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i may be dead inside but season 2 killed me

The fact that there are people in this fandom who haven’t lived through the PregNancy theories or “Mike and El are really the same person” theories trips me tf up. Y’all aren’t TRULY apart of the fandom until you’ve completed your initiation of witnessing some complete bs ridiculous theory become super popular. Y’all don’t Understand what it’s like to be a year into hiatus and see 10 posts on your dash a day about how Eleven is gonna morph into Mike in s2 “like in E.T.”

will, reclined all the way in a la-z-boy: everybody asks “where is will” but nobody asks “how is will”
dustin, taking notes on an etch-a-sketch: go on

mike and el and lucas and max have all been happily dating for over a year and we’re going to see their summer love stories, not to be dramatic but that shit is breathtaking bro

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