

@bonkaii4 / bonkaii4.tumblr.com

Anonymous asked:

Bonkai Headcanon:

Kai can't help but drop whatever is currently in his hands whenever Bonnie enters a room.

TVD : At first I read it the wrong way and thought about a kind of "manipulation", dropping things deliberately...

In the prison world :

1. Bonnie would ask Kai to hand her some paper or whatever.

He'd grab the thing then feign giving it to her but drop it last second.

_ Oops.

A playful grin would appear on his face.

She'd give him an annoyed look then squat down to pick the thing up the floor.

For a slight second he enjoys seeing her at his feet, something twitching in his pants...

When she'd be risen, she would be closer to him, holding his gaze.

Kai's mind would be swirling by itself. Eyeing her face, staring a bit too long at her lips a few inches from his. Switching between her eyes and lips a few times, confused about why that burning desire he felt was here. He didn't know much about feelings at that time but he was aware enough to know he wanted her.

She'd shake her head and roll her eyes at him then turn away to get back to her work.

Kai would get back to earth, blinking, and resume what he was doing beforehand.

2. When Bonkai were in the same room and everything was silent for a bit, Kai would drop let's say a pen on the floor. The tiny click sound was enough for Bonnie to raise her head from the book she was reading to look at a man bending over to grab what had just fallen on the ground.

He would be suspiciously slow to pick the thing up, not to her dislike. She would take these few seconds studying his body. She'd get over his ass quickly, focusing on the way his body flexed searching for the thing he'd dropped that had rolled under a piece of furniture. He wouldn't be using his magic just for that, and she was somehow glad he hadn't, because it meant she'd be able to enjoy a little show.

When he'd finally straighten, his neck would have reddened due to having his head a bit upside down from the quest. Bonnie would wonder what he would look like when he was making more effort while....

_ Something interesting over here ?

He'd obviously catch her staring, flush threatening to spread over her face.

She wouldn't bother answering and got back reading as if nothing happened.

Kai wouldn't be able to hide the smirk that appeared on his face. She wanted him as well.

And then later in the real world when tey're finally together as a couple :

One day Kai would have dropped something, not deliberately this time, so he'd bend over to pick it up.

When he'd risen up, he'd catch her staring.

_ Reminiscing, Bonster ?

She'd frown in confusion, then realisation would hit her, eyes widening.

_ You used to do this on purpose !?

Her accusing tone would make him grin brightly.

_ How do you think I made you fall in love with me, honey ?

_ You little piece of...

He'd grab her face with both hands, gentle, murmuring.

_ Yeah, yeah, I know. Love you too.

He'd kiss her softly, and she'd melt into the kiss, forgiving that bastard of a husband.


So, then, I read the Headcanon again, and realised my "mistake"....

In the Prison world :

Each time Bonnie would enter the room without warning, Kai would drop whatever he had in hand. Whether it'd be a glass, a bag of crisps, or a possible weapon. Some accidents made more damages than the others....

One day he'd drop a glass that shattered into pieces on the floor. Troubled as he was he didn't realise he actually stepped on the broken glass and cut himself. So, as reluctant as she was, Bonnie helped him get rid of the shards in his foot.

She couldn't help but tease him.

_ Are you that scared of me ? Do your hands falter every time I approach ?

He locks eyes with her and dead straight answers.

_ You're so breathtakingly gorgeous, things just fall off my hands whenever I see you pass by.

The serious expression of his face hiding sarcasm behind was so familiar to her. She chuckles, glances a second at the ceiling then back at him.

_ Funny.

She lets go of his foot and stand from the couch she was sitting on.

_ You know how to clean it and wrap bandages. You're big enough of a boy.

She gives him a fake friendly smile then walks away.

Real world new happy couple :

Kai would be doing some housework in the living room, holding a vase while cleaning a table.

Bonnie enters the room, without warning again. Kai would turn around and catch her sight, hands weakening abruptly.

The vase was about to hit the floor when Bonnie caught it with her magic. The object freezing in the air before she walks up to it and grabs it in her arms.

_ Are you naturally clumsy or is it just with me ?

She offers him a warming smile.

He sighs contently, a hand brushing against her cheek.

_ Your beauty amazes me everyday, it gets me weak in the hands whenever you appear before my very eyes.

He kisses her, rather so softly it's passionate.

Bonnie pulls away with a giggle.

_ What ?

_ So you were being serious ?

_ Huh ?

_ You've said something similar when we were.... In that place.

His brow furrow, then something lit in his eyes.

_ You remember that ?

She smiles.

_ Couldn't quite forget that. It took me so long to remove all the shards of glass from your foot.

He huffs in disbelief. Then bites back.

_ That reflects a lack of knowledge. You're quite great as a witch but you would need some improvement at playing the nurse.

Unperturbed, she places the vase back on its spot.

_ That's not what you said a week ago.



Thanks for your message.

Did you enjoy my rambling ?

