
and light of stars was in her hair


white, 28, asexual. star wars, tolkien, comics, anime

to be honest it would make me a lot more comfortable if you guys would show a little concern about trump running for president again. Do not inbox me and say you don’t like joe biden omg i already know. but can we show a little concern. about donald trump. being the republican candidate for president. for the third election in a row.


Also the coup! the fucking coup!
He said he's going to be a dictator on day one of his next presidential term if he's reelected!

The guy has got all the signs of someone in major mental decline — and it seems to be accelerating. He was half-cracked while he was in office and it's only gotten worse. Like… don't just take my word for it obviously, but if you have bothered to pay attention the signs are there.

Plus, even if you think he's of completely sound mind? He's currently fucking BEGGING for cash because of the half-billion he owes in court penalties. The dude ALREADY practically slobs on the knob of every major international warlord and strongman purely because he has a weird power fetish. The security risk to have a broke-as-fuck, corrupt, cheating dickbucket desperate for cash with access to all of the U.S.A's secrets is UNFATHOMABLE (frankly, I'm convinced he's ALREADY sold shit from those bathroom boxes to half the fucking rich dictators on the planet - look at the state of things!)

in conclusion… I can't even believe I have to argue this with anyone. jesus.


and he has some of our supreme court i. his pocket which is a HUGE danger to us


It's not just trump, but the entire republican party has become his personal cult. That's how dangerous he is, he has half the government still working for him.

TLDR its the blueprint for a fascist takeover of the United States and reversal and erasure of decades of progress for women, racial minorities, poor folks, and LGTBQ people. This is Trump's Agenda, this is the GOP's agenda.

Say good bye to birth control, say hello to a christian nationalist nation run by Dominionists, aka the ones trying to bring about the end times.

AZ's republican party cheered when they blocked a repeal of that 1864 anti-abortion law. The party is all in on this.

They, like Trump, need to be kept from the levers of power forever. Because once they have them again they will not let them go and our elections will look a lot like how Putin stays in power in Russia.

Oh yeah, don't forget Trump is Putin's Puppet. That's an important thing too.


i know it's the animation change and shit but it's still so funny to me how they babygirlified ace for marineford. like alabasta ace?

kinda greasy. pointy ass bastard. marineford ace?

the biggest wettest eyes you've ever seen. cute bangs. tom hardy lips. he's doomed by the narrative and he's going to look SO pretty on the scaffold

what’s even funnier is they did the same exact thing to Roger

the man went from being this skrunckly dude:

to being completely Yasified


hbo max blocks screenshots even when I use the snipping tool AND firefox AND ublock which is a fucking first. i will never understand streaming services blocking the ability to take screenshots thats literally free advertising for your show right there. HOW THE HELL IS SOMEBODY GONNA PIRATE YOUR SHOW THROUGH SCREENSHOTS. JACKASS

somewhere out there is a guy who meticulously takes screenshots of every individual frame of his favorite tv shows and then painstakingly etches each one onto a roll of film which he puts into his old timey projector and recreates the footage as a silent film with his own lavishly hand-lettered dialogue cards and original score that he plays on his upright piano and charges audiences one shiny penny a play. at last, big media has finally outsmarted ol' Zachary Zoetrope


PSA for everyone who doesn't know, explained simply

this is NOT because of blocking screenshots, it's because of HOW streaming sites use your computer's hardware to optimise performance, which means the thing rendering the video and the thing capturing your screen aren't the SAME thing. so they can't talk together.

you can fix this by going to your browser settings, searching for "hardware acceleration", and turning that off.

This also fixes screen sharing to other screens. It has been GODSEND


type this in the toolbar to find this setting in firefox: about:preferences#searchResults


A few thoughts on how Portgas D. Ace is the epitome of the Tragic Hero. For one, his entire life was a tragedy.

“A tragic hero is the protagonist of a tragic story or drama, in which, despite their virtuous and sympathetic traits and ambitions, they ultimately meet defeat, suffering, or even an untimely end. They are often imperfect or wounded with some sort of fraught experience, and typically have some sort of fatal flaw.”

