
@heroesofscienceandfandoms / heroesofscienceandfandoms.tumblr.com

uni student, prone to occasional swearing, Pro-Israel, Pro-Ukraine - if there's anything you need tagged for whatever reason just ask

Make that make sense. People have to quit blaming the poor for being poor.

it’s literally sooo much more expensive to incarcerate people than it is to house and feed them. In my state it costs $90,000 to incarcerate a single person for one year. $90,000. Other states are even more expensive. for comparison, my rent is $1,050 a month. The annual cost of my housing is $12,600.

A word of advice for people advocating for criminal Justice reform to republicans and people who literally do not care about human rights: use these numbers. Republicans and conservatives and even moderate Dems don’t actually care about moral appeals of why it’s wrong to criminalize homelessness. They do however care about how much tax money this would cost to enforce. It makes financial sense to NOT incarcerate people. (Obviously it makes moral sense too, but most people don’t actually care about that)


It's so much more expensive to put people in jail. If they are in the custody of the state (jail or prison), they have to be given food, clothes, heating, and healthcare. Most of the people who are homeless have health problems--either problems that caused them to lose their homes, trauma from being on the street, substance abuse disorder, anything. The average person experiencing homelessness is much sicker than the average American.

At this point, the largest healthcare provider in the U.S. is the Department of Justice. And legally speaking, they have to provide care. (Granted, a lot of places will avoid that as much as possible, but ideally, they get what treatment they need.) There is a giant prison in Rochester, MN, because it's next to the Mayo Clinic. It's where people with rare and serious illnesses go. My old psych prof worked there part time, providing counseling. He saw people who committed horrendous crimes getting surgeries and chemo. To be clear, prisoners should be getting surgeries and chemo. They deserve healthcare. But it's jarring to hear that a murderer got a tumor taken off his lung while his victims' families have to pay out of pocket for therapy.

I also need to point out that if you're giving people housing, you're just giving them housing. Maybe you include heating, water, and electricity. You aren't giving them clothes (uniforms). You aren't paying guards. You aren't installing metal detectors and cameras. You are just giving them a place to live. That's obviously much, much cheaper than prison.

I am horrified that I have to resort to spelling this out, but yes, this is the only argument Republicans will listen to. Give them the cost-benefit analysis

They won't listen to that argument because the GOP's goal isn't to reduce tax payer spending. It's to create a white christian supremacist state. Prison has been used to keep black Americans enslaved since the union won the civ war and the entire "think of the taxpayer" line has always been used as a cover for racism. Add in prosperity gospel, which implies that the poor aren't adequately pious and thus deserve to suffer, and you have a party that will spend as much money as it takes to punish anyone who isn't wealthy, christian, and white.

It makes sense when you realize government spending isn't the key issue republicans want you to think that it is.


adults are always talking about how “kids will do anything to get out of school” and okay, first of all that’s not true, but I think we really need to ask why that idea holds so much sway.

children’s brains are hard-wired to take in new information and acquire new skills. consider, for a moment, just how thoroughly our society had to fuck up the concept of education for it to be a normal thing to assume kids are universally desperate to avoid learning.

couple things here:

  • multiple things can actually be bad at the same time
  • I’m 32

couple more things:

  • Little kids really aren’t equipped to work full time without damaging their physical, mental, and emotional development and health, and when you play the “but adults work all day!” card you sound like a nineteenth century textile baron.
  • Highschoolers can easily be “working” 40+ hours a week, between school, homework, and extracurriculars and/or part-time work, and still hear this smug “:/ wait til you get to the real world sweaty” rhetoric all the time.
  • The original claim here wasn’t even “school is too hard,” it was “school is failing to perform its most basic function,” which is different.

from an adult point of view:

- When my work day is done, it’s done. I don’t need to spend hours each night to study or do homework. 

- I don’t have tests and exams.


Sometimes I’ll be at home and start freaking out that I haven’t done any homework yet before I realize “Wait I’m 30.”

Or I’ll be asleep dreaming that I’m at school but suddenly realize at the end of the semester that I’ve missed all my classes and don’t know what’s going on

School/homework has to be a stressful thing if it gives people anxiety and nightmares over a decade after graduation.

