
windows vintage theme

@windows9800 / windows9800.tumblr.com

a preview of the windows vintage theme

windows vintage tumblr theme

a theme containing a combination of windows 95/98 aesthetics. windows 95 windows, windows 98 background and icons. a live preview can be found at @windows9800! download it here!!


  • 500px posts
  • unlimited custom pages
  • a custom scrollbar resembling classic windows scrollbars
  • optional “search box” on tagged pages
  • customizable background/window title-text color
  • unique icons for all post types

btw i’ll be posting updates to @windows9800, so it would be wise/turn on notifications for that blog.


multi-column update!

hi everyone!

over the years this blog gets occasional messages asking for various features or updates to theme. for the most part i'm not interested in doing any major updates, and i'm content to keep it completely as it is. however, the most requested feature by far is the ability to add multiple columns to the theme.

now you can do that!

using the new theme code (you'll need to copy/paste the new HTML, which you can find here, into your theme), you will see a new custom option for # of columns:


feel free to write any number of columns you want here. 1, 2, 3, 15, 2000, whatever. the # of columns will expand past the borders of the screen so don't go too overboard.

if you have any question, feel free to send me a message. thanks y'all for using and sharing the theme! 💕💕

Anonymous asked:

sorry if this is a silly question but how do i add a custom page to the about box on the side?? i could not figure it out for the life of me for some reason

hello! thank you for asking! i think i already answered this privately so it’s good to have information like this available public.

first, start by going to your “Edit Appearance” page for the blog that has the theme


then, while on the “Edit Theme” page, you can access your custom pages on the side panel

click the “+ Add a page” button to add a new page. when creating your new page be sure you create a new link by toggling the switch and typing something in the box next to the “Show a link to this page” box

it’s a little hard to see and i’m not entirely sure why the ui looks like that, but you can type in that box and it will make a new link appear. click Save and you’re done! let me know if you have any more questions!

Anonymous asked:

hello!! sorry for the dumb question but how do i change the background color of the theme? i tried but i couldn't figure it out:[ thank you in advance!!!

hi there! you can change theme settings by going to the customize theme page:


from there you can edit the theme settings on the side panel

click the row labeled “Background Color” and you should be able to edit the color. if this row isn’t present, you may need to exit the tab and come back.

if you still have problems, you can send me a message and i’ll try to help


windows vintage tumblr theme

a theme containing a combination of windows 95/98 aesthetics. windows 95 windows, windows 98 background and icons. a live preview can be found at @windows9800! download it here!!


  • 500px posts
  • unlimited custom pages
  • a custom scrollbar resembling classic windows scrollbars
  • optional “search box” on tagged pages
  • customizable background/window title-text color
  • unique icons for all post types

btw i’ll be posting updates to @windows9800, so it would be wise/turn on notifications for that blog.


hi everyone. i have created an FAQ for the theme.

ive been neglecting the theme for a while now, and i have received a lot of messages from the past 4 years. i cant tell how old they are, so to prevent answering really old irrelevant questions, i will delete them. if you have a new question/request please do send them to me and ill try to get back to you more prompty!

thank you all for liking, sharing, and using the theme 💕

Anonymous asked:

the download link for your theme doesn't work :/

hey! im away from my laptop right now but ill check this for you later tomorrow.

Jodi (Joan Heemskerk and Dirk Paesmans) MY%DESKTOP (emulation / commentary / malfunction) 2003 Installation w 4 projections.


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