
It's A Study in Life

@studyingsubtext / studyingsubtext.tumblr.com

Sherlock blog. Previously itsastudyinlife.









this is going to sound like such a Tumblr Story but I swear it’s happening as i type but like. outside my dorm window these guys were playing catch and they asked their friend to join him and i heard something muttered and then the other guy was like “you’re in college and you don’t know how to throw a football?” and like up in my room i was grimacing bc here come the Gay Sissy jokes obviously but instead - the kid goes “that’s okay! we’ll teach you.” and for the last hour they’ve been teaching him how to play like i’ve been listening and i guess you want to catch with your fingertips and use your elbows and bend your knees and think about your wrists and they’re …? actually being so kind and saying like ? some of the most constructive criticism i’ve ever heard surrounded by things like “oh! great job on that catch” “sweet throw! now you’re getting it!” and … my heart has never been so warm

i just wish this world like told boys… it’s okay to be like this. it’s okay to be supportive and friendly and frankly nurturing to other boys. i wish boys were allowed to be gentle and sweet and kind. boys….. be good, upturn the patriarchal standards and homophobia entrenched in this culture…. go teach a guy how to throw a ball. 

UPDATE: the guy who’s teaching just said “BEAUTIFUL throw! sorry i didn’t catch it but that was PERFECT!!” and the guy who’s learning is like “?? i… i did it good??” and the first guy just says … in the most proud voice ever like .. “bro you did it GREAT” and tbh i’m gonna cry there’s too much Good here



I made this and now I feel slightly more happy about the episode 😁


This is a gift.  Thank you.

I never realized how much that stupid dialogue weighed it down. I mean I knew I hated it and could not understand why they wouldn’t have the original narrator (John) cap off the series, but this truly demonstrates what a bad decision that voiceover was for the episode. Now if only they could have cut that part about John unintentionally subscribing to the Dead Harpy Wife DVD of the Month Club…

Wow, does her narration ever drag it all down. We can actually HEAR the beautiful music of Price and Arnold now. Thank you for this.

Time for a reblog. Let the music do the talking.


Problematic Promos

Now that some time has passed, I was taking a look back through the promotional materials for Season 4, and I noticed something. I apologize if someone has already mentioned this stuff! I looked around for a meta with this topic, but I didn’t find one, so here we go!

I recall that when the promotional materials for Season 4 were released we all sort of commented on how dark everything in the photos appears, what the hair looked like, how the burned out flat photo with just Sherlock and John in it looks like a heart, and how the smiley doesn’t show up in the reflection in the flooded photo. I also recall intense discussion about the three photos in the chess themed set, and how the leak of the final photo drew so much attention from The Powers That Be. All of these are valid catches, but I noticed a few other things relating to the promos.

I’m not sure what they all mean, to be honest, but I do know that everything on this show is deliberate, so…

1.       There are still no photos of Eurus/Sian Brooke in the official photos on the BBC One Sherlock site. Surely by now it would be ok to release some. I mean, Sian Brooke is attractive and well known enough to warrant some photos! They have certainly included her in some of the post season videos. But if you’re looking for a lovely, composed, high resolution shot of Eurus or any of her personalities, you’re going to be disappointed. I think this is weird, especially given that we see both Culverton Smith and Jim Moriarty (and he was a big secret) in the photos.

2.       This photo is NOT of 221B. Look closely.

The smiley is different than the original! It’s tilted wrong and aligns with the wallpaper differently.It’s just not the same. I know I have seen a meta on the Miss Me Smiley from this image: 

The burned out smiley almost looks like a mirrored version of this one, doesn’t it?

So what about this bumped out area in the wall in our 221b? Not there in the burned out flat.

Where are the windows on either side of the room? Again, not there. 

And what about that trim high up on the burned out left wall? Not there in 221b.

The people in this show KNOW their set. This can’t be a mistake or something where they thought, hey…that’s close enough.

So what does it mean?

3.       Now on to the seven images that they released the week before the season started. One a day, a right? Burned out flat in the background. I noticed a few things about these images. 

But first, this image for reference: 

Every one of these characters is wearing the same clothing as the group shot, but with a coat/jacket added in the individual photos, with one exception. 

Take a look:

(Greg’s photo is missing from the BBC One Sherlock site. A little odd, given the wind-up they gave these each day…but anyway.)


Molly is the exception. Her clothing is completely different under her lab coat.

To me, it seems like this singles her out in some way. Just like they single Mycroft out in another way. 

