
sammy studies

@sammy-studies / sammy-studies.tumblr.com

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Textbooks are too expensive & the industry is a bit of a moneymaking scam. Here’s some sites, masterposts, and tips for free & cheap textbooks that might be able to help you out!

Cheap Books (Renting & Buying)

  1. Big Words: compares lots of book prices!
  2. Slug Books: buy, rent, and sell
  3. Alibris: lots of cheap books & will send you coupons
  4. Abe Books: fantastic website for searching tonnes of books
  5. Biblio: has a lot of rare books
  6. Thriftbooks: great for books other than textbooks, too
  7. AddAll: the best search engine for books
  8. GetTextbooks: sell and search for books
  9. Chegg: very competitively priced
  10. RentText: nice if you don’t want to buy!
  11. Amazon: a tried and true classic
  12. Textbook Rush: does buying, renting, selling, and ebooks
  13. Campus Book Rentals: also has buyback which is niceee

Free eBooks & PDFs

  1. Ebook Search Engine: google searches just for ebooks
  2. OpenStax: legal & free!
  3. TextbookNova: good but uses torrents
  4. LibraryGenesis: great and a guide on using it
  5. Project Gutenberg: a true classic!! great for classic books
  6. FreeBookSpot: also has categories
  7. Questia: mainly for classics online
  8. Google Books: if you only need a quote
  9. BookBoon: mainly for stem books
  10. Ebook Lobby: categorised & more than textbooks
  11. BookSee: nice layout & easy to navigate


  1. Tips & Links for Textbooks
  2. Tips for Freshmen
  3. How to Find Textbooks Online for Free
  4. Tracker with PDFs/E-Books of College Textbooks
  5. How To Search & More Links
  6. Alternatives to Buying Expensive Textbooks
  7. Buying vs. Renting Books
  8. Free, Specific, Renting Textbooks etc.
  9. A Basic Guide to College Textbooks
  10. Leak College Textbooks, Not Nudes
  11. Sites Where You Can Get Free Textbooks


  1. Consider buying a past edition of the book. If it’s a textbook, and not a workbook with required questions, you can often get the same information for just a fraction of the current edition’s price.
  2. Try sharing with a friend (or more than one)! You can either take turns using the book, or scan the relevant pages and share them on google drive so you can all use the book for a much cheaper price.
  3. Buy off another student. They’ll already have taken the class (so they might also have some tips!) and will usually give you a cheaper price.
  4. Go to class first before buying the book. You might not need the same edition, it might just be a recommended reading and not required, or, if you’re super lucky, the instructor might send out PDFs of relevant chapters.
  5. Make use of your school’s library. Get there first after class and borrow the relevant book, or scan/photocopy the reading so you can do it in your own time without having to pay for the book.
  6. If you’re downloading from online, make sure your antivirus software is on. You don’t want to accidentally download a virus when all you wanted was a PDF (my antivirus has blocked textbook downloads before).
  7. Check shipping prices. A lot of comparison sites don’t include shipping in their listings, so make sure you check before buying something where the shipping is more than three times the cost of the book (or worse)!

Hey guys, so I’ve seen some posts around about daily routines so I thought I’d share my own. I consider myself to be great at being productive even early in the morning, and here’s how I achieve that. Hope this is helpful, and feel free to ask me questions if you have any!

Just a side note, I accomplish all of these within an hour, so having an effective morning routine doesn’t really take a lot of time.


Rainbow pens anyone?

Livework’s twin pen set has just landed! It packs 10 colours into five twin pens and even comes in a super handy carry case.


Succespo’s summer masterpost

So I’m back with another masterpost! Don’t let the title confuse you, this masterpost also contains studying related links (because in summer we have plenty of free time and what we do in our free time? we study). Anyways, I hope that this will be helpful to all of you! Please send me a message if a link is broken! Have a cute summer♡

1. useful apps

2. music & sounds

3. recipes because food is life

4. do yourself a favor and be creative

5. studying & inspiration & organisation & knowledge

7. internet is such a cute place





physical health

  • SWORKIT: for those who don’t have a gym membership
  • Clue: my favorite period tracker, minimalist and easy to use
  • Lark: a personal trainer on your phone
  • Sleep Time zZz: because sleep is actually important

mental health


  • TED: have ten minutes to spare? learn something new!
  • Flipboard: keep up with the news
  • Pushbullet: transfer things between your phone and computer
  • VSCO: the photo editor that I use for all my studyblr photos
  • MiniKeePass: securely organizes your passwords and important info

It’s been a while since I’ve made a post, and I figured that these tips might be extra helpful with exam season approaching. As someone who struggles a lot with procrastination, I do everything I can to fight the urge to put assignments off until the last minute (even though I’m not always successful). 

As always, good luck! (ᵔᴥᵔ)


Hiya everyone so AP self studying (i.e., taking an AP test without also taking a class on it) is a great way to earn more AP credit (which colleges love), and can be easier than you think. 

So in case you’re interested, or just curious, here’s a masterpost where I’ve compiled a bunch of self-study resources and tips. I hope you find it helpful !!

