
Team Rocket Fan Art


Team Rocket from Pokemon, art of all styles. Follow me and I will reblog your art. Includes Rocketshipping and classic TR. Trans Meowth Icon by lgbtqa-pride-icons.

Christmas time... on New Year’s?

Super belated Christmas pic, because me… yeah… I hope you enjoy nevertheless! ^_^

Kojiro just finished wrapping present for Musashi, but she catches him red-handed XD I wonder what happens next? And what’s inside Kojiro’s gift?

It’s been a long time since my last full digital pic. I need to practice on speed, otherwise I’m screwed ;__;

Been waiting for this! Hands down, your art is just so amazing 😍 Merry Christmas and Happy 2018 to everyone!


This didn’t turn out very Christmassy… but it’s how I imagine the Rockets spend the holiday season. Happy Holidays everybody!!!!


One night in December ( # rocketshipping oneshot) - Merry Christmas to my #rocketshipping family

One night in December

Completely lost in thought, I sat at the bar and watched the singing Meowth on stage. Just like every night. Ever since I got kicked out of the college for future nurses. The talented cat-Pokémon who would work for peanuts held up a mirror of grief, depression and despair to me. « I feel sorry for you, Jessie » he would say while he struck up the next blues song. I cheered him and took a generous sip of the beer in front of me. I tried to let the malty taste of beer melt on my tongue and recover from the strains of the last days. What more could I do with my life? I was a loser, a good-for-nothing, not even capable of learning simplest medical terms and techniques. Why did I even waste another thought on a life in uniform, surrounded by illness and suffering? Because I wanted to help. Because I wanted to prove to the world out there that I had what it takes to make something of myself! I’m not just a hopeless orphan! I’m strong, beautiful and deserve a chance ! I want to decide freely about my life, but fate treated me unkindly. Used by the state, screwed over by men, my life story. I took another big sip, trying to avoid the prying eyes of a young man sitting next to me. He looked quite passable with his lavender locks and the piercing emerald green eyes, but my past has taught me to be careful. He could be just another guy who gives me a hard time, even though he looked anything but dangerous. In fact, he looked as devastated as me. A shy smile flitted across his face.

« Hey, do you need that bottle cap ? » he asked, pointing at the metal seal on the bar counter. I cocked an eyebrow. That was by far the lamest pick-up line I’ve every heard. Nevertheless, he had earned my attention with this question. «Help yourself » I replied. His eyes flashed for a brief moment as he examined the bottle cap. « A really rare find, thank you » he grinned and stowed his precious treasure in his pocket. How pathetic! How miserable must a person be when he feels joy for a bottle cap ? This man became more and more interesting. Judging by his looks, women hat to lie at his feet. Yet here he sits, all alone, collecting garbage. «My name is James» he introduced himself. «Jessie» we shook hands. «Tell me, Jessie. What brings you to this dump so close to Christmas? Isn’t your family waiting for you? A loving family that appreciates you and cares for you ? Who gives you freedom to develop and takes your dreams seriously ? » I felt a deep sadness. What he told me only existed in fairy tales, a picture-book family is nothing more than a fraud. « Family’s overrated, James » I said, « besides, I really like that singing Meowth» we both laughed.

« Can I get you something to drink ? » James pulled out his wallet. A lot of green bills jumped out at me. ‘Great, a stuck-up aristocrat. A rich, spoiled mama’s boy. That’s all I needed’ I was about to get up and crawl into another corner of the bar, but he held me back. «Please, don’t go! It’s not what it looks like. I’m not a pompous schmuck! To be honest, I’m on the run from this, » he pointed at his money. « Who would voluntarily run away from so much money?» I sat back on my seat waiting for his answer. «Money isn’t everything, Jessie. Not if it means losing your dignity and your will to make free choices » he explained. Then suddenly I realized this man got into trouble and he was seriously trying to escape from it. «Money is all well and good, but if it determines your whole life, you learn to hate it». I couldn’t figure it out at the time.

For a few minutes we sat next to each other in silence while listening to the cat’s singing.£«Would you like to dance?» James reached for my hand an lead me to the dance floor. It was very busy in the bar, people were busting on the floor, so for better or worse we were forced to move closer. I inhaled his tart sent. Although we had known each other for a little over an hour, a certainty unknown to me emanated from him. He was the type of man you would share everything with and who you could trust. He was decent, he laid his hands very carefully on my hips, fearing that he might break me otherwise. «What do you do during the day, Jessie?» he asked. It was incredibly loud on the dance floor, I almost had to shout my answer. « I actually wanted to be a nurse. Unfortunately, that dream has been shattered» disappointed, I let my head down. James lifted my chin and smiled at me. «Don’t give up, Princess ! You’re going to be great, I’m sure of it » his words were so motivating, making the corners of my mouth twitch. It’s been a long time since anyone gave me hope. It was good to hear that encouragment from James. « As a girl, I always wanted to be famous, a real star » I whispered. James looked at me with the kindest eyes. « There she is!»

