


- I do take requests- please don't take my writing without proper credit

I apologize for not updating in a while, school and everything has been kind of overwhelming, hopefully I can get myself motivated soon!

He promised...

Summery: Tubbo tries to understand his best friend is gone...

!TW! Character death !TW!

600+ words

Art credit to Unknown, I'm sorry I couldn't find the original if anyone knows please put it in the comments!!!

Tubbos's POV


I-i didn't think it would hurt this much. I know he's gone, but it still feels like he's here. It feels like it was only an hour ago we were playing around at the drug van with Wilbur, Fundy, and Eret.


3rd POV


They gaze with empathy as he walks down the path, arms saying at his side, red eyes from crying, and hair sticking out in all directions like a pin cushion. He goes to the bench, the one they used to share. Now only his grave is there to keep the little ram company. He settles down there doing nothing. Clutching a single disk, Cat, the disc despite being scorched, still worked despite being charred with the rest of his stuff. The other disk is long gone, burnt to a crisp.


The Fort

!TW! Nothing <3 !TW!


It was late, far past their bedtime. The twins, Wilbur and Y/n, we're still up.

"Will," Y/n whispers.

"Yeah?" Wilbur whispers back.

"I'm bored,"

"What am I supposed to do about that?"

Y/n flings their head down the ladder of their bunk bed, "I don't know let's do something," they say, staring at Will from the top bunk.

"Like what? Dadza might hear us," Will said, sitting up to face Y/n.

"Hmmm… oh I know!" Y/n exclaims.

"Shhhhhh," the elder twin whispers.

"Sorry," Y/n says quieter.

"What were you going to say?"

"We should build a fort!" Y/n says, their excitement clear on their face.


Sorry for the news! But I have been experiencing a lot of writers block... But don't worry! I will be back!


Where is Home?

Vilbur and Reader pt 7

!TW! Death, shouting, mentions of dismemberment, nightmares !TW!

Word count: 1400+

Summary: The two worlds merge, Tommy is put in safety by Y/n, but he is never truly home. Where is his home?



Tommy's POV

I am meeting with Y/n today.

I trek over the hills, looking over the ruins of what was L'manburg. Ranboo and the others have been cautious about me leaving ever since the 'illness'. Not like I will be telling them about Y/n, I think scoffing.


The dreamscape.

Vilbur and Reader pt. 6

!TW! freezing, manipulation, yelling, violence, mentions of blood, feral Tommy!TW!

Hope you enjoy <3

Art credit to: @elevenshaze on twt


Tubbo's POV

I know I am dreaming, I can hear Phil pacing around the room. Soon his pacing fades away.

-entering the dream state-

The sun rests just over the horizon, Tommy is here. We are on the hill that overlooks L'manburg.

"Hey, big man?"

"Yeah what's up?" Tommy answers.

"Will we get our happily ever after? Everyone is talking about how they work towards their happy ending. But I just can't seem to see the end." I say brushing my hair away from my eyes.

"There is no ending because there was never a beginning," Tommy says, his voice getting scratchy.


I listen to many types of songs , and I don't know what to choose sooooooo here a list of song I'm not embarrassed for showing. Also u don't have too if you don't want too.

Mr. Backwards - Jack stauber

Christmas kids - roar (love this song)

A1 - it just a burning memory

Fire walk with me - surf curse

Undertale fallen down ;]

The dock

The usual > all from Mikasacus



I might use fallen down for inspiration,

thank you!



Sooooo how are you?

Hope ur doing good!


Thank you for asking! I am doing well, unfortunately, my arm has been very stiff and it is difficult to write right now. But if you have any songs you like, I could use them as inspiration!



It all comes together. Vilbur and Reader pt 5

!TW! Freezing, mentions of harm, mentions of violence, trauma, dying, almost deaths, cursing !TW!

Got this done faster then anticipated check out my last post if you wanna make any inferences on what happened🖤 (:

Ranboo's POV

It was a normal day for Ranboo, he had done some mining earlier that day, but something still just felt… wrong. He couldn't put his finger on it. As he heads his way home he sees Tommy in the distance.


Hi , can I request Awsamdude x reader

(male if you can do)

Awsamdude has a secret lover since he want to protect them from the rest of the Smp. Awsamdude visit there lover and they notice how stress they are from the prison and other events. There lover comfort them in the end with cuddles!


Until The End of Time

Sam x (male) reader

!TW! wow such empty !TW!

Sam's POV

It has been a long week, Dream has been trying to annoy me as much as possible for some reason. The sun is setting by the time I head home. It is in a secluded location due to the history of attacks against people's loved ones. I see my house as I exit the trees that surround the cottage. It was a rather quaint house, vines growing up the sides of the small house. There was a garden that Y/n grows, he loved their apple tree. He said that they produce the best green apples, and they could match the spots I have on my skin from my creeper heritage. As I walk through the door, I drop my things and throw myself onto our couch.


The Egg's Host pt. 2

Summery: Bad, Ant, Puffy, and Skeppy are helping to clear out a space for the egg that Bad found the other day, and something weird happens to Skeppy.

!TW! shouting, manipulation, betrayal, mentions of injury !TW!

Credit to Princess Hernandez on Pinterest for the pic below

Skeppy's POV throughout

The longer I am here the sooner I wish to leave. It's so… I don't even know there is just a bad vibe. I feel like something is watching me. Looking over my shoulder I see that everyone is working, it has been three hours since we started expanding the eggs territory. Now and again I will hear Bad mutter something to the egg. I can never hear them clearly but I have heard something like host, and hatching. It would make sense that the egg would hatch.


The Egg's legacy

!TW! Swearing, mentions of injury, shouting, demon voice !TW!


Bad's POV

I heard a noise coming from the… ground? I start digging down, looking around for the source of the noise. Thunk, I hear when I hit something hard. Huh sounds like stone. I bring out my pickaxe and cautiously mine the area. I peek my head down and look around, it is a huge empty room. Wait, it's not empty. There is something red near the center of the room.

"Hello? Is there someone here?" I cautiously say, voice quivering slightly.

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