
The visuals of the ed were so good but I don't like the song very much

Anonymous asked:

Feel free to not post/delete this, but this is a rebuttal to a response in your Eren-related ask where someone says Eren was not radicalised and just does it all for a psychotic need for freedom.

Probably a troll or just reducing the character down to one thing the character said, but this is not true if only for the fact that he lost it over Mikasa.

He wants to be free, but if it weren't for what he went through, he wouldn't be where he was, which is why he let his mom die.

If it weren't for the knowledge of the basement and that the world wants Paradis dead, he wouldn't have done what he did.

It's all a response to injustice inflicted upon him and everyone around him because he can't see any other way out.

Or it once again comes down to the detail that people just can't comprehend that a selfless goal can be behind a horrible act.

Eren would destroy the world for Mikasa and his friends.

And there is a reason we are actually shown and given a perfectly valid way out, but Eren can't see it.

Who Eren is in his nature is important, but so is his nurture/experiences because each one leads him to another decision.

For another aspect, I feel like if Eren's mom just died in an accident or she was killed by bandits, his revenge probably wouldn't lead him to fighting the Titans.

Circumstances, nature and experiences are all important.

Yup. I blocked that person but yup to all of this. People refuse nuance in favor of simplicity because if people are just born evil, it makes them feel safer and also feel justified.


It's probably because of this recent popular analysis video about eren



1. A continuous sequence in which adjacent elements are not perceptibly different from each other, although the extremes are quite distinct

2. The set of real numbers.

A small story for Tracy, fellow Scibro, Erejean and Borges aficionado.


and then i shipped it shipped it HARD no regrets.

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