On a serious note: I agree with all of this.

On another note “you sound like a 19th century textile baron” is my new fave insult.


if one more person comments on my "we need to keep payphones/public phones" post with "what we need are free phone charging stations and wifi hotspots, like in new york!" i am going to lose my mind. what do you people not understand about "not everyone has a smartphone" and "phones can break". how are these new concepts.


UPDATE: Zelenskyy's advisor denied this information. White House officials refused to comment on it. But a russian oil refinery was attacked with drones tonight, so the attacks continue 💪🏻. Anyway, if you are an US citizen, please contact your representative to tell them that the Ukraine aid bill must pass.

So you force Ukraine to give up their nukes, you don't follow up with your "security assurances" when russia first attacked. It's 2 years after the full scale invasion, and the aid for Ukraine is paused, and now you have the audacity to tell Ukraine to not attack russian oil refineries because "think of the oil prices 🥺"

I hope it's fake news, or at the very least just official bullshit for public consumption.

Russian oil refineries are clearly legitimate military targets, since an army not only travels on their stomach, as Napoleon is said to have said, but also on their fuel tanks. The way the West is hamstrings Ukraine in their defence against the Russian invader is sickening, it almost looks like a third betrayal of Ukraine 🤮


I was in line at Aldi and this girl with two toddlers in front of me had her card declined and she looked so fucking sad and said “let me call my husband real quick” and it was only 18 dollars, so I just paid for it, and she was very sweet and then as she walked off, the lady behind me said `”You know that was probably a scam, right?” and like, even if it was, like what a sad fucking scam, right? 18 dollars at the Aldi. If you’re “scamming” me for some Tyson chicken and apple juice and cauliflower, then just take my fucking money. 

“A scam” people are fucking wild.  


This happened to me, too. A woman had used WIC for the majority of her stuff (which I say from personal experience is such a long and embarrassing process) and to buy the remainder of her groceries, which included diapers and wipes, she used a card, and it got declined. I bought the other $30 of her groceries because hey, I’ve been there, and now I’m not. She was extremely emotional and began to cry and even hugged me. My mom called me on the drive home and could tell I had been crying myself, asked what was wrong, and when I told her what happened, she berated me for being “duped.” I couldn’t believe she could be so disappointed in one of her children for doing something- nice? Is that the hill you want to die on? Getting mad about people needing groceries?


I once paid for a woman’s bill at the vet…it wasn’t a big one, but she was trying to pay for some medication for her dog, and her card was declined. And her lip started trembling, and she says “I don’t get paid until Tuesday, would he be ok until then?” 

So I just told them to add the $20 something onto my bill, and I thought she was going to break down crying right there.

And I don’t care if it was a scam or not. Just do nice things for people sometimes. 

Do good recklessly.

I think “Do good recklessly” would be fantastic word art to hang on one’s wall. Artistic people, go!

So this has happened to me but from the other side. Several years ago when my oldest was around three or so, I had my debit card decline at Walmart. It wasn’t a scam or a mistake, I was genuinely broke. Out of money. I checked my bank and discovered I had something like 7 dollars left to my name and a hungry kid and nothing to eat at home. So I sat there trying to come up with the best way to stretch that tiny amount of money to feed my kid. Not even to feed me. I can live on popcorn or something if I have to but my kid was three and he had to eat. So there I am trying really hard not to cry while I slowly take things out of my basket to get it down to under 7 bucks, when a lady tapped me on the shoulder. I looked up and she smiled at me and started putting the things back in my cart. I opened my mouth to tell her that I didn’t have the money for them but she stopped me right away and said “Don’t worry about it. It’s gonna be fine.” Then she handed the cashier her credit card and said “Ring up all of it.” My kid got to eat because of her. I got to eat because of her. I had laundry soap and deodorant because of her. She could’ve just ignored me silently struggling in that line. She could’ve decided I was a scam and gone home feeling good about avoiding being duped. But instead she chose to help me and she saved us. So maybe the person struggling in front of you is trying to put one over on you or maybe they are just sad and broke and trying to figure out what to do. You get to decide which you want to believe and what you want to do. But I’ll tell y’all, no one has ever been more beautiful to me than that lady in that line who saved me and my baby. Be like her. Be beautiful.

