

@daikon1 / daikon1.tumblr.com

She/Her(s) | Can I interest you in a random bit of obscure trivia? | Follow me on Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/users/Daikon1

They should really put warnings on plants that are toxic/deadly to animals like it’s pretty insidious that there are plants that could potentially kill your dog being marketed as convenient low effort plants for beginners that have no knowledge I don’t think it would even occur to the average traitor joes shopper that they’d need to even look it up for safety reasons


Fuck yes. So many are awful for animals!! I know I have a few plants that are, but they are put up where the cats absolutely can't get to them.

The ASPCA has a wonderfully large list of plants and their toxicity status (toxic, non-toxic, potentially toxic), and you can even filter it by "toxic/non-toxic to just dogs/cats/horses," which is helpful.

This next site includes listings for guinea pigs, rabbits, and iguanas:


things that made me stop wanting to die that require no effort whatsoever

  • change the color used to highlight text on your laptop
  • move the pictures on your wall
  • stack whatever clutter is in your room into piles even if you don’t have time to clean it all
  • slightly vary your commute, even just by one street
  • change where you sit and scroll aimlessly on your phone even if it’s only to the chair in your room instead of your bed
  • drink water or juice out of a wine glass in the morning because nothing is real
  • shower with the lights off, without music
  • buy $3 flowers at trader joe’s—they look bad next to the more expensive ones but they look so good in your room
  • start typing things you don’t post into your notes. your thoughts can be worth documenting even if you don’t deem them worth sharing
  • wake up super early just once. you don’t have to make it a habit it’s just extra satisfying to go to bed that night
  • listen to the entirety of your favorite album from 2015

Almost all of these are about variety. Humans need stimulation! We need enrichment! We literally cannot do the same thing every day!

The other day I was feeling miserable, so I hopped on a bus and rode it all the way back to where I’d started, and my brain, which had finally had some proper stimulation via new environments, was suddenly ready to go again!

This is why taking walks/drives and trying new hobbies are good for you! Don’t turn yourself into a sad zoo animal! You need some pumpkins to roll around in your enclosure!


god i fucking love the quote “dont turn yourself into a sad zoo animal” it has really inspired me!


During the most poor and homeless period of my life, I had a lot of people get angry with me because I spent $25 on Bath and Body Works candles during a sale. They couldn’t comprehend why the hell I would do that when I had been fighting for months to try and get us on our feet, afford food, and have an apartment to live in.

Those candles were placed beside wherever I slept that night. In the morning, I would move them and set them wherever I’d have to hang out. At one point I carried one around in my purse - one of those big honking 3-wick candles. I never lit them, but I’d open them and smell them a lot.

I credit that purchase with a lot of my drive that got me to where I am today. I had been working tirelessly, 15+ hour days with barely any reward, constantly on the phone or trying to deal with organizations and associations to “get help at”. It’d gone on for almost a year by the end of it, and I was so burnt out, to the point that I would shake 24/7. But I could get a bit of relief from my 3-wick “upper middle class lifestyle” candles. They represented my future goals, my home I wanted to decorate, and how I would one day not be in this mess anymore.

When we moved into the apartment, and our financial status improved, I burned those candles every single day. When they were empty, I cleaned them out, stuck labels on them, and they became the starting point of my really cute organization system I had ALWAYS planned to have.

So whenever I hear about someone very poor getting themselves a treat - maybe it’s Starbucks, maybe it’s a home deco item, maybe it’s a video game… I don’t judge them. I get it. I get that you can’t go without anything for that long without it making you go crazy. You need to pull some joy, inspiration, and motivation from somewhere.

poor people deserve things they want, too. it is unfair to expect poor people to only buy things they “need”.


My grandfather used to tell me: if you only have 20 kr left, you buy grocery for 10 kr and flowers for the other 10 kr because you need a reason to live as well.


I just saw someone say AO3 is “gay teens writing gay shit” and I have no idea how to tell you that most of the writers you love so much are adults.

frrrr i look at the notes and the author is always like "sorry for the late upload!!! it's my 10th anniversary and my husband took me skydiving 🥳🥳 plus i've just finished my third phD!! anyways here's 30k"

Yeah…I’m not a teen lol

"Why is your fic so good"

I have a bachelor's in creative writing, a mortgage, and a working knowledge of which cleaners you use to lift grease stains. I am unstoppable.


Practice, experience, and time will improve your craft. So keep at it, folks.


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