
yey i art

@emimix3 / emimix3.tumblr.com

yes that me on a girafe her name is yolande
Hello, emimix3 here ! This will be my art blog, on which I will post my fanart, fanfictions and stuff like that sisi la famille.
Nobody knows
I change fandoms like I change shirts

Lance makes sure that his watch is always synchonised with Earth. Every Friday night, right before the sun sets back home, the watch beeps and it’s time to take his day off. Even if everyone in the castle is sleeping or training, he respects shabbat as much as he can with what he finds on board, because he knows that at the other side of the universe, at the exact same time, his family is doing the same thing as him, and probably think about him as much as he thinks about them. It makes him feel less alone. After a few weeks, he’s even less alone because Keith sometimes comes by for the full 25 hours.

I suppose that Keith, who doesn’t even remember his parents’ names, would take great interest in the millenial traditions Lance takes great pride in.

also i like to paint space way too much orz i finished that at 4 fuckin am



ok so i was talking with Flo (@kartoshinki​) about Lance’s family and 

Here how i imagine his siblings ! It’s like, the last picture they’ve taken together before Lance found himself thrown into space at the literal other side of the universe.

Meet (in this order): Mariela (25, she’s basically the only one who has the concept of common sense, and also a few months pregnant on this picture), Rivka (16, she is quite cocky and proud and has an intense passion for flowers), Jake (13, currently being teased because he fucked up some words during his reading), Lance, that you all know (he’s 18 I guess ? and he’s an ass, he stuttered the whole time during his own bar mitzvah), Josh (22, he alternates between being the coolest older brother and the worst one) and Carlos (10, loves being the youngest because he’s spoiled rotten by his siblings)

It gives Lance 3 years to go back home, ,o be there for Carlos’ own coming of age.


I feel like that around Inquisition’s time, my Warden would still not have decided to switch to a real armour, even if robes don’t go well with her life as an Arcane Warrior; but she should probably upgrade her outfit with a tiny bit of protection and at least 7 more flooff around her neck

a bunch of human sweeties offering flowers to their elven better halves

challenge: 5 minutes each drawing ; i managed it, but at which price ? 

Makarelim Surana (my Warden) and Alistair; Fenris and Garrett Hawke ; Molochiel Lavellan (my Inquisitor) and Joséphine


I had this nice conversation with the friend Flo the other day, about which pokémon the amis would have. Well, actually, I was talking alone because they dont know shit about pokémon, but I told them about this trash pokémon and how stupid there was a trash pokémon like. Wow. That's gross and useless wtf.

Hence the idea of Grantaire catching one to make a joke such as "look guys, i caught a pokémon that is as trash as i am haha". He planned to release it right after his joke, but he finally couldn't. He actually identified too much to this pokémon, always mocked and left behind because of his appearance. So yeah, that's how Grantaire got a Miamiasme


ok so i wanted to try to draw guenievre ??? 

and a kitten

maybe next i'll do merlin or arthur who knows


I have never done paletty-stuff before... Gillian on What's app asked for Vriska with 14, so here she is !


How about you guys sending me few of these and I’d sketch you as many as I can on the evening today? I could use some digital practice.

On Enjolras: Ah, liberté, égalité, tu me fais marre ! Tes idéaux sont bien beaux, presque autant que toi, Ganymède, [mais c'est ce qu'ils sont; des idéaux.] Comment comptes-tu les atteindre, hein ? [En écoutant ta passion, on devine bien que tu serais prêt à mourir pour eux.] C'est ça que tu veux être, un martyr ? [Ah, tu me fais rire.] Je suis comme Nietzsche, moi: je ne fais pas confiance aux martyrs. [...]
On Grantaire: Et 'est pour ça que tu es à ce meeting ? [Pour moquer nos idéaux ? Pour me moquer moi ?] Je te prierais de mieux réfléchir avant de parler -ou du moins de le faire sobre. [Et oui, un martyr, je suis prêt à en devenir un s'il le faut.] Nietzsche a tort. Si un homme est prêt à mourir pour sa cause, ce n'est pas pour séduire ou par idiotie. C'est parce qu'il sait que son sacrifice fera avancer ce en quoi il croit [...]

Soulmate tattoo!AU

Based on this idea i had with Flo: their first conversation is rants, rants so longs that the tattoos have some [...] in the middle and are only half of the soliloquies

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