
aro without the ace

@lovequeerindigo / lovequeerindigo.tumblr.com

indigo | 22 | they/them
“love is in the air.” wrong! neurotoxin!

intro post

hey! you can call me indigo. i use they/them pronouns and i’m autistic.

i’m an aroallo nonbinary lesbian. this is just a blog where i can reblog aro posts and talk about my aro Feelings™️. i also identify with the term lovequeer, best explained in this post.

it’s not solely aro content here, sometimes i also talk about my experiences with gender and sexuality too!

my main is dykeindigo, if i follow you it’ll be from there. i also run sapphicspoonie.

minors can follow this blog, but it will likely get nsfw at some point (not explicit but i like talking about sex lmao).

that’s all for now i think. thanks for following!


some people say there’s a red string that connects fated lovers

psa don’t look at the notes bc there are so many people completely missing the point that these are non-romantic strings of fate and making jokes about where the red string “must be” and it’s making me really angry bc we can’t even have a good artistic representation of aromanticism without people desperately grasping for a romantic interpretation somehow

like the artist has specifically requested that people stop making this about their fandoms and romance bc it’s a personal piece about aromanticism

[ID: A mostly grayscale digital drawing of a hand hanging off the side of a sleeping person’s bed, all but the index finger curled loosely. Three long threads stretch down from where they’re tied to the index finger, past the borders of the image. One is green, the second is yellow, the third is blue. End ID]


epic aro sculpture i did for class

the heart is made out of plastic bags wrapped with tape, so it's squishy ^_^ and the knife is qtips hot glued together. the knife is also removable!


I fully support Pluto as an aro symbol (x) but as a space scientist I cannot support any arguments that claim it's because Pluto should be a planet. The true reason Pluto is an aro symbol is precisely because people tie the amount of love and care this wonderful celestial body receives to which label it has. Just because a relationship with someone is not labeled as romantic should not mean that this relationship has to be treated as less worthy of time and care and effort. Just because Pluto is not labeled as a planet does not mean it is less worthy of our time and care and effort.

Here is another reason Pluto is aro: Pluto has a heart shaped region called the Tombaugh region:

[ID: an image of Pluto and it's heart shaped Tombaugh region, with the moon Charon in the background. End ID]

Now, Pluto and it's moon Charon are tidally locked, meaning they always face each other with the same hemisphere. Pluto's heart is always facing away from Charon. Some articles have phrased this as being tragically romantic, but I disagree! Here are two celestial objects orbiting each other for billions of years, and they are doing this while Pluto keeps it's heart hidden. Because in this case, love is not part of the equation that makes up their bond, romance does not play a part in their gravitational pull towards each other. That's aro as fuck, in my humble opinion.

In conclusion:

[ID: the dwarf planet Pluto in front of the aromantic flag. End ID]


Hey. Consider.

Rabbits as an aroallo symbol.

  • The phrase “fuck like rabbits”
  • If you’re romance favorable, rabbits are sacred to the greek goddess of love Aphrodite
  • If you’re romance repulsed like me, rabbits can run very fast when threatened and that is what you want to do when someone asks you on a date

"you're so close to your friends!! It's almost like there's a secret something going on, right—?" *KILL YOU* *KILLS YOU* *KILLS YOU* *KILL YOU* GOD I'M SO MAD *KILLS YOU* *KILLS YOU* *KILL YOU*


A lot of the time when I see people talk about aromanticism they bring up the way a lot of us tend to think that romance is just exaggerated in fiction and are surprised that people feel that way in real life and not just in the movies and that's honestly kind of funny, imagine just going about your life and one day finding out that most people's high school years were actually like disney channel and you're the exception

Imagine finding out that musicals are 100% realistic, people do in fact start singing and dancing out of nowhere every single day and you just happen to be one of the few people who are never in that situation

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