
Is this a PJO BLOG?

@poseidonslostspawn / poseidonslostspawn.tumblr.com

22 prefered pronouns she/her queer as hell (you see the green? aroace spec Baby!) Genderfluid  Icon credit: https://frogsforthefrogwar.tumblr.com/

so embarrassing when i forget im checking someone's blog and i start scrolling through and liking and reblogging shit as if it's just my dash. it feels like wandering into someone else's apartment and not noticing and making myself lunch

reblog if i can wander into your apartment (blog) and make myself lunch (like and reblog as if it's my dash)


[ID: Video of two girls playing jump rope with the long shadows of a wind turbine across an open grassy field. In the far distance, there is a farm with cows, and the blue sky is occupied by huge white clouds. The video is accompanied by a calming string instrumental with smooth whistles. End ID]


im trying to go to sleep but i cannotttttt stop thinking about this and laughing

Listen, we have to keep this thing circulating on the internet for at least another two decades, because I have to believe that one day that little girl will be grown enough to stumble upon it and She Will Explain


We’ve made it 5 years folks


elon musk had a third child with grimes that he kept secret until the release of his biography. he named it techno mechanicus

can you imagine being an adult nepo baby at a company your rich dad invested in and having to walk into the boardroom first day like. hi everyone. my name is techno mechanicus


I can tell this is fake because "techno mechanicus" doesn't start with X


I haven't been reblogging this post because I genuinely assumed you guys were Goncharoving a nepo baby


Being a supportive parent to your trans daughter AND standing up to her trolls and mocking them openly. Good parenting.

How could you leave these out?


Well it being black history month is reminding me how I wanted to doodle something like this down for a while. Since it’s been a lil detail I always take notice of in drawings. These are very simple depictions but I hope it’s enough to give the general idea! Feel free to reblog


[Image description taken from alt: Drawing Scars on Brown/Dark Skin. The left illustration is how cuts and burns looks on brown and darker skin. Top level is the common depiction of using light pink to color it. So no melanin? typically not how most scars look. Of course there’s the condition of raised scars or stretch marks which could look lighter! Next row is showing how they are when scabbing which is reddish and dark. Third row is an aged, finished scar. Burns are marbled in look. They're darker than the skin tone. Last row shows how a fully or nearly fully healed scar, it's lightly visible but still darker than skin tone. Right illustration is a torso with scars with a diagonal cut to show the difference between left and right side. Left has pink light scars, healing? Or just an oversight? Right has darker colored scars. Normal. Same applies to top surgery scars. For recent surgeries that alter the areola, it is pink as it heals (nipples are pigmented on dark skin btw so it’s a weird look) After full care and recovery they’ll look normal (dark). End description.] @a-captions-blog


References for my bipoc qtipoc and disabled futurism project wip


The concept of not using your top sheet is totally foreign to me. I guess it’s because I grew up in a drafty old house sleeping under down comforters, antique quilts, wool blankets and other pieces of bedding that were a sensory nightmare/difficult to clean. I see people in my generation joke about the uselessness of the top sheet and I’m like. Idk, I think it has a pretty important job to do protecting you from touching the creepy haunted quilt your great grandma sewed.

Top sheet value:

  • protect bedding from skin oil
  • protect skin from bedding fabrics
  • improved insulation when it's cold
  • keep the monsters from getting you when it's too hot for blankets

It's also about saving water. You're going to have to wash whatever is next to your skin to get the oils and flakes of skin off it. Washing a sheet takes a LOT less water than washing a blanket, especially a thick blanket, and it also dries faster.

Also handy if you have fatigue! Using a top sheet means I don't have to change the cover on my doona/duvet anywhere near as often bc it's not touching me, and that's the part of changing bedclothes that exhausts me the fastest.


You know I think the reason a lot of doctors lean so heavily on diagnosing women or ppl they perceive as women with "anxiety" is just bc they got told they can't diagnose us with hysteria anymore


friend is explaining me the american healthcare system. WALK IN CLINICS COST MONEY??????

like. walk in. talk to the doctor. they say a solution and maybe perscribe something. that costs money? like i knew ambulence rides and perscriptions and treatments costed money. but just SEEING a doctor too???

cool! i think all politicians and people lobbying for this to die 👍

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