
wildehopps and procrastination


Name's Maddie, 22, wildehopps shipper and maker of crappy art...when I get around to it.

92-Year-Old Grandmother Makes Stunningly Intricate Temari Balls

A ninety-two-year-old-grandmother from Japan creates stunning embroidered balls known as “temari,” (meaning “hand ball” in Japanese) which showcase a skill she learned in her sixties. A traditional folk art, which was conceived in Japan in the 7th century, the craft is tedious and highly demanding craft. The unknown woman has constructed 500 unique designs, which are photographed by her granddaughter NanaAkua. Overall these beautiful trinkets are a symbol of happy life and good fortune, which originate from friendship and loyalty. 


my cousin’s cat was acting really weird today, freaking out and not letting anyone near her, hissing and growling, and it got so concerning they decided to take her to the vet

it took two adults to get the cat into the carrier and in the process my aunt got clawed so badly she had to go to the emergency room for shots/stitches, so eventually the cat gets to the vet

the vet has to sedate her to take a look and it turns out she has a piece of tape on her leg that’s scaring her real bad. and that’s all


One of the most powerful moments I experienced as an ancient history student was when I was teaching cuneiform to visitors at a fair. A father and his two little children came up to the table where I was working. I recognised them from an interfaith ceremony I’d attended several months before: the father had said a prayer for his homeland, Syria, and for his hometown, Aleppo.

All three of them were soft-spoken, kind and curious. I taught the little girl how to press wedges into the clay, and I taught the little boy that his name meant “sun” and that there was an ancient Mesopotamian God with the same name. I told them they were about the same age as scribes were when they started their training. As they worked, their father said to them gently: “See, this is how your ancestors used to write.”

And I thought of how the Ancient City of Aleppo is almost entirely destroyed now, and how the Citadel was shelled and used as a military base, and how Palmyran temples were blown up and such a wealth of culture and history has been lost forever. And there I was with these children, two small pieces of the future of a broken country, and I was teaching them cuneiform. They were smiling and chatting to each other about Mesopotamia and “can you imagine, our great-great-great-grandparents used to write like this four thousand years ago!” For them and their father, it was more than a fun weekend activity. It was a way of connecting, despite everything and thousands of kilometres away from home, with their own history.

This moment showed me, in a concrete way, why ancient studies matter. They may not seem important now, not to many people at least. But history represents so much of our cultural identity: it teaches us where we come from, explains who we are, and guides us as we go forward. Lose it, and we lose a part of ourselves. As historians, our role is to preserve this knowledge as best we can and pass it on to future generations who will need it. I helped pass it on to two little Syrian children that day. They learnt that their country isn’t just blood and bombs, it’s also scribes and powerful kings and Sun-Gods and stories about immortality and tablets that make your hands sticky. And that matters.


I’d like to make a quick PSA to say please don’t follow or reblog stuff from @its-roberto1992 because they are reposting art, and for no damn reason. I know for a fact @pyrophoricitee hates people who do this and always supports the artists so would have had the link in the description to the original source, if it wasn’t a reblog from the artist themselves. Fuck this guy, frankly. Don’t steal other peoples art and certainly don’t link it to pyros tumblr post about it instead of just reblogging,completely cutting ties with the artist.

PSA over on a repeated note of fuck off don’t do that.

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