
Gay and Scared

@mental-stability-was-taken / mental-stability-was-taken.tumblr.com

Hi, my name's Liam and I'm in love with McCree from Overwatch.

me: *watches criminal minds for 9 hours* anything: *makes a noise* me: I’m looking for a white male between the ages of 25-45 probably a loner probably most definitely hates women probably drives a red late model dodge truck probably lives alone his moms name is Helen and his favorite color skittles are the red ones


loved the age where you could look up paranormal stuff and have no gauge of what’s real/fake so you’re just like “oh my god …. a ghost caught on tape and no one is talking about this”

ten year old me after seeing the grainiest picture imaginable of a figure in a cemetery:

me: this is clearly photoshopped lol

guy narrating the video: these images weren’t photoshopped

me: oh my god this is the scariest thing ive seen in my life


best songs of the decade, ranked

1. disturbia by rihanna, 2008


i made this post at 3 am and i really said “best songs of the decade” and then put a song from 2008 huh


is the world really such a terrible place? yesterday i asked if oat milk was extra and the barista said yes so i said ok just regular milk then and when she gave me my chai latte she whispered “i used oat milk ;)” doesnt that make u want to live another day?

here is my life philosophy: next week there might be someone ahead of you in line at the store who’s short a quarter and you have a quarter and you can give it to them. if you weren’t there, they’d have to put something back. the week after that you could be getting lunch and the waiter might ask if you want some pancakes someone else ordered and never picked up. you could find someone’s lost cat. you could watch someone’s bag while they go to the restroom. there are so many ways you are going to touch other people’s lives and they are going to touch yours and there’s no way to know when it’s going to happen. so you have to keep living!!! i wouldn’t want to die knowing that tomorrow the barista will give me free oat milk just to be nice. 

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