Do good recklessly



One time, my dad and I were living the grocery store and there was a guy outside asking for money to buy some stuff to take home for his kids. It was around Christmas time. My dad asked him if he could give him groceries instead of money, and the guy immediately said yes, so my dad gave him one of everything we bought (meat, rice, some chocolates, milk, oil). At that time, my dad hadn’t gotten his paycheck because the company he worked for was going through a tough time, but he didn’t care, he saw an opportunity to help someone and he did.

Another time, my dad gave 50 bucks to a guy who said he needed to buy medicine for his kids. I told my dad he was probably going to spend the money on alcohol or something, but my dad said that “whether he was lying or not says something about HIS character, but hearing someone in need and choosing not to help when I have the means to says something about mine”.

I never forget that.


“whether he was lying or not says something about HIS character, but hearing someone in need and choosing not to help when I have the means to says something about mine”

louder, for the people in the back

Part of being a Warrior is doing good recklessly. 

-FemaleWarrior, She/They 


About a decade ago, I was trying to figure out how to put together a holiday meal for my little household, with only $7 to my name. We were joking around about it and stuff, because it’s better to laugh than cry, and this very nice older lady noticed us, and said it looked like we were having fun. I laughed, and told her what we were doing, and she insisted, then and there, on giving us $20 to help us out. We tried telling her we’d be fine, but she would not take no for an answer. It’s not the first time a stranger’s kindness has helped me during a rough time, but every time it’s happened, it’s made such a huge difference. If I refused to help out in turn when I can just because the person in need MIGHT be a scammer, it would feel like spitting on the kindness that was shown to me.

“Do Good Recklessly”


Hey Deutsch-tumblr. Diese Jugendliche wird seit einiger Zwit vermisst. Sie stammt aus Götzenheim bei Dreieich, in Hessen. Fotos vo ihr kleben praktisch fast an allen Öffi-Stationen im Frankfurter Stadtgebiet, soweit ich es heute, Mittwoch den 17. April 2024 gesehen hab. Wäre cool wenn ihr das reblogged.

@aurelia-which-means-sunrise, hoff es is okay wenn ich dich tagge

KORREKTUR!: Sie stammt aus Götzenhain nicht -heim. Ich hatte den Post mit meinem smartphone verfasst...


I'm gonna link to the animations in case y'all either don't remember or have never heard of some of these.

A quick note: these were made in the 2000s. Comedy is subjective, there's some strong examples of dark and/or "lolz teh random" humor in these. Maybe some cultural blindness, too. That said, enjoy a time capsule of stuff made before/during the birth of Youtube, now hosted on Youtube.


ALL OF THEM. i cannot pick one. reading the quotes made me relive those voices.

also: my anus is bleeding. (yaaayyy)


Russia, 1881: We’re gonna kill any Jew that doesn’t flee Russia. We’re restricting Jewish emigration to Europe, but permitting emigration to the Middle East.

Germany, Austria, Italy, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Finland, Slovakia, Croatia, France, and others, 1933-1945: We’re gonna kill every Jew in Europe. Flee to the US or Palestine, or die trying.

The US, 1927-1952: Yeah sorry we’re restricting Jewish immigrants to like. 300 people per country. So good luck getting in. We recommend that Jews go to Palestine instead. Btw we are looking to take in Nazi scientists if you know any

Egypt, 1947-1950: We’re rounding up all our Jews and deporting them to Israel

Iraq, 1951-1952: We’re rounding up all our Jews and deporting them to Israel

Algeria, 1962-1965: We’re pressuring and intimidating Jews in the hopes that they’ll all leave the country and go to Israel

Egypt, 1956: We’re rounding up all our Jews and deporting them to Israel (again)

Egypt and Libya, 1967: We’re rounding up, torturing, and killing all our Jews. The ones that survive can flee to Israel

Poland, 1968: The Jews in our country are already loyal to Israel. They will face dire consequences if they don’t leave our country and go to Israel

Ethiopia, 1974-1985: We’re going to marginalize and eventually try to kill all our Jews, and the only way they can escape is by being airlifted out of the country by Israeli helicopters

The US, 2023: Why can’t the Israeli Jews just go back to where they came from? Don’t they all have dual citizenship or whatever?


