
Youngblood Is Okay I Guess

@5-seconds-of-bucky / 5-seconds-of-bucky.tumblr.com

Anna II she/her II Band and Broadway obsessed and a little bit of a mess II I'm 18+ but my blog is not :) IIMasterlistII IITaglistII

Singing sappy love songs to each other being all lovey with each other


this is fucking adorable, i'm obsessed! i changed it up a bit and as always this got a little out of hand, as always (apparently I don't understand the concept of writing something under a thousand words).

apparently i only know how to write for this too, but they truly are one of my favorite couples i've ever written! so this is another blurb to the Hey Angel universe, but can be read separately. hope you like it, happy reading!

*Word Count: 1.2K+;

*Warnings: drinking and an overbearing amount of fluff.


Maybe Y/N shouldn’t have had that fourth glass of wine. Maybe she should’ve stayed at home.

Today was Jasmine’s birthday and she decided to celebrate it in a Karaoke bar, so she rented one of those private rooms and invited 10 of her closest friends. Y/N being Peter’s best friend and Raul being Peter’s brother, they ended up growing really close and therefore they were invited. The problem was that the idea of grabbing a microphone in front of seven practical strangers made Y/N’s heart practically beat out of her chest and her palms all sweaty.

Her boyfriend on the other hand was having the time of his life. Raul being the social butterfly he was, he loved the attention and he didn’t really care what other people would think, and sometimes she wishes she was more like him. So Y/N spent most of the celebration on the couch, nursing her glass of wine and watching everyone give the performances of their lifetimes among laughs and teasing comments. And she was happy to be there, despite not going for the whole experience, she was actually having a really nice time.

But as time flew by, and a couple of guests started leaving, only another couple she spent most of her night talking to left, and she felt slightly tipsy, the liquid courage kicking in, she started wanting to join her friends singing but still felt a bit insecure about it. So Y/N decided against it, sitting back fully on the couch as Jasmine looked for another song for her to sing.

Stooooooop this is so freaking cute 🥺🥺🥺🥺


Just had a Raul thot 🥺🥺🥺

Wearing ripped jeans in a cold day and when you both sit down at the outdoor cafe with friends he keeps putting his hands at the tips part coz he knows you’re feeling cold and he wants to warm you up 🥺🥺🥺 and he’s all babe I’m feeling warm can you keep my jacket on your lap as a way to keep you warm


this is so 🥺🥺🥺 and it turned into another blurb for the Hey Angel universe, that can be read separately from everything else. Hope you enjoy it!

*Word Count: 1K+ (because apparently I've got no self control)

*Warnings: over bearing tooth rotting fluff.


It’s been such a long time since both Raul and Y/N were able to meet up with their friends from university, so when the opportunity to go out for some coffee to catch up came up, they were quick to agree, specially since everyone’s schedule seemed to match for that specific date.

So Y/N didn’t think through when she picked her outfit for the day, didn’t bother to check the weather before leaving her warm apartment and the arms of the little furnace that she called a boyfriend. She picked a heavy coat due to the season but a pair of ripped jeans. And sitting down on the new cafe Chloe was excited to go to on the outdoor little balcony area she regretted it.

She was happy to see her friends, but her choice of ripped jeans to sit outdoors was simply terrible, and she really loved her friends and missed them so much, but she couldn’t stop herself from wishing it was time to go so she could be warm again. But Y/N just couldn’t bring herself to ask Raul to leave, so she ordered a really warm drink and tried her best to focus on the conversation so she could ignore the goosebumps on her skin, hoping no one would notice the slight shiver that ran up her body every time a stronger wind current hit them.

But as always, Raul noticed. He always did.

SCREAMING this is so adorable omg bestie how do you do it??


Our Little Winter Wonderland | Raul Mendes

When your 6'2 of a boyfriend, a former "Grinch", decides to turn your house into Winter Wonderland overnight.

Hey guys, can't believe the year is almost over. I hope it's not too late to end 2021 with a small Christmas themed oneshot for my favorite little universe (Hey Angel). So this is just a cute little thing I put together inspired by the holidays that are part of a storyline, but can be read as a stand alone as well. As always happy reading and happy holidays everyone! 💘

*Word Count: 3K+

*Warnings: minor cursing and overbearing fluff.

*Posted: December 31st, 2021.


Y/N didn’t really know if she should be mad or laugh at Raul.

