
Tuilight Zone

@tuinendraws / tuinendraws.tumblr.com

Tutturuinen's (aka. Tuinen) artblog. My main blog here on tumblr is @tutturuinen. You can find me on Twitter as @Tutturuinen.
Anonymous asked:

I love your art style it’s so pretty!!! If you know the fire emblem heroes characters can you draw Alfonse pls? Love him sm

Sorry, I've never played Heroes. Also not taking requests at the time. Thank you for the kind words, though! I'm glad you're enjoying my art.

Anonymous asked:

Ahhhh I'm so glad I found you! My sister and I used to stumble across your Tellius artwork on Google images but we never had a Tumblr to give you the appreciation you deserved. So! We've loved your art for a long time and I'm so happy you're still active. Thank you, that is all. :)

AAAA thank you, that is so nice to hear!

Anonymous asked:

I just want you to know you are fuelling my brain rot and your style is mmmmmmm

AAAAAA thank you!!

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