Please note that specifically Jewish immigration to British Mandatory Palestine was outlawed in 1939.

This left those fleeing the holocaust with literally no where to go. They were killed in Europe and North Africa for being foreign invaders while being denied the opportunity to go back to their ancestral homeland.

And don’t think for a MOMENT that wasn’t on purpose.

People often ask my friend Ray Shin how she can be Chinese and Jewish. Her grandfather, having been denied entry to the United States - having had the boat turned away at the harbor - was able to get to China, where he and a shit ton of other Jewish refugees ended up. There, he met her grandmother because she was a convert (the US threw out so many incoming asylum seekers there was a whole Jewish community in China, resulting in converts) and just as much of a language nerd as he was.

The history of Judaism is riddled with expulsions and exclusions and executions. It's a sea of "we tried to go somewhere safe and couldn't". It's a lot of "we ended up here because it was the best we could do". It's an uninterrupted string of people trying to kill you and everyone you know and struggling to find a place to survive. Not thrive, just stay alive.

And then everyone tells you, "Oh the US were heroes during WWII" and "well Jewish people can just go back to 'their country'" without even glancing at history.


One time my rabbi told us, “imagine you had a box with a little bit of god in it. What would you do with the box?”

So we were like ?? “We’d protect it and keep it nice and clean and polished” and he was like “your body’s that box. Stop eating markers”

Every time I come across this post the last sentence smacks me in the face

oh this post’s back


The video vs. the comments: Part One

An American Jew posts about a family outing with her husband and child. You comment about her being a genocidal maniac.

Truly showing how there is a separation between Jews and the state of Israel. I totally believe you when you say your problem is with Zionists and not Jews. 🙄


the last comment: “the only way to have israel is to kill and displace all palestinians” is non ironically how many palestinians think.

they reject every two state solution and start violent wars to kill and displace all the jewish people.

when the jewish people fight back, now that they have a country, they cry victim despite starting the war and trying to kill all jews. they cry “why are you putting a border wall between us? we only tried to eliminate you a hundred times.

also reminder that arab “palestinians” who are israeli citizens enjoy all the same rights as other israeli citizens. my family is arab israeli and they have all the same rights as anyone else. those from other countries, like america, france, morroco, and, palestine. do not have the same rights such as unlimited border crossings (the same way i have a visa when i visit other countries). cannot vote in elections (the same way i cant vote in a japanese election). etc.


Beast's first ever war crime.

"Who will stop your sinful hand"

Okay, I realise Jan is short for Janet, as in Janet Van Dyne, as in The Wasp, but when I read "It's too bad Jan, our fashion expert, isn't here to comment" my brain got stuck between languages so I read that as the Polish name Jan (pronounced "Yan"), which is the Polish equivalent of John, and for about 6 seconds I was in a parallel universe where the Avengers roster included a camptastic Polish man


A brief moment of rationality from the bird place.

Back in the 90s, there was a story in the LA Times that a boy sent me, saying it was right up my alley. This was the only good thing to come out of our relationship. Full link below (ignore the bible tag; it's the only site I could find it on), but this part always stuck with me:

"Whenever possible, life should be a pattern of experience to savor, not endure. I'm trying to recognize these moments now and cherish them.

I'm not "saving" anything; we use our good china and crystal for every special event-such as losing a pound, getting the sink unstopped, the first camellia blossom. I wear my good blazer to the market if I feel like it. My theory is if I look prosperous, I can shell out $28.49 for one small bag of groceries without wincing. I'm not saving my good perfume for special parties; clerks in hardware stores and tellers in banks have noses that function as well as my party-going friends.' "Someday" and "one of these days" are losing their grip on my vocabulary. If it's worth seeing or hearing or doing, I want to see and hear and do it now."

Over the years, remembering this story has made me braver. That's led to all my good adventures, even the ones that ended is disaster.

Some day is today. Book a flight. Ask someone out. Make your art. See a play. Drink the good coffee/wine. Order dessert first. Connect with people, no holds barred. Life is too short for anything other than an unfettered yes. Care fiercely. Love wildly.

**walks back into the room like Columbo**

And another thing!