If she was honest, it’s not like she hadn’t seen it coming, specially after almost four years since they started dating and now that they’re living together. He asked her to move in with him on his birthday and by thanksgiving everything was solved and settled, and since it was their first holiday living in his place, Raul offered to host the Christmas Eve dinner on their place. But the problem was (according to Raul himself) that he didn’t own any sort of thematic decoration or items, since he shared his place with his brother and spent most holidays in their hometown or traveling with Shawn. And ever since they both came to visit Y/N’s parents and he saw the effort at herr sisters place, he turned into a Christmas maniac.

It all started while they’re packing all of her stuff from her place and Raul stumbled across a tiny box with her minor Christmas decor and he realized he didn’t even own a stocking or whatever, not a single ornament. Y/N brushed it off saying they didn’t have to make a big deal out of it since they’re most likely leaving for the holidays, but what she didn’t expect was for her boyfriend to lose his mind over it. He started a whole inquiry about their traditions and famous dishes, how much was too much on decor and at the time, Y/N didn’t even bat an eye at his sudden strange curiosity, thinking he’d drop the subject soon enough.

But when she arrived at home from work and was met with a massive tree standing by their floor to ceiling windows in the corner of the living room she was a bit shocked, to say the least. Too stunned to speak or react, she didn’t even notice her 6’3 boyfriend leaning over the kitchen island on her Pinterest account that was logged on her computer, searching for a list of things he should buy to decorate their place.

“Oh, hi, Bambi, how was work?” he mumbled closing her notebook and smiling up at her.

Aww this is adorable!!! 🥺🥺


voicemails- b. barnes

pairings: bucky barnes x reader warnings: mentions of bucky’s trauma and insecurities, but honestly just fluff about: inspired by that thing where a dad had a voicemail of his daughter saying she loves him and he accidentally deleted it

hey, buck,” the background noise is familiar, distinct voices he can barely recognize as wanda and natasha causing a disaster in your kitchen faint behind your voice. “‘just wanted to remind you i love you.” a clatter and loud laughter sounds from the speaker, the sound of your name being called shortly after. bucky can catch get back to ladies night and leave your boyfriend alone from natasha before you laugh lightly, “jus’ wanted to say that, but you didn’t answer so i’ll tell you again later, but i love you. i’ll see you soon, honey.

the click of the voicemail ending breaks bucky out of the image of you huddled behind your kitchen wall, phone pressed to your ear as you sneak away from your ladies’ night with natasha and wanda just to tell bucky you love him.

🥺🥺stop this is too cute



Hello my lovely friends! It's time for the the second annual "I love my mutuals" post! While I've admittedly been sorta absent for the past month or so, we have to finish out the year by me spilling out my love for you in a very public space, because why not? In no particular order, here we go :)



​​A/N: So...it's been quite some time. I started writing this back in June before my life got a little crazy and I finally got some time to finish it! To anyone who's still hanging around, thanks for reading and I'm sorry it took so long to get to you!

This will be a multi-part fic! It's looking like it's going to be 3 parts at the moment, but it could be more as I write the rest of it.

A very special thanks to @buck-nialled for beta reading this for me!! Rach's ideas were the real cherry on top to this and it wouldn't be half as good without her help! Love you, bestie!! ❤️💕

Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Fem Avenger!Reader

Summary: Fake marriage isn't easy with anyone, but with your best friend? Try almost impossible. With the lines between platonic and romantic between you and Bucky getting blurrier by the day, that exact task makes your mission of uncovering whatever your supposed Hydra neighbors are doing slightly more difficult than it needs to be. How can you focus on your job when everything you've ever wanted is right in your hands, just not quite?

Word count: 4.4k+

Warnings: swearing, canon level violence, two idiots in love who can't get it together


“I think that’s the last box,” Bucky sighed as he placed the cardboard box he was carrying on the living room floor. Boxes of all shapes and sizes littered the foreseeable area. The walls were bare except for a dent that likely came from the previous owners knocking a chair into one. Everything about the house signaled a fresh start.

“Alrighty then! Let us know if we can be of any more help!” your new neighbor, Bridgett, said cheerfully. With paper-white teeth, a cute dress, and subtle but perfectly done makeup, Bridgett looked like the epitome of someone who whole-heartedly embraced the ‘suburban housewife’ lifestyle. Oddly enough, she and her fiance, Adrian, didn’t have any children yet to fill out the picture.

You were surprised at first to find out that they were yet to be married--considering the types of people who tended to live in these neighborhoods--but they told you that the wedding had to be postponed for a number of reasons (to which were still unknown to you and Bucky). They had already bought the house before their original wedding date and decided that they might as well move in to it.