Don't hesitate to send more. 💕

Anonymous asked:

That line about katherine being a myth and a legend sounded ooc coming from kai katherine already is a overrated villain and we are supposed to believe he would have this respect for her over bonnie who killed the devil when all katherine did was use her whims to manipulate cade they had kai there why not just make him the villain over katherine

No clue why they decided to juggle Kai and Katherine at the same time as villains 😭 .They were a weird mashup imo

Though I think maybe they paired Kai and Katherine up on purpose to try and divert attention away from Kai x Bonnie, sort of like a "hey everyone look what about these two instead" -and certain people definitely ate that pairing up.

Anonymous asked:

Julie plec really has some problem with people liking kai for some reason I saw a post recently that had one of her old tweets about him she's something else

Kai had the double bad luck of threatening to be more popular than Damon and being paired with Bonnie so deeply she couldn’t bait and switch him to a white girl. A little known fact is that Julie wanted to kill Klaus off at the end of season 3 for very similar reasons. She said Damon needed a win that season. Which is crazy because if any of the Salvatore brothers was set up as Klaus’s nemesis, it was Stefan! Damon’s connection to Klaus was always through someone else - Elena and Stefan. But that shows how Julie’s mine works.

In the end Kevin convinced her that it was crazy to kill Klaus because characters like that who shake up the show dynamic and are so popular with the audience are very hard to come by. Of course it helped a lot that Klaus was paired against Caroline, Julie’s self insert. But even from the fringes of that fandom, you can tell that Julie didn’t care for Klaroline. She used the ship for ratings and to break up Forwood (another rant there) but she wasn’t invested in that ship and actually seemed to resent how popular it was.

Tl dr… Julie is unprofessional and Kai was sadly a victim of his own success.


morning kori. she’s lovingly watching dick burn the shit out of her pancakes

Anonymous asked:

Klaus and kai in a scene together

Not gonna lie here, Niklaus doesn't really do much for me. Then there's the fact that between TVD and TO he felt like two different people. I read some fics were he's in them with Kai and they have that enemy mine situation going on or a lowkey rivalry over Bonnie but that's about it. Though I admit I would read a fic that has a primary focus on BonKai with a side of Niklaus but he gotta be with Greta.


ive never understood the hype of the big K villains(kai,klaus, and katherine interacting) like kai interacting with either one of them doesnt work i feel apart of his appeal is that he has a boyish charm mixed with his sociopathy. Him interact Klaus or Katherine would fall flat idk despite what certain fans may think i didnt think Katherine seductive cruelty would play off him well maybe with her being extremely annoyed with him. As for Klaus and Kai i feel the same way i think all of their appeals are how intimidating they are to the protagonist i cant see any of them intimidating kai and i honestly dont see him intimidating them maybe annoy and vice versa.

Anyway i think the crossover is overrated especially kai and katherine was only created to diss miss bonkai in my opinion.


Sweet Harmony Set

Crafted for the muses of the night! 🌙 Whether you're gracing an event or owning the dance floor, these stunners hit just the right note! 🎶

The set includes 3 pair of shoes! Sonata, Melody and Aria

Sonata (the platform ones) have a slight custom elevation, while the other two have the regular height!

Hope you enjoy these, and don't forget to have fun! 💫

DOWNLOAD (Public 29/Nov/23)

“Kat: Listen, I’m just gonna say it. I think that there was a possibility and it felt like they were leading the characters down that road at one point with this redemption arc. I don’t know what created the turn, if it was [because of Containment] or because they generally said you know what we don’t want this character to have any sort of redemption, we wanna just keep him bad, we wanna go back to how Kai was before. Um..I think maybe they would have kept the redemption situation […] Maybe? Chris: Yeah there was definitely a world there where if they went that direction there was *definitely* a place - Kat: No there was a world. That could have *totally* happened. And I thought that was really cool, especially for me becuase I haven’t had a real love interest in like two seasons so I was actually excited. But…you know when you go backwards and you know what happened with Elena and putting the spell on both of them…I don’t know if Bonnie could ever forgive that […] so now it’s a too little too late situation. But if there was a time that I would have supported that yeah absolutely! It’s Vampire Diaries, anything can happen. Chris: […] Because then the redemption part, there was a time, we talked about it, there was a moment where it seemed like maybe that was gonna…be what was gonna happen. Kat: Yeah. But at the end of the day we’re actors […] we don’t write the show. But thank you for supporting Bonnie with anyone [laughs]. Chris: Yeah! And also we love working together so I ship bonkai for that reason. [high fives Kat]”

I always think of this when the naysayers rear their heads. It was gonna happen and they wanted it to, especially Kat. 

(via albion19)


Slight flash warning! Helllooooo it’s been awhile:) but here’s the kai section of the grimoire that I manage to work on all this time. Sorry for how long that took, but life’s wild, anywho-hope you like my spin on kais backstory and lore-I’ll be back to post the pages after a good sleep:)


Bonnie Bennett needed an escape from her exhausting divorce to Enzo St. John who she was married to for five years. While trying to put herself back together her friends pool their money together to go on a three week long trip to a resort in Istria, Croatia. After enjoying their selves parasailing and getting mani-pedis Caroline signs them up for cooking classes.