«What about you?» I wanted to know. He made me twirl around. I wrapped my arms around his neck. « No one has ever asked me that before. I want to be free and my biggest wish is to become a Pokéringer» I could see James was having a hard time answering that question. Could I dare? What did I have to lose? I had no family, no home, no job, no boyfriend. «Then let us explore freedom together! With your pocket money we can travel, discover the world, feast and fall in love», romantic nostalgia was flaring up inside of me. It was time for a fresh start, and with James, I would take it. It seemed to me that he was not completely averse to the idea, but then the slap in the face. «It’s not that simple, Jessie. My life is predetermined. I can’t make decisions of my own free will. Tomorrow I’m a prisoner again. I’ll be married by force, so my parents can maintain their image. Everything’s settled, everything’s in order. I’m so sorry » he sighed. How could I be so naive and dream of a happy life? Each time, I was denied it! «Then this is where we parted ways again, James. After all, you were honest with me from the beginning. Farewell!» I didn’t turn around anymore, grabbed my coat, pushed the door open and ran out onto the snowy streets. Thickly wrapped, I strolled through the deserted alleys, only hearing the snow trickling softly. «It always comes down to just me», I rebuked myself for being so naive that I really would have given James a chance. I couldn’t get him out of my mind. So courteous and polite, if a little pathetic and shy. Would it had been funny ? Would we have supported each other? Would he have accompanied me on the road to fame ? Would I have cheered him on when he played for victory high up in the skies ? Questions upon questions, the answers to which I would never know.

« Jessie ! » I could hear a faint voice in the distance, probably fate laughing at me. « Jessie ! » There it was again. It approached with heavy steps. I turned around facing James. He was completely out of breath, his cheeks turning red from the cold. «Jessie» he grabbed my hands. «Forget the money, forget the weight on my shoulders. Ever since I spotted you in that bar today, I can’t think about anything else. You’re so different from the women I know. You’re determined, beautiful and talented. I know you’ve got big plans and I want to be with you every step of the way. We can both buy ourselves free from the shackles of society. We can do our own thing, become an unbeatable team. Jessie», he pulled me closer, so close I could feel his breath on my face. « Let’s be free. Let’s dream again, » he proposed. At first I was speechless and completely taken by surprise. We did not know if it would go wrong, but it was worth a try. I nodded. James smiled as if the heaviest burden had fallen off him. He cupped my face and pressed his lips on mine. I had never experienced such an intense kiss. It wasn’t just a kiss, it was a promise. Only the night was our witness. Our lips parted and we looked at each other in silence for a long time. «Yous two can count me in» a familiar voice broke the silence. Meowth tugged at my sleeve. We bent down to him and held each other in our arms. Our little free family.


For everyone who missed it :)


Okay Rocketshippers, it's like this:

Jessie and James have been incapable of pursuing a romantic relationship thus far because of James’ fear of COMMITMENT and Jessie’s fear of REJECTION.

***The following is my own, personal Rocketshippy headcanon***

We all know about James’ past and how he views marriage. We know he actually LIKED Jessibelle before the engagement, so we can assume that in James’ mind, engaging someone in a romantic relationship = they change. The last thing he’d want to do is sacrifice what he has with his best friend over something frivolous like romance, so he’s willing to hold back for the greater good.

Jessie, on the other hand, has shown since the earliest seasons that she’s interested in romance. Despite being a strong, independent woman, she wants someone to fall in love with and marry and has insinuated she’s willing to give up her current lifestyle to do it. However,whether it’s leaving to follow a relationship or career dream, she always comes back to James. Ultimately HE’S the one she wants to be with, but she will never make the first move. We’ve also seen through Jessie’s past that she’s felt abandoned by the people she attaches herself to. Her mother and several crushes have left her feeling heartbroken and she’s not willing to take the chance with James.

Thus, since James is too afraid of changing the relationship to make a move, and Jessie is too afraid of being rejected to make a move, the relationship has remained at a comfortable standstill for many years. They manage to be preoccupied enough with what they’re doing to avoid focusing on any sexual tension, but that’s not to say things won’t change.

I also use this headcanon to explain the weird gap between the bicycle gang and Team Rocket. In my mind, maybe they DID hook up at one point back then. James may have panicked by a changing, budding relationship, thereby confirming Jessie’s fear of rejection and throwing her into fight or flight mode. Once again rejected by someone she loves, she left James (probably on bad terms, confirming his own fears of romance destroying their friendship) and joined Team Rocket.

In the end, James followed her, regained her trust (by nearly getting himself killed) and they’ve been so happy in their current state of friendship that they have no interest in rehashing what almost destroyed them once. With time and maturity, though…

Anyway, I just thought I’d share my…thoughts. On the subject. Feel free to add your two cents.

Yoooooo I’m just so excited to see someone have the exact same headcanon as me regarding the whole bike gang gap!! Because I’m sorry, but when they first ‘met’ in Team Rocket it just never felt to me like it was actually the first time. Also probably a moot point because it’s from that dub and I’m sure it’s different in the original, but the fact that Jessie refers to James almost immediately as “little guy” seemed like it was a nod at his nickname in the bike gang…


I am literally writing a fanfic about a very similar scenario right now. This is my headcannon almost exactly.

Jessie: Prepare for trouble . . .
James: And make it double . . .
Meowth: "Double"? Am I a joke to you? Okay, whatever; when you morons are done talking give me the brain cell back so you two don't lose it again.


This page was requested by a writer on fanfiction.net it refers to a fic she’s working on called “Cassidy’s Lackey” In which a Pokemon trainer accidentally joins Team Rocket : https://www.fanfiction.net/u/8579494/Detective-Desires Also have a look at her other fic projects, they are well written and entertaining with lots of interesting scenarios. And If you like my style and Pokemon comics, check out my recently finished Team Rocket Manga on my page on deviantart: https://www.deviantart.com/ndbernarts/gallery/64660238/Team-Rocket-Manga-Roots

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