
Dionisio Alexander


My name’s Emily and I’m an obnoxious, obsessive loudmouth with a fixation on that one guy who is intrigued by the texture of a giant slug .
(((This is a sideblog. And I don’t use my main so I can’t follow or reply to anyone.)))

I never took Spanish in school. And I've been doing duolingo on and off for a while but never seriously because I've heard people make fun of it and say it doesn't actually teach you the language. But it occurs to me that that app is the only way I can learn for free and I suddenly have a church full of Spanish speakers that I'd like to get to know so I started taking it serious last week.

But anyway so I've been listening to Diego so much (and watching all the Star Wars movies in Spanish to go to sleep to) that I just tested out and skipped a whole lesson on duolingo. I went from level 12 to 14. And im absolutely thrilled because I didn't think I was learning anything. I guess I am.

So that's really exciting and I needed to tell someone. Thanks for listening


I just heard about Diego's daddy passing and apparently it happened the day after the golden globe nominations. I hope that means he got to share that moment with his dad. If you're a praying kinda person or if you work on 'good vibes' or energies or whathaveyou's - make sure you send one up into the universe for comfort to the Luna's. I'm sure this isn't easy for them.


Idk if y'all already knew this or not but it's my brand and I'm only just realizing

there is an entire subgenre of fanfic where Diego/Cass meets/touches/has ~relations~ with Jabba The Hutt.

Not a random one here and there in and amongst the other more readily accepted Diego Characters + Y/N or OCs. There are more Diego/Yabba fics than there are any other Diego or Cassian fics that I've found.

And I just think everyone needs to be aware of this fact.


But also can we discuss Diego's Hair in this everlovin show??? Because especially in the 7th ep (I think that's the one. I don't wanna spoil it by describing what happens) but the one where he's wearing white and orange for the first time.

He looks absolutely squish in every sense of the word. He looks like he needs a hug and the fact that he's got perfectly messy hair for these last 3 eps just makes him look even more child-like and like I need to PROTECT HIM

But also I wanna pull on it too🙃


Yeah this weeks ep was phenomenal. It actually made me panic. Which means it's SO GOOD because it felt so real that it ~triggered~ me

But like


The tension ramped up so well an then ending the way they did???? All determined and angry??? Ugh yes plz.


Literally just cropped versions of the thing I just reblogged but OH MY GOODNESS. Finding pics I've never seen is great but these are particularly thrilling.

He's holding her hand. And looking at her whilst channeling Felix somehow.

It's been hours and I'm still thinking about this

He's got his stupid frikin last three fingers holding her hand. Like come ON that's cute and you know it.

2 years later and this photoset is still on my mind all the everloving time. And is still in a special folder in my camera roll of "things to stay alive for"



I've seen a LOT of Diego Luna doing various very attractive things and that night buffalo movie is literally just incomprehensible porn.

But this week's Andor has a 15 second scene of Cassian angrily flying a ship and

Well it was enough to make me re download this app just to be able to freak out about it without having to explain that I've seen him naked multiple times and yet THIS STUPID SCENE has me drooling and hitting replay.


Why Gael García Bernal and Diego Luna are Friendship Goals

Today is Gael’s 42nd birthday, and Diego hops on Twitter to be like—

Sweet, right? Sure. Especially since Gael was also named one of the 25 Greatest Actors of the 21st Century (So Far) by the New York Times.

But THEN, the response.

The GIF is really the icing on the (birthday) cake.

Long live los Charolastras, and may we all be half as lucky to find a friendship like theirs. 😭♥️

Is this bad translation or are they actually talking to each other like Victorian Mexican Poets? Because I LOVE it


Just Diego smiling and laughing to make your day better💕

The happiest sleepy puppy on the planet 💚🤍


Also Wander Darkly is the greatest movie I've seen this year.

And in a year filled with extra time to watch movies

And a year filled with Diego Luna's catalog

Wander Darkly blows em all out of the water. And I'm willing to go to a real theatre to see it again when it comes out. It's THAT good.

I can't wait for it to be seen by mass amounts of people so I can talk about it the way I want to. It's art but it's also immensely entertaining and well done. I just love it so much.


Also I haven't been able to watch pandemic talk shows because I'm unbearably anxious about awkward pauses and internet lags and video streams (I had to beg my doctors to just let me call on a phone instead of zoom because I'm that freaked out about it)

And I haven't seen any of Michael J Fox's book promos because of how awful I feel watching video chats (((I REALLY love MJF. Like Diego times 30. MJF is my favorite human))) but I did manage to make it through Diego's interview last night because HES THAT CHARMING

Diego Dionisio Alexander Luna is so charming that he broke my anxiety about video calls. I've never been so in love with him. That was a full hurdle guys. And he just breezes through it.

Whatta man whatta man whatta mighty good man

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