
Insanity is my vanity, my tragedy

@idol-trickster / idol-trickster.tumblr.com

Ask blog for Dead by Daylight's Trickster | Ji-Woon Hak

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There are still some slots, so feel free to catch the discount. I stream these, so you can check out what I'm working on ⏬. (At the time of posting)


It seemed that the pest that had taken a bite of Kazan's hand, specifically one of his fingers and devoured it as if were some snack; and finally embodied an actual insignificance; what this Ji-Woon actually was, was to no concern of Kazan, only garnering revenge. Slamming a hand down to one side of the insect sized Ji-Woon, while the other grabbed at him, taking great care in applying a concerted amount of pressure to make Ji-Woon uncomfortable and not make him pop like a grape; after all, Kazan wanted him to suffer.


Jiwoon didn't expect to be grabbed by a titan; huge, even among the normal gigantic size everyone else was at the moment. A flash of past history with the Oni made the tiny killer tremble, but yet he didn't let go of the freshly acquired Takoyaki. Instead, the minuscule idol yelled to be heard from their tiny body up towards Kazan. "S-Stop! ちょっとまって! If you want it you can have it- you don't have to squeeze me."

HAPPY ONE-YEAR TO THE RINGU CHAPTER!!  By far one of my favorite chapter that has come out of DBD So far that’s given so much-needed love to Sadako and a very welcome surprise to have Yoichi! This chapter is what inspired me to make this blog and I’m happy to have it! <3 <3 

Wow a whole year~ ♪

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