He fits the criteria :

1.) “High status/noble”

Ace is the sole heir of the notorious Pirate King and the only known female Will of D carrier. Yes, he’s not a noble, but he is obviously a high status pirate and a person with the “noble” qualities Aristotle was talking about even if he wasn’t literally one. Honourable, generous, polite.

2.) “Flawed”

The fatal flaw (hamartia) that brings about the hero’s downfall, destruction caused by their own hands. In Ace’s case … well, if I had to narrow it down, I’d say wrath, arrogance, and never backing down were the most key to his downfall, but the title of #1 has to go to his hubris (excessive arrogance/pride). It was because of this he went to Wano to challenge Kaido, the monster not even Oden could slay. Izou himself pointed out Ace’s arrogance. It was because of this he challenged Whitebeard, went after Teach, and ultimately ended in tragedy. Ace had been the strongest almost his entire life, losing was.. new. Even in the face of Teach’s power, he underestimated him, thinking that he’d win, which brings me to my next point :


3.) “A reversal of fortune”

“The character should suffer a terrible reversal of fortune, from good to bad. Such a reversal does not merely mean a loss of money or status. It means that the work should end with the character dead or in immense suffering, and to a degree that outweighs what it seems like the character deserved.”

Ace was a traumatised and heavily wounded character who spent his childhood suffering. It was not quite a childhood. As an older teenager, he was tearing up the world of piracy (the first pirate of the new generation, super rookie, all at an insanely fast rate, even much moreso than Luffy) before joining Whitebeard and settling down. Though not eradicated, his internal struggles cooled down slightly. Maybe by the time he was a fully wisened man and not a boy fresh out of his teenage years, he could have been on the road to healing - but his belief that he could obviously beat Teach, his subordinate, was the catalyst for the events that were to come.

It was seemingly going alright - Ace had fit in, made friends, had the family he had so needed.

That flipped over almost instantly, and ended in his painfully premature death. During the fight, Ace realised he’d been overconfident. But this time he couldn’t back it up. Teach had won.


On his deathbed, Ace finally realised that he wanted to live. Death was the thing he’d wondered about for his entire life, and now that he was actually on the brink of it - he had changed his mind. After 20 years, he genuinely wanted to keep going for the first time. Yet it was snatched away from him.

To add insult to injury, Sabo’s death, one of Ace’s many traumatic experiences, ended up being a misunderstanding. Sabo was alive and didn’t remember him… until he had died.


anyway something i’ve recently been thinking a lot about is one piece’s message of “children should not bear the sins of their fathers”. and you might think i’m about to talk about ace but i’m actually gonna talk about orochi

he was the person ace could have become if people knew ace was the son of the pirate king, and hunted and attacked and tortured for merely existing. luckily, ace’s identity was kept a secret and he found people that loved him at a young age, before he became radicalized. he just felt unwanted and so damn angry all the time, then he met his brothers and found a reason to live and keep going (sorry i said i won’t but i’m talking about ace anyway)

and then we see orochi. taking away all his sins aside, when he didn’t commit atrocities one after the other in his ambition to be shogun (and destroy wano), he was Just Some Guy. his clan had fallen from grace, he didn’t even have influence, and as far as we can tell, he was really just trying to live a normal life.

but the people, en masse, took it upon themselves to hunt this guy since he was a child, hunt his entire family line too, for the crimes committed by a power hungry man two generations ago. he bore the sins of his (grand)father. he didn’t have to. he was born innocent, just like ace was.

and i think that’s cool, that one piece shows us we really, really shouldn’t hold babies accountable for things that happened before they were even born. and then show us what could happen when they do (in such subtle ways too, you would never think this was a parallel to ace — at least i haven’t seen people talk about it).

of course i am not saying he should be forgiven or anything. but he’s such an interesting character. and the parallels are quite astounding.

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