This quote from Ted Hughes, in a letter to his son, Nicholas:

“The only calibration that counts is how much heart people invest, how much they ignore their fears of being hurt or caught out or humiliated. And the only thing people regret is that they didn't live boldly enough, that they didn't invest enough heart, didn't love enough. Nothing else really counts at all.”

He's right. And that's been something I have carried around for years, too. Hughes is one of my favorites. (I have his book of collected letters, and it's incredible.)

Invest your heart. <3


IDK, coming from a poor background and still being poor, I absolutely get why people try to save up and protect nice things. China breaks, if getting said china was an ordeal in and of itself, you'd also be protective of it.


On the one hand, it's true that the way Dungeons & Dragons defines terms like "sorcerer" and "warlock" and "wizard" is really only relevant to Dungeons & Dragons and its associated media – indeed, how these terms are used isn't even consistent between editions of D&D! – and trying to apply them in other contexts is rarely productive.

On the other hand, it's not true that these sorts of fine-grained taxonomies of types of magic are strictly a D&D-ism and never occur elsewhere. That folks make this argument is typically a symptom of being unfamiliar with Dungeons & Dragons' source material. D&D's main inspirations are American literary sword and sorcery fantasy spanning roughly the 1930s through the early 1980s, and fine-grained taxonomies of magic users absolutely do appear in these sources; they just aren't anything like as consistent as the folks who try to cram everything into the sorcerer/warlock/wizard model would prefer.

For example, in Lydon Hardy's "Five Magics" series, the five types of magical practitioners are:

  • Alchemists: Drawing forth the hidden virtues of common materials to craft magic potions; limited by the fact that the outcomes of their formulas are partially random.
  • Magicians: Crafting enchanted items through complex manufacturing procedures; limited by the fact that each step in the procedure must be performed perfectly with no margin for error.
  • Sorcerers: Speaking verbal formulas to basically hack other people's minds, permitting illusion-craft and mind control; limited by the fact that the exercise of their art eventually kills them.
  • Thaumaturges: Shaping matter by manipulating miniature models; limited by the need to draw on outside sources like fires or flywheels to make up the resulting kinetic energy deficit.
  • Wizards: Summoning and binding demons from other dimensions; limited by the fact that the binding ritual exposes them to mental domination by the summoned demon if their will is weak.

"Warlock", meanwhile, isn't a type of practitioner, but does appear as pejorative term for a wizard who's lost a contest of wills with one of their own summoned demons.

Conversely, Lawrence Watt-Evans' "Legends of Ethshar" series includes such types of magic-users as:

  • Sorcerers: Channelling power through metal talismans to produce fixed effects; in the time of the novels, talisman-craft is largely a lost art, and most sorcerers use found or inherited talismans.
  • Theurges: Summoning gods; the setting's gods have no interest in human worship, but are bound not to interfere in the mortal world unless summoned, and are thus amenable to cutting deals.
  • Warlocks: Wielding X-Men style psychokinesis by virtue of their attunement to the telepathic whispers emanating from the wreckage of a crashed alien starship. (They're the edgy ones!)
  • Witches: Producing improvisational effects mostly related to healing, telepathy, precognition, and minor telekinesis by drawing on their own internal energy.
  • Wizards: Drawing down the infinite power of Chaos and shaping it with complex rituals. Basically D&D wizards, albeit with a much greater propensity for exploding.

You'll note that both taxonomies include something called a "sorcerer", something called a "warlock", and something called a "wizard", but what those terms mean in their respective contexts agrees neither with the Dungeons & Dragons definitions, nor with each other.

(Admittedly, these examples are from the 1980s, and are thus not free of D&D's influence; I picked them because they both happened to use all three of the terms in question in ways that are at odds with how D&D uses them. You can find similar taxonomies of magic use in earlier works, but I would have had to use many more examples to offer multiple competing definitions of each of "sorcerer", "warlock" and "wizard", and this post is already long enough!)

So basically what I'm saying is giving people a hard time about using these terms "wrong" – particularly if your objection is that they're not using them in a way that's congruent with however D&D's flavour of the week uses them – makes you a dick, but simply having this sort of taxonomy has a rich history within the genre. Wizard phylogeny is a time-honoured tradition!

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