Weezer last movie: National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation currently watching: on season 7 of TCW rewatch T_____T currently reading: so many fics. my backlog is out of hand…


Thanks @cacodaemonia !! 😊

last song: The Lazy Song by Bruno Mars, first thing in the morning even if it was almost noon. This is an absolute mood.

last movie: I haven’t watched a movie in a while, but I did watch a series, it’s called Home Before Dark, it’s so good, I highly recommend it.

currently watching: Hilda, it’s my anti-anxiety show

currently reading: I started this book titled Leave the World Behind, kinda apocalyptic and myserious, as if our current world situation wasn’t already providing that nevermind its actually shit. i’m reading The Awakening by Nora Roberts now


Thanks for tagging @rexisbabe 🥺🥺🥺

Last song: Beauty Lies With You by Eren AB (damn, I miss summer ;_;)

Last movie: Oh shit I don’t remember lmao… I think it was Bohemian Rhapsody???

Currently watching: …. I just realized Mando was the last show I watched and there was nothing since then 🙃 I don’t have time to watch TV ;__;

Currently reading: either Rexsoka or Bobannec fics on AO3 huehuehuehuehueh

Thanks @loulines! You da best!

Last song: Rhapsody in Blue by George Gershwin. I put on my classical playlist to try and get me in the writing mood. It didn’t work but at least I got to hear some good music!

Last movie: Wonder Woman 1984. Eh… It wasn’t that great but it was pretty entertaining.

Currently watching: The final season of Arrested Development (the Netflix one). I don’t know why. It’s pretty bad. 🤷‍♀️ But they took Parks and Rec and The Office off Netflix so I can’t just watch those for the millionth time.

Currently reading: Just finished On Writing, by Stephen King. I kinda want to read The Poppy War next but I heard it’s more like grimdark fantasy and that’s not usually my thing. We’ll see!

OOH I got tagged! I feel loved and am sending virtual hugs <3

Last song: Cabinet Battle #1 from Hamilton! I haven’t watched it yet but adore the playlist and definitely plan to watch it on disney + at some point.

Last movie: Spider man 2! Honestly, I think the 2nd one was probably better than the first. Happy is my spirit character. 

Currently watching: Absolutely BINGING the Simpsons lately! Only got into it relatively recently, but I love it! Homer and Marge are comfort ship.

Currently reading: Old Man and the Sea, but more importantly, I started reading Anna Karenina and got through a lot of it at the end of last school year, so I want to finish that.

Thank you for the tag @promiseddifferent!!!! (I can’t wait for you to watch Hamilton. IT’S SOOOO GOOD!!!)

Last Song: They Don’t Know About Us by One Direction (I was feeling very nostalgic)

Last Movie: I don’t remember exactly but I’m pretty sure it was Ralph Breaks The Internet.

Currently Watching: Mostly Darkwing Duck but I started Avatar: The Last Airbender Animaniacs but I never have time to actually watch it.

Currently Reading: Also, I have like a gazillion books that I’m reading right now but the ones I can remember off the top of my head are As Old as Time, Unbirthday, Part of Your World, and Love and War.

Thanks for the tag @rosiesj

last song: The Carnival of the Animals, by Camille Saint-Saëns. (Among others, Aquarium can remind you to ‘The Beauty and the Beast’ intro and the finale appears on ‘Fantasy 2000’ is the flamingos one.)

last movie: Detective Conan 20. The Darkest Nightmare. I’m a Detective Conan fan

currently watching:  Nothing, but the most recent show I’ve seen is ‘The Mandalorian’. And I’m waiting for Ducktales to continue

currently reading:  Humanum Genus by Leon XIII. It’s an encyclical that condemns Masonry. I do also have a lot of other books for read, mostly from G. K. Chesterton. 


Thanks for the tags @promiseddifferent and @pilyarquitect 

Last Song: Thats a toughy, I’m always listening to music lol. Right now I’m listening to my anime playlist and one of my favorite relaxing ones is prism by ampm ft. miyuna or one of my favorite upbeat ones would be Make My Story by Lenny Code Fiction 

Last Movie: Tarzan. Hadn’t watched in over a decade and loved reliving 2D animation. 

Currently Watching: Rewatching My Hero Acedamia and will be starting Horimiya soon (love the manga!) as well as Dr. Stone with my friend.

Currently reading: Nothing at the moment but I plan on either Bluestar’s Prophecy by Erin Hunter or Born Again this Way by Rachel Gilson. 

Oh boy I’ll tag @mind-gravy @gruviyasharuto @cinnamonazzy @kawaii-mango and @annaisserose2016 

Aww thanks for the tag @raz-b-rose

Last song: I feel like dancing YUYU’s version for the true beauty kdrama (which is great loving it) and the potential breakup song explicit version by aly and aj (I think that’s there names 😅)

Last movie: scooby doo the movie😂 I simply love that dog and hadn’t watched the movie in so long

Currently watching: true beauty, rewatching fairytail for like the millionth time 😓 (what can I say I love the show) watching soy luna and for the first time watching darling in the franxx (it’s so good totally recommend) and um nothing else I think

Currently reading: sadly nothing havent really found any books that interest me and I am still trying to buy the remaining percy jackson books cause I’m not done with them, but the only thing I’ve read about our bills and stuff😅

I’ll tag: @anaken101 @jetblackrevival @fairytailsmau @watermakefairy @izaa-machado @nessakats @mythicalheartbeat @demiwizard7 @kluvfantasy @chooseyatom507 @chichabelle I honestly want to get to know a LOT of people because everyone seems so diverse and interesting

Thank you for the tag @gruviyasharuto 💙

Last song: Drivers license by Olivia Rodrigo. This song is being hyped so much so I had to check it out and now I’m very emotional over the heartbreak I never experienced..

