
Asexual Visibility and Education Network

@avenpt / avenpt.tumblr.com

The official Tumblr page of the Asexual Visibility and Education Network (AVEN), maintained and updated by the AVEN Project Team. Header image by @dykedva

Aces and aros decide their own relationship to sex and romance. They decide their own feelings, and what role they want it to play in their life or not or what way.


My brother and I were talking about an ex of mine and he asks if I'm bi or only into girls. I tell him it's actually none of the above because I'm aroace and he gets all serious and tells me that he's "fully aware of what that means". I then catch him looking aroace up online


Asexual theory 101

Right I keep getting asked on most of my asexual posts 'What does this mean OP? Where's the sources?' so imma make a quick ace theory 101 post so if anyone says they don't get it I can say I tried. Let's go:

'What does being ace have to do with race/racism?/There's racism in the ace community???'

Pretty much everything as people of colour experience various forms of sexualisation and desexualisation at the same time, which is why POC are rarely included in asexual representation:

'What do TERFS/transphobia have to do with asexuality?'

There's a growing TERF conspiracy theory that asexuality is the side-effect of transitioning. The LGB movement believes the community is exclusively for 'same-sex attracted persons' and so identities that don't involve attraction e.g. the TQIA should be removed. Most backlash towards Yasmin Benoit, aroace activist, is from white TERFs and conservatives:

'But how can conservatives hate asexuality if they hate sex?'

Because they don't and never did. If the term 'puritan' was used correctly in modern internet discourse, it would be known Christian puritans believe heterosexual sex for reproduction is a gift from god and mandatory so being asexual doesn't exactly fit with that worldview. Their beef is with any form of sex and sexuality that falls outside of cis heterosexual marriage, including asexuality. They're not anti sex but anti sexual autonomy:

'What does being ace have to do with gender?'

It's commonly assumed that because patriarchy shames women's sexualities and considers all men's sexuality as biological and unavoidable, that ace women only and exclusively experience dsexualisation whilst ace men only and exclusively are pressured into being sexual beings. This can true as a broad overview but it can vary based on race, disability, class etc. This also becomes complex for asexuals that exist outside the gender binary. This is known as 'gender detachment'.

'There's asexual studies now?'

Yup. On the general experiences of asexual people in the UK, including discrimination in education, the workplace and healthcare:

Specific names:

Asexual theorists: Ianna Hawkins, Michael Paramo, Julia Sondra Decker, Canton Winer (non-ace), Sherronda J Brown, Angela Chen

Asexual activists: Yasmin Benoit, Tyger Songbird, Marshall Blount (TheGentleAce), Kimberly Butler (TheAsexualGoddess)

And I'm gonna update this with more if they're worth adding. I don't wanna hear any excuses anymore or blame towards aces of colour, gay aces or trans aces for not being specific enough anymore. Read!


Yasmin Benoit with other aspecs and queer people at the Ace of Clubs, a temporary asexual club in London created in collaboration with AVEN and Budweiser UK in 2019.

Anonymous asked:


Aro culture is wishing Sims 4 was actually a fun game because it's one of the first mainstream franchises to actually include the option to make an aromantic character AND NOT ONLY THAT but choosing if they still feel sexual attraction, date, or stay single!!! Like!!!!!


Going 'I'm not a Black asexual but I support Black aces <3' means absolutely nothing to me. Call out the antiblackness in this community. Stop demonising Black music and slang. Stop using antiblack and puritan language about non-asexual Black people. Stop ignoring and erasing Black asexual characters. Read our work. Look at our art. Give me material action then we'll talk. Then I'll believe you.

Anonymous asked:

Hi! Hope ya’lls day is good. I’m currently questioning if i’m Ace as well as Aro. I’ve been asking some allo friends but they just keep saying how romantic it is which just isn’t helping ya know? So I guess I was wondering if you could maybe give me a concrete sexual attraction definition or something? I’ve heard it’s supposed to be like an urge or something but I don’t have urges like that. I just see hot people and think wow.

Hello, anon! Thanks for your message. You're totally valid!

I'm going to point you in the direction of our main page's Overview. It has some good definitions and explanations about attraction. :) Maybe that will help? Check it out here!

Best wishes to you!

Anonymous asked:

Hi :3 I've (cis AFAB) comfortably identified as a asexual for the past 10 years. Lately, I've been thinking about transing my gender, and I somehow feel like if I do that, it will "unlock" allosexuality. I have previously acknowledged that my gender is related to my asexuality, so could changing my gender change my sexuality? Could my asexuality be related to repressing myself gender-wise? Just wondering if anyone has experienced/heard of anything like that. Thanks!!

Hello, anon! Thank you for reaching out.

Yes, it's quite possible that your gender is affecting your sexuality. This mod knows a few people who transitioned, and then realized "omg I'm not ace"...and there's nothing wrong with that. Sexuality is fluid. If you are AFAB, and realize that male fits better or nonbinary, it might make you realize "oh hey, maybe as this gender, I DO have sexual attraction for people." (Or it might not.) As your true gender and true self...you never know what's possible. But again, there's nothing wrong with it. Go with the flow. :) Best wishes!


guys I hate this but

I need help to stay housed. I should've said something sooner. I need to raise $2800 by March 31st. there's $2790 to go. anything at all helps. please reblog. thank you for any and all help. 💛

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