ESSENTIALS (all of these are gold)

  • which AP’s should I even attempt by myself? : vvvvv helpful article. Make sure you have read this before deciding which AP’s to go for; I highly highly recommend it.
  • choosing the right prep book : best pdf guide (from a guy who aced 22 ap’s!!) make sure the edition you buy is up to date !!
  • free textbooks masterpost : you need a competent, up-to-date, AP-level textbook for the subject[s] you plan to take. it will be the source all of your material, so you need to interact with it (more on that below). your textbook is like your teacher, only the difference is you get to choose whether it’s a good one or not! 
  • annotating from textbooks : this is a v helpful youtube video. It is a great way to take your own notes from your textbooks interactively without getting bored.
  • tutors and study groups : you don’t have to study alone! There is always the option to work with a tutor or study group, which can relieve a lot of your stress.  
  • plan with excel : time management is the most important part of self studying. No one’s giving you a test, no one’s assigning you homework, and no one is making you show up to class. Sooo it’s up to you to designate some regular time to study. Excel can be an extremely helpful tool for planning (more on how to study below)
  • chibird : always cheers me up!
  • masterpost of calming things 
  • advice on balancing 3+ AP’s
  • when you want to give up 

HOW TO GO ABOUT IT (in which I actually give advice)

  • You need to put in time and dedication, because the best way to self-study is to literally set up a mini class for yourself.
  • No, you do not have to take out 50 minutes of every single day! But you will need to designate regular time to read from a textbook, take notes, and even give yourself tests, if you’re up for that. 
  • Helpful time ideas: My cousin self-studying for AP Psychology this year and she takes out one hour of every Saturday and Sunday to read from her textbook and review! (the moral of this story is that weekends are v good times to self-study!) Find at least one time every week where you are free for at least one hour and use that hour to study! 
  • Divide your time into learning and reviewing. I like to use half of my designated study block for learning new material, and half for reviewing old material. 
  • Every so often, do a cumulative review. My rec = every 3 weeks. Cumulative reviews are extremely important because you don’t want all the information falling out of your head when you are working so hard to learn it !!
  • Use good review methods that work for you! Check out the Feynman method (I just discovered it, it’s neat). Do whatever you want for your review, just make sure it helps you :D +5 super secret study tips omg
  • GIVE YOURSELF TESTS!!! This is so important! Studies show that you learn material much better if you write a quiz or test on it. (This is a legit study I swear but I am just too lazy to look it up right now :DD) It’ll be just like real class! And ok if you don’t want to write your own, I would recommend your AP prep book.
  • Finally: please remember that there is a difference between losing your motivation, and realizing that you are too are too stressed or can’t handle your workload. Your metal health and your sleep are always more important than an extra AP. If self-studying is costing you sleep or happiness, it is not worth it.

I hope you guys found this masterpost helpful; please if you have some wisdom or insight to share, don’t hesitate to add it. And if you do plan to self study this year, I wish you the best luck !! 


MBTI types are a pretty accurate way to asses your personality, and it can be super useful to know yours. Ahead are a few tips to build a study style based on your personality. If you don’t know yours, you can find out here

e (extroverted)

Extroverts gain energy from being around people. Studying around other people can help energize and motivate them. Study with a study buddy when it makes sense (group projects or for an upcoming test), or taking work to a coffee shop or library to be around people but still study on alone. If a coffee shop isn’t close by, listening to coffee shop sounds can also help. 

i (introverted)

Introverts need lots of alone time to recharge, so making a study space into a retreat can help them to feel relaxed and motivated. Introverts benefit from surrounding themselves with calming sounds, favorite foods, and everything else they need to camp out in their room for a few hours and work in solitude. 

s (sensing)

Sensing personalities like to focus on, well, their senses. This means that they’re likely very hands-on learners! Doing something with the information will help it stick, try to find a hands-on activity that relates to the information or take active notes if reading. 

n (intuition)

Intuitive students don’t need to experience something hands-on to understand it, so they can focus on understanding the information in other ways. Mind maps can be very useful to understand the relationships and connections between things, and look at the (often forgotten) little details and facts.

t (thinking)

Thinkers are very analytical and likely big fans of math and science. Analyzing information and laying all the facts out clearly will help it to stick. 

f (feeling)

Feeling personalities are very caring and are more focused with people than with facts. Finding a way to relate to the information will help feeling personalities to understand it. 

j (judging)

Judging personalities are very organized and task-oriented. Keeping their study space clean and organized will prevent stress, and keeping a detailed planner will keep them on task. 

p (perceiving)

Perceiving personalities, on the other hand, like to be flexible. They benefit from having a loosely scheduled to-do list that can be adjusted based on their bursts of energy. They may benefit from self-imposed deadlines to motivate them. Making work fun is also important to them, as is an occasional change of scenery. 


→ MINIMALIST 2017 DESKTOP WALLPAPERS / (insp.) a simple, practical desktop calender for each of the months. featuring: the words of other talented tumblr poets & authors. my sincerest gratitude for allowing me to use them—i hope i did them justice! i was so surprised at the amount of enthusiasm that was shown for something i thought of on a whim [ HOVER ]

thank you to: @cytaoplasm(01) / @techstudies (02+03) / @bookish-studyblr (04) / @fifteenyen (05) / @deehaan (06) / @illuminosity (07+11—originals here & here) / @daorclikespasta (08+10) / @bookmrk (09+12), guys please please go send them so much love, thank them, support their writing & posts ♥

download: plain / with poetry.

these are so lovely, thank you for featuring my writing tia (´ω`)


how to print on post-it notes

HEY! Today I’ll be showing you how to print on Post-It notes. We all have Post-Its so I think this is a great way to use them. 

Here is step-by-step printing on Post-It notes


Firstly, download and print this template. 

We’ll use this paper place our Post-It notes.


Put Post-It notes on every square.

Now it’s time to use this paper again. Put the paper in the printer again but it’s direction should be true be careful with that.


If you have your own design, you can use this Word page to print them.

If you don’t, you don’t have to print it. I’ll give the design template for every printable.


Here is some Post-It notes I printed.

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