Last movie: Both Fairy Tail movies. My sister gifted me the DVDs so I had to watch them as fast as possible (obviously).

Currently watching: Jujutsu Kaisen. I also finished the K-Drama ‘Romance is a bonus book’ not so long ago.

Currently reading: Do fanfiction count? Because ‘Exterminator’ by @inspectingg was updated today and it’s such a good story, I read it from the start again (If you didn’t read it yet, check it out! You won’t regret it, I promise!)

As for books the last one I read was War Storm by Victoria Aveyard. It’s the final part of her Red Queen series which I was rereading.

I’ll tag @unvalley @anaviarts @gruviaftw11 @groovyah @everythingnerdyxoxo @shampooneko @nessakats @d-jerza and @eleexnora (and anyone else who would like to participate so I can get some free song and movie recommendations 🤭)


Thank you sm for the tag!!💙 @jetblackrevival

Last song: memories by maroon 5 or lush life by zara larsson i was literally looking for my reaaal old playlists, man this really brings back some memories :’)

Last movie: i don’t quite remember but i think.. to all the boys i’ve loved before 2? YES, I LOVE LARA SM literrally can’t wait for movie 3😢

Currently watching: haikyuu i still didn’t catch up with the series (i mean im still at the beginning of season ¾ (?)) i actually rewatched the training camp season askhjbgfsk

Currently reading: if fanfiction count it’s “strong tides: gruvia pirate AU” by tobethefairybest it’s SOOO GOOD

Thanks for the tag 😊😊😊 Lezzgo !

Last Song: My Valentine by Martina McBride 😊 I’m practising it for my cousin’s wedding…

Last Movie: Jigsaw 😅 I just a fan of horror movies

Currently Watching: Two Cops, k-drama ❤

Currently Reading: Gruvia fanfics 🤣💙

Hey! Thank you for the tag! @pinkbtr too, thanks!

Last song: I don’t need a man by Miss A

Last movie: The Hunger Games (re-watch it last night haha)

Currently watching: Nothing atm (well actually my recorded lessons) but I want to start Dr. Stone when I finally have free time TwT

Currently reading: The Remarried Empress (both webtoon and novel)

Tysm for the tag🥰

Last song: head first by Christian French

Last movie: high school musical (again lol)

Currently watching: big mouth

Currently reading: wicked


Lovesquare hands.

She's like, the most talented person I have ever met. She writes, she draws, she cooks (lol). If there's something she can't do, please tell so I can prove you're wrong. Thank you.

Até aqui eu te sigo Duda kkkkkkk. Te incomodo no Instagram, na wattpad (tmb sou conhecida como a sua seguidora mais insuportável em todas as redes @aabcaxi kkkkkkk) e agr aqui tmb kkkkk. Love u


Honestly the only reason we saw so many doppelgänger in 100 year quest is for gruvia content lol. Not that I’m complaining but mashima could have added Juvia to the main team at the beginning instead.

Don’t get me wrong I’m enjoying this VERY MUCH too


Once I start actually writing fanfiction instead of daydreaming about it all day it's over for you bitches


We ALL really gotta agree that juvia lives rent free in her gray-sama's mind.. and heart .ω.




Gray's mind: *exists*

Juvia: it's a free real estate


Found a good fanfiction

It only has 12 chapters

It's incomplete

Suddenly realizes fanfic was last updated in 2006

Anonymous asked:

As a writer, I do not understand how can you love Juvia so much, a bad character, of no relevance to the story, which exists only for gruvia, if she were not there, would not change anything for the plot of Fairy Tail

The reason I love her is because, as a writer, I can see the potential in her character. She’s a complex young woman who we can only assume suffered a great deal of abuse in her past. Psychological, if not physical as well. Someone whose past remains a mystery to us. 

As a writer, I can see what Mashima was trying to do. As a writer, I see her worth outside her romantic entanglements with Gray. I see the strength in her heart when she sacrificed herself for Cana, despite not having belonged to the guild that long.

As a writer, I know what Juvia would and would not do in times of great stress. I know when she would daydream and when she would become serious. I know when she would put the safety of her friends above her feelings for Gray, the feelings that let her grow. As a writer, I’ve picked up on details that Mashima lays out for us, details that people seldom take in because they’ve already decided to hate her. 

As a writer, and someone who has experienced abuse, I understand that Juvia’s eccentric personality stems from a place of suffering. A place of misunderstandings and hurt. A place that never taught her how to approach the topic of love. A place that told her, deep down, that she didn’t deserve to be near Gray, that he wouldn’t accept her (as no one else had). She watched him from the shadows, not out of her own perverse desire to be near him, but because she is psychologically damaged. A person who has never experienced love would have no idea how to react to it. She was overcome by strong feelings that moved her and changed her. 

Mashima has wasted a lot of opportunities by using Juvia for comic relief, I agree. But, as a writer, I can see past that relief. I can see the potential in her character. See the S-Class mage who would throw her life away – not just for Gray, but for any one of her guild mates. Something people are so quick to forget. Gray isn’t the only person Juvia has cried for. 

Mashima is writing a manga. He can only convey so much of a person in those few panels. People neglect to remember that there will be things we have not been shown. The depictions of her time with Lucy that we’ve only seen in cover photos. Her past relationship with Gajeel. Her relationship with Lisanna. Her friendship with the other members. 

I love Juvia because people like you are so quick to judge her, the way they often judge me at first glance. I love Juvia because she gives me something raw to write about. Something to prove. Something to make up for when Mashima doesn’t show her full potential.

Juvia is more than her ship. That is why I write her. 


Love this

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