
I’m all scratched up and I can still taste spray paint in my mouth and my husband almost fell out of a tree BUT THE GHOST SCULPTURES ARE FINISHED!

They’re finally finished and I’m so happy with them!!

Some progress shots:


“But if you forget to reblog Madame Zeroni, you and your family will be cursed for always and eternity.”

not even risking that shit

scrolled past this, re-evaluated my life, then SCROOOLLLED back up and hit the damn reblog button. 

  1. She ain’t no games in real life so I take her serious all the time
  2. Anyone with a name that starts with a “Z”, ends with an “i”, and isn’t some kind of Italian pasta, IS SERIOUS
  3. I’m not climbing no mountain with a pig on my back, 🙅🏽🙅🏾🙅🏿 Negative.

Nope. I know better, have your reblog Madame Zeroni.


who the fuck is Madame Zeroni

Look at these stupid children who don’t know who Madame Zeroni is


Man lissen if you don’t know you better ask somebody AFTER you hit the reblog button

Idk who she is but I have an exam today so I’ll reblog her

idk who she is but i have an exam today so i’ll reblog her

^Haiku^bot^0.4. Sometimes I do stupid things (but I have improved with syllables!). Beep-boop!


Because wise, I am.

Oh fucks no she’s back lmao must reblog. I’m sorry guys


2 million people aren’t wrong

Zeroni sounds like a fancy kind of pasta :’) im so sorry


Ooc/ I love this book and movie so much oh my god

This post was liked when it appeared on my dash, so I know I’ve reblogged, but I’m not about to mess with her!

Also, these poor youths who have no idea 😭


Sorry for being superstitious but hey, this is 2020.

… It’s 2020

If I send her some splooge and onions it should be fine, right?

Nearly 3 million have reblogged this thing. Not taking a risk.

Idk who she is but my life is a fucking nightmare and I’m not taking any chances


i dont get it

omg ves search it up

I refuse for 2021 to be anything like 2020, so I shall put my trust in Madame Zeroni

i like being able to live life’s bad as it is no thanks


can’t risk it sorry

sorry no risks here

Risk taker? Wrong person

it’s 2021 and this hellscape aint ded yet

paranoid help

It’s 2022 and this world is a hellscape. I am obviously going to reblog this. I wen back and took out all negatives because it is in my best interest to only have positives. I, also, made sure to have the best grammar and spelling I could. We have to be safe. Thank you.

I want a curse! Curses are cool! But I’m reblogging this to say that.


3.5 million people are never wrong

World Heritage Post


i have intrusive thoughts….don’t do this to me


My sister and her new boyfriend have told me how much of a wasted potential i am because I stopped school when I could have done so much better, the thing is I got bullied through all of my years of school since I was about 9 until I was 16. And just the idea of going back makes me sick, today I'm battling depression and anxiety, and I hate myself because of how I look, I still think about everything that my bullies told me, I'm 24 now and it still hurts so much, I loved school, and I still love learning new things everyday. I always felt like such a failure and hearing this coming from my sister who knows everything I've been through hurts so much. I know I could have done much better but I can't even step into a school without wanting to cry. I hate myself so much, I feel like I'll never be able to be happy. I just want to cry. I felt so proud because I finally got a job that I was happy in and still it's not enough for them to acknowledge that I got the courage to do all this by myself. I'm so unsure of the future, I don't know what to do with myself. And hearing that my potential is wasted because I didn't stay in school fucking sucks. I hate this. I'm praying every night to find confidence and be able to do something with my life and sometimes I think it's not even worth it to stay here. Just needed to put words into this maybe it'll help me a bit.

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