Reluctant at first Bonnie doesn't take to the class until an abrupt change in culinary instructors. Enter Kai Parker, a brilliant but known wildcard in the culinary industry. For some reason Kai makes it his mission to drive Bonnie up a wall while leaving her friends alone. This goes on for the duration of the vacation much to Bonnie's mounting frustration bringing out another side to her. On the last day of the trip Kai boldly asks to sleep with Bonnie; thinking she won't see him again she accepts much to the shock of her friends.

One month later while preparing for Lucy's rather abrupt wedding to Elias Parker Bonnie gets a wild introduction to the Parker family. And of course the one man Bonnie thought she would never see again is catering the event.


I never realized how many talented bonkai writers deleted their fics untill i tried to go back and read them damn, my faves like By the Down is gone and The Bet ugh lemme go save all my fics im parnoid now.


what did kai see in hell

I feel like we don’t talk about kai saying “i’ve been in hell long enough to know there is no such thing as redemption” like what was his experience in hell to make him think that. Did he get tortured with images of bonnie and how he screwed up.

I was annoyed when he came back in s8 and legacies his emotions he got from luke were gone and kinda rectoned, but maybe his experience in hell is the cause of that.


I feel like the show’s narrative wanted us to think he was literally referring to the whole brimstone, fire, and torture that people associate with Hell, but is it just me but Kai barely seemed shaken by that prospect physically?  Like a few shakes and a disbelief that he’s back in Mystic Falls is what we largely see in S8 when he first returned.  You’d think if someone got tortured for that long, Hell, Cade, or not, he’d be rattled and shellshocked. Like randomly killing some waiter (comically might I add) seems like a major undersell.

I guess I imagined him to react sort of, if not way more, like Dean in Supernatural.  I don’t want to share non-TVD spoilers, but basically Dean was in a similar situation and you definitely feel he struggles returning to his former self for several seasons. Yeah, Kai didn’t have seasons to show his Hell aftermath, barely an episode, but they didn’t convince me that Kai really felt scarred from Hell.  Post-Hell Kai seemed less deranged the first S6 Kai (S6 flashback Kai) - that’s how poorly it was done.  It didn’t even match when Kai was left in the 1900s prison world by Bonnie/MFG, like Hell should have been the absolute worse to happen to Kai but that is not is shown especially when compared to other dire cases where he was severely isolated (though not physically tortured).

But to turn this back to BonKai, it would make sense if Cade did also torture Kai with past scenarios or fantasies about Bonnie, but this show doesn’t make sense so yeah, they probably want us to think Cade who hardly knew the guy tortured Kai with something else (on top of the physical) even though nothing would have affected Kai more emotionally/psychologically than thoughts of Bonnie. 


Okay, hear me out...

Bonnie x Kai but it’s You

I can see Kai pulling a Joe Goldberg/Will Bettelheim.

Are you telling me you can’t see an imploring and wild-eyed Kai Parker pacing in front of that plexiglass box brandishing a bloody knife as he explains just how much he does for Bonnie because he loves her, damnit? Ya’ll can see it, I know you can.

These plots need to stop harassing me. I’m literally feeling attacked af, rn and I just came here for a good time.  


k i had to find these fics for y’all they’re pretty dark for my taste sense they’re all human AUs so kai is just straight up creepy and crazy but they’re all fantastic.

Hungry Like The Wolf

“In touch with the ground; I’m on the hunt, I’m after you.” Kai is a predator and he’s never stalked prey like Bonnie. Little Red Riding Hood adjacent? Dub-con. Dark themes. Hope you enjoy.

one way or another

From the age of ten, Kai knew Bonnie was the one for him. She’s his soul mate and they’re meant to be together…whether she knows that or not.

She Says He Says

Kai Parker is the new kid in town and Bonnie Bennett couldn’t care less. *Rated M for Dark and Disturbing themes*

Like That One Radiohead Song (my personal fav)

Bonnie doesn’t know why this guy seems to know so much about her and how to get him to back off. But why does she start to enjoy his attention?

rebloging this cause im having a bonkai resurgence


Heyyyy:) Here’s the pages on emotions and magic! It’s time to do the chapter on siphons!! ah super excited!! Thanks for all the help and feedback from the discord!


Imperator Princeps (Bonkai Fic)

Malachai Augustus Parker, the great-nephew to the former tyrant Julius Caesar, has coated the streets of Rome in a bloodbath of revolution. With Niklaus and Alaric at his side in a Triumvirate, he plans to take the birthright promised to him.

His plans are slightly altered when the daughter of a former enemy and woman he's dreamt of for years, Bonnie Drusilla Bennett, returns to Rome in amnesty, mourning her murdered father and itching to rebuild her great family name.

If only she wasn't already married.

fic coming soon.


i need chapter two😭

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