
Thinking about how when my oldest brother took Japanese classes his professor was like your pronunciation is really good 😊 but you need to watch movies that aren't about the Yakuza because you sound like a criminal

somewhere in this beautiful world there is a man who sounds like Paulie Walnuts because he learned English by watching the Sopranos

Really in love with some of the notes on this post


reblog if you’ve read fanfictions that are more professional, better written than some actual novels. I’m trying to see something

Anonymous asked:

why do black people use you in the wrong context? such is "you ugly" instead of "you're ugly" I know u guys can differentiate, it's a nuisance

It’s called copula deletion, or zero copula. Many languages and dialects, including Ancient Greek and Russian, delete the copula (the verb to be) when the context is obvious.

So an utterance like “you a bitch” in AAVE is not an example of a misused you, but an example of a sentence that deletes the copular verb (are), which is a perfectly valid thing to do in that dialect, just as deleting an /r/ after a vowel is a perfectly valid thing to do in an upper-class British dialect.

What’s more, it’s been shown that copula deletion occurs in AAVE exactly in those contexts where copula contraction occurs in so-called “Standard American English.” That is, the basic sentence “You are great” can become “You’re great” in SAE and “You great” in AAVE, but “I know who you are” cannot become “I know who you’re” in SAE, and according to reports, neither can you get “I know who you” in AAVE.

In other words, AAVE is a set of grammatical rules just as complex and systematic as SAE, and the widespread belief that it is not is nothing more than yet another manifestation of deeply internalized racism.


This is the most intellectual drag I’ve ever read.

Reblog every time



pros: you get to feel clean. you get non greasy hair, non oily feeling skin, it just in general makes you feel better, more energised, refreshed.

cons: there are so many steps. oh my god are there so many steps. before getting into the shower there are steps. during the shower there are steps. and once youve gotten out of the shower? guess what!!! more fucking steps!!!!!!!! UGHHHH


archers gloves vs digital artist gloves being opposite of one another

Much like how archers and digital artists are mortal enemies


Behold, the digital artchery glove!

….but Wait…




Ok but wgat if we held hands…..

and we both had carpal tunnel syndrome 😳

not carpal tunnel syndrome 😫


The point of officially naming a pet is not to actually use that name but to have a baseline from which to come up with every conceivable nickname to call them instead.

You bury a seed not because it looks nice in the dirt, but because the limbs that branch out will look nice in the sky

Congrats on contributing to the ancient tumblr tradition of turning shitposts into profound poetry

Interviewer: You can only choose one. Charles, or killing humans?
Erik: *scoffs* Only fools choose. I want both.
Interviewer: No, what if it comes down to one choice only? What would you choose?
Erik: Charles, obviously.
Charles: I've recorded this, Erik, you better keep your word.

Honestly where would we be as a society without the "if I had a nickel for every time [x] happened, I would have two nickles. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice" meme. Perfect meme to express confusion that something happened two whole times which is not a LARGE number of times, usually, but for this specific thing that is a lot of times. We owe Doofenshmirtz everything

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