They happened to see you and Bucky moving boxes from a larger than normal van earlier in the day and offered to help, which you couldn’t refuse. They also just so happened to be your targets for the mission.



​​A/N: So...it's been quite some time. I started writing this back in June before my life got a little crazy and I finally got some time to finish it! To anyone who's still hanging around, thanks for reading and I'm sorry it took so long to get to you!

This will be a multi-part fic! It's looking like it's going to be 3 parts at the moment, but it could be more as I write the rest of it.

A very special thanks to @buck-nialled for beta reading this for me!! Rach's ideas were the real cherry on top to this and it wouldn't be half as good without her help! Love you, bestie!! ❤️💕

Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Fem Avenger!Reader

Summary: Fake marriage isn't easy with anyone, but with your best friend? Try almost impossible. With the lines between platonic and romantic between you and Bucky getting blurrier by the day, that exact task makes your mission of uncovering whatever your supposed Hydra neighbors are doing slightly more difficult than it needs to be. How can you focus on your job when everything you've ever wanted is right in your hands, just not quite?

Word count: 4.4k+

Warnings: swearing, canon level violence, two idiots in love who can't get it together


“I think that’s the last box,” Bucky sighed as he placed the cardboard box he was carrying on the living room floor. Boxes of all shapes and sizes littered the foreseeable area. The walls were bare except for a dent that likely came from the previous owners knocking a chair into one. Everything about the house signaled a fresh start.

“Alrighty then! Let us know if we can be of any more help!” your new neighbor, Bridgett, said cheerfully. With paper-white teeth, a cute dress, and subtle but perfectly done makeup, Bridgett looked like the epitome of someone who whole-heartedly embraced the ‘suburban housewife’ lifestyle. Oddly enough, she and her fiance, Adrian, didn’t have any children yet to fill out the picture.

You were surprised at first to find out that they were yet to be married--considering the types of people who tended to live in these neighborhoods--but they told you that the wedding had to be postponed for a number of reasons (to which were still unknown to you and Bucky). They had already bought the house before their original wedding date and decided that they might as well move in to it.

They happened to see you and Bucky moving boxes from a larger than normal van earlier in the day and offered to help, which you couldn’t refuse. They also just so happened to be your targets for the mission.


Coming Up Roses - B. Barnes Imagine (READ NOTE)

NOTE: hello lovelies! first off let me start by saying that this Imagine is very near and dear to me, as it revolves around a topic i am very familiar with. my older brother was actually born deaf, leaving him and my family with this massive language barrier growing up. luckily, by the time I could speak in full sentences, my brother was fortunate enough to undergo surgery for cochlear implants. but because of my family’s familiarization with the local deaf communities, i also understand that many are not offered the chance my brother was given and sometimes, hearing is out of the question for those born deaf/hard of hearing. i wanted to write this imagine to not only bring more awareness to the deaf community, but hopefully bring change to it. if you enjoyed reading this imagine and would be interested in a part two, there will be an incentive involved. CLICK THIS LINK to be brought to the Hearing Aid Project, an organization dedicated to providing hearing aids to low-income persons who are hard-of-hearing. I am setting a goal of $25 dollars in order to write a part two for this imagine. If you happen to make a donation, reblog this post with the amount you donated or reach out to me through my ask box or private messages on here. By the end of the week, if we reach our $25 dollar goal, I will be writing a second part. Not only that, but every donation made by the end of this week I will be matching DOLLAR FOR DOLLAR, whether we reach our goal or don’t. Meaning: if we make a total of $25, I will put forth $25 out of my own pocket. the same will be done if we make a number higher or lower than this but THERE WILL BE NO LIMIT, and I will help double the total all of you raised. in order to reach this goal, we must work together, so please REBLOG AND SHARE THIS POST AS MANY TIMES AS YOU CAN! I believe we can achieve this together and make hearing a possibility for those in need of it.

I would also like to personally thank and dedicate this work to my mutual @5-seconds-of-bucky for all of the overwhelming love and support she gave to this piece. Anna, thank you for the beta reads, hilarious commentary and fangirling over Taylor Swift with me. This piece would have never seen the light of day without you <3

SUMMARY: bucky falls hard for deaf!florist!reader…but discovers something in the process of doing so that could change the dynamic of their entire relationship

For the past week, Bucky had mapped out every inch of the block that the Fleur Boutique seemed to be the main attraction of. Not even the Doughnut Hut residing beside it–which Bucky ordered a classic glazed from five days out of the seven he had passed by–was busier on the early Monday morning. He deemed this fair, however. Marty’s recipe (specifically his glaze-to-dough ratio) has room for improvement. The Doughnut Hut also lacks a cashier as stunning as the one in Fleur Boutique.

