
@90sgatsby-jjh / 90sgatsby-jjh.tumblr.com

you can call your 119

need @madame-viper ‘s approval for the theme


LOVE IT !! ✧\(>o<)ノ✧

honestly from those regular shoots, haechan and Johnny's are the best & most magnificent ones, I think 😗💓😌

the color's also very warm and matches the season, I like it VERY MUCH 🥺💘


that album in terms of styling & aesthetic is top tier nothing has topped those shoots

luv you lots & am sorry for going missing for months </3


No because pride and prejudice isn't "I changed myself for you so you would love me back." It's "your blatant rejection and disdain for me made me realize things about myself no one had ever been bold enough to tell me so I sat down and evaluated all my behavior patterns and why they came about and came to the realization myself that I had to work on myself. Also I don't expect you to love me now that I'm a work in progress, so I'm just going to do nice things for you because I don't like seeing you hurt." No wonder P&P fans refuse to settle.


And it is also not "now that you have proven yourself to be less of an asshole I will give you the second chance you deserve." It's "you were rude to me once, so I was very ready to believe the worst about you. But now you're opening up and I realise that, while you definitely have flaws that you need to work on, they are different and less fundamental flaws than what I thought. So I'm going to sit back and reassess on what I actually see and not just what confirms my preexisting bias. And in doing so I realise that at your core you are a very good person."

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