Can you see it?

It’s the smiley again. In each of the other six photos, the smiley moves around, but it is the original smiley from 221b. The size, shape, and orientation are correct.

But Mycroft’s smiley is different. 

It’s the strange, new smiley from the burned out flat photo, and unlike the other character shots, this smiley isn’t on the 221b wallpaper. 

I think it may have been @the-7-percent-solution who commented to the effect that if you want to mess with people’s heads, just mess with their surroundings. Make things a little bit off, and that will make the audience uncomfortable, and they probably won’t even recognize why. Maybe that’s what’s going on here. Or maybe there is some deeper meaning. 

I don’t know for sure, but I do still believe that these weird details are part of a larger plan. The cast and crew are too attuned to the details of the show to overlook errors or do things half-assed. 


As always, apologies for tagging the unwilling or missing a tag! Please share with whoever may be interested. Thank you!!

Wow okay these are some really cool points I’m so happy you tagged me @bluebluenova!! <3  One thing that stuck out to me was your mention of the smiley face being reflected in the burnt down flat photo. That got me thinking…what if the burnt flat photo is a literal reflection from a mirror, possibly the mirror above the mantle? Two reasons why I think this:

1) The skull is on the mantle under the mirror, and we clearly see it by Sherlock’s feet in the burnt flat photo. Also, the first thing I think of when I see that photo is that Sherlock and John are in front of where the fireplace and mirror should be, except there’s a hole where it’s blown out - but what if they are meant to symbolically stand in for the missing mirror?

2) This is the realization that really freaked me out. Do you guys see that weird hallway with stretching into the distance behind John and Sherlock? With occasional rectangular frame/column things? Here I’ll even outline it for you:

When you mentioned the smiley face on that wall being a reflection, i made a connection between those hallway/door frames and mirrors. Because look what happens to the reflection when you place two mirrors parallel to each other:


(Literally just googled parallel mirrors reflection, hope no one sues me)

Infinite mirrors. Infinite reflections.


To make it worse, you also see bits of the infinite frame/mirror/reflection motif in the close-ups of the other characters hahahahahaaaaaaa   

What does it all mean? Is everything and everyone in s4 a dream? What’s the metaphorical significance of parallel mirrors? Is the whole season literally a distorted of infinite reflections from the mirror on top of the mantle piece? Can you hear my internal screaming from across the internet? 


I am in no way an actual meta writer or a Sherlock blog, but something occurred to me—when you reflect an image in a mirror like in that picture above with the girl, it eventually starts to look a bit different than the original. As you can see the picture starts looking blue and maybe the image is a little distorted or unintelligible. And series four….. well, it was pretty distorted and unintelligible. So we have the original story, and then we have the reflection of a reflection of a reflection, which is what we saw.

With every incident of the story being reflected, retold, or otherwise moved slightly, we get a little piece that falls off.

So how is our story being reflected?

Oh my god. You are absolutely brilliant. I was just writing a meta about how the same scenes are occurring over and over again becoming more and more distorted and your explanation is so interesting.

Off the top of my head the ones I can think of are:

1) Someone’s right eye getting hurt - John getting flicked under the right eye in HLV (You get flicked under the right eye in order to gauge whether you’re conscious or not. This scene possibly foreshadows Sherlock being unconscious? Or maybe Sherlock is comatose after he’s shot? The whole thing is very strange.) - Sherlock’s eye being obscured as Lestrade talks about the carseat kid case - punched by Ajay - punched by John - Victor Trevor’s eye-patch

2) Sherlock’s chest hurting - Being shot by Mary - Doubling over in pain in the hallway after taking drugs in TAB - “… A very tangible ghost.” Sherlock’s chest hurts while he’s talking with Mary about Ajay being alive in TST. - Doubling over in pain in the hallway after taking drugs in TLD - Being kicked in the chest by John in TLD 3) A car driving and swerving out of control - Rosie’s birth in TST - A drunk driver in TST - Being in the boot of Mrs Hudson’s Aston Martin in TLD


This is not a game anymore. They are interacting with several real life accounts/entities, they are repeatedly breaking the fourth wall.

I find it very curious that Pizza Hut, Bart’s Hospital and Pret are playing along so effortlessly. I feel this is all part of a bigger scheme/game which is the arg. They want us to believe contactsh and contactjhw are very real.



“Please don’t watch the #leaked #Sherlock #Finale thanks! #SherlockLeak #Sherleak #nospoilers”

There is no season 5.

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