It was serendipitous, the exact time when Bucky noticed her. He and Sam had just departed for the night and as Bucky traversed to the nearest hotel, the less-than-encouraging advice from his co-worker moments before started rattling in his head. You need to find someone before you start looking your age. Your real age. Otherwise, nobody’s gonna want to tap that! Bucky replayed the conversation in his mind with a small scoff. And as he shielded his face from Louisiana’s tangerine sky, his eyes peered into the glass front of the shop. Because of the unrelenting gleam of the setting sun and the reflection of hydrangeas in the window, it was difficult to make sense of the interior. But as soon as Bucky’s pupils settled on her toffee locks and waded down to the curvature of her flushed lips, his mouth went dry. A feeling that should have been foreign–like many others he had been suffering lately–for some reason washed over him like deja vu. His eyes focused on her jade-toned irises, highlighted by the lazily falling sun, almost as if it were planned. A few strands of hair fall from her top-knot as she glanced over to bask in the five o’clock glow, only to be met with Bucky’s hard jaw and engrossed eyes concentrated on her instead.

An absolutely amazing writer with an amazing cause!!! This fic is absolutely perfect in every way imaginable!! Everyone needs to read this and spread the word!


clementines- b. barnes

pairings: bucky barnes x reader, platonic!natasha romanoff x reader, platonic!steve rogers, other mentions of avengers warnings: language, mostly fluff but there’s angst if you squint real hard in the beginning about: inspired by a scene in criminal minds i randomly remembered and prompt reader carrying around food for bucky since he forgets to eat a/n: literally so excited to share this with you guys. i have a couple of fics i really do like and want you guys to read, and this is the first of them!

“i thought this was a real mission,” bucky grumbles, shifting uncomfortably in the tight black suit tony had forced steve to force on him. he’s stuffed into a tiny black chair outside the office where you’re supposed to get called into, although neither of you has for most of the day.

“this is a real mission,” steve insists for the second time from next to you, also shoved inside a too-small chair and a tux. “probably one on the harder side, too,” he mutters.

this is the absolute cutest thing ever 🥺😭


coming up roses 〜 b.barnes teaser


All those days he passed by the shop and caught sight of her smile, he was certain the feeling inside of him that twisted his stomach in knots and thrummed on his ribs like a hammer was poison. He was wrong. It was intoxicating, yes, but not dangerous. He dreamt that night—not of his past missions resulting in bloodshed and gasps of air when he woke up—but of his days in the fifties. Thinking of them now seems like picking up old photographs of his mother or rubbing the pad of his thumb over the engravings on his dog tags; like ancient history.

He recalled in this dream a night he went dancing, with girls hanging on his arm much like Sloane is doing now. Bright red lipstick outlined their shimmering teeth, like pearls and petticoats of their dresses teasing the floor. His point of view in the dream felt archaic and meaningless, but a feeling ushered inside of him as he pictured himself dancing with a dame. It is precisely the emotion circulating through his body right now. A reckless abandon of his heart, as he leaves himself completely vulnerable to Sloane and all she wishes to do to him. Even if that does lead to losing himself again, down to every last beat of his heart and blink of his eyelid.

His phone chimes, breaking him away from his gaze. Sloane elicits a nervous giggle and points to her phone, urging her date to look at his. When he does, all he can do is smile.

You’re staring again…

Do you mind?

Not at all :)

What’s the opposite of watching paint dry?

Why do you ask?

That’s what it feels like staring at you ;)

Bucky is floored by how flirtatious she could be. Still, he accepts the compliment with pink cheeks and a heavy gulp of his soda. A wise saying he recalls hearing back in high school from his mathematics teacher circles from the back of his mind to greet him again. Upon being asked how his marriage with his wife remained unshaking after twenty years, Mr. Anderson’s response was this: Real devotion doesn’t salivate at the mouth or demand to be cleansed. Rather, it is when you meet a person who dries your throat upon entering the room—the one who you would get the knees of your trousers dirty for, in order to beg for a drop of rain. Bucky takes another drink from the bottle, but remains parched.

Pardon me if this makes me sound even older than I already am, but ditto.



So excited!!!!!!!

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