
life of El


Words heal
...and maybe you’ll entertain other girls. Maybe your mind will run away with them. But it’s only to escape the thought of me, and it won’t last long

-because your thoughts will always come running back to me


You’ll regret losing me. You’ll realise that no love could ever hold you like mine did, but baby boy my love will never hold you again. Still, you will look for me in every woman you lay your eyes on. When she is pressed against your body, it is the shape of mine that you will crave. And you’ll see my face every time you close your eyes, like I exist no where more so than the back of your eye lids


For our daughters

I pray to God that my daughter will know her worth.

If she is ever up at 4am crying because a boy made her feel like there wasn’t enough room for her in this world, like she was taking up space, like the only space she fit, was the space he lent her, I pray that she finds her way to the space between my arms. When the space he lent her is all she knows, when she feels like she doesn't belong, not to this world, not even to herself, I hope she knows that there is no space that belongs to her more so than the skin that lies atop my heart. I hope she knows that this space will always bring her home. I hope when she lies on my chest her heartbeat remembers the months it spent beating next to mine. I hope she uses my arms as a cast whilst her heart heals, and when the cage in her chest shatters, I hope she puts it back together not with love for anyone else, but with love for herself. As tears stream down her cheeks I hope she notices how they water the love I have sewn into the fabric of her being, I hope she keeps for herself the love that blossoms, I hope she learns that love starts with herself, and despite the pain and the heartache, I hope she knows that love will never mean to hurt her. And when she’s sad I hope she writes to me, I hope she writes to herself. I hope she writes. I hope she knows that words heal. And if she can’t find the words to soothe her, I hope she knows that my words will always be there to hold her.

Finally, I hope she knows that love created her, and to think for a second that she was created less than enough is to doubt a force greater than she will ever know.


The way you write about him,

you think your poems are a reflection of his beauty

But darling these words are pieces of your soul

these words are all yours

So when you write,

even when it is of him,

it is a reflection

not of his beauty

but of yours

-you’ve already given him too much, don’t give him your words too

I drowned myself in a sea of our memories and I choked on thoughts that wouldn’t stay away. 
My white bed sheets are stained by my dreams of you, my dreams and my tears and the reasons why you didn’t stay. 
You told me that you’d always love me.
You said “I’m yours until you don’t want me no more”. 
So forgive me for falling apart when you got up and left me,
for I’d just got used to the idea of you staying but now you don’t love me like before. 
You told me you wanted me to be happy, 
but I can’t escape the pain, 
it shoots through me each time I take a breath in
every night is just the same
So listen to me when I say
my heart is ever grieving.
The worst way to suffocate
is to keep on breathing.

- the days after you left

As the thought of you keeps me from my sleep,
my eyes pour into the moon
and my wishes for you cling to the stars. Now I know why the moon is full,
why it has scars;
and why the stars fall out of the sky
as they collapse beneath the weight of sad eyes and wishes to take away the pain of goodbye

- sometimes I pour my mind into the sky. I hope it rains down on you

It’s the days when I just really feel like holding someone’s hand that I miss you. It’s the days I want to talk for ages about nothing in particular. It’s the days I want to tell you about my favourite book and it’s the days I want to lie on your chest as you read it aloud to me. Because when someone so constant suddenly disappears out of your life you don’t just get used to it. I’ll admit, some days I barely notice, sometimes that lasts for months. But some days I swear your absence could fill an empty room, and nothing makes a room feel emptier than wanting someone in it. I ache for you sometimes. I ache for our conversations, I ache for your boring brown eyes, I ache for your skin pressed against mine and your breath on my neck. I want my lips to trace every inch of your body and I want your hands to trace every inch of mine.

letters to my ex

...do you still murmur nonsense in your sleep? I hope no one lies close enough to hear you if you do. I wonder would your hand slip easily into place if it were to ever find mine again? Would our fingers remember the right spaces without us having to remind them?

sometimes I wonder about you, I wonder if I still know you

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