


he/him: 22: DemiQueer: mostly ramblings & reblogs :)

Really disheartening to see people starting to forget what started the anti-vaxxer movement.

Its not just rich white people. Its not conspiracy theorists. It's not people who are blindly religious and condemn science.

It's all people who hate autistc people. It's straight anti-autistic ableism.

It's a movement that was started by a man who hated autistic people (autistic children specifically) so much that he used his experience as a physician to fake research that stated vaccines cause autism. That man's name is Andrew Wakefield. He's still claiming his proven-false claims are true. He was born in England but lives now in Texas. And he's STILL LEADING THE ANTI-VAX MOVEMENT.

The movemnt is inherently anti-autistic. Anti-Vaxxers willingly admit theyd rather their child be dead than autistic. Please do not erase our suffering when talking about this.


I always hated hearing that when it first started picking up speed. My friends back in high school made jokes because someone in our group wasn't vaccinated. Saying things "like well you're not autistic," and the such. I never had the courage to tell them to stop.

Don't do what I did. If you have someone in your life making jokes at your expense, whether they know it or not, tell them to stop. Even if you aren't autistic, say something for those who can't.


Just like to say we were FUCKING ROBBED!!!!!

We got 2 previous versions, '03 & '12, that had Raphel on a freaking motorcycle!!!

But no 2018!!!! Like look how cool he is 😭

I want my tough exterior, but heart of gold boy to look this awesome!!!

😤😤 time to matters into my own hands!!


He was on a type of motorcycle with Mikey in Pizza Pit...

Hmmmm,,,,,, seems I was wrong. I feel silly now


Lol little ramble about a headcannon that i just came up with cuz I've been seeing this alot in ROTTMNT×TMNT12 crossover fics.

  • Splinter is Japanese. We typically tend to curse in our first language, if it's that bad. So as parent he would curse & mutter in Japanese in hopes the boys won't pick up on it.
  • The disaster twins, mostly Donnie, do and start to learn by proxy. Donnie even goes out of his way to learn a little bit, but the hyperfixation is dropped sometime.
  • Sometime between s2 & the movie, Raph and Mikey decide to pick it up as a way to feel more connected to their roots. Maybe a possible bonding experience for them and their father??
  • Mikey is all for the family bonding of it all!!!
  • Splinter is in for a nice surprise when Raph & Mikey are talking to each other. He is filled with so much pride.

Made an observation from looking at you all talking about your teenage experiences.

(if you're in this picture multiple times then congrats you get extra swords)


I'm in this picture and I don't like it


heyyyyy u like hermitcraft? wow thats crazy man me too. why dont you join my hermitcraft fandom discord about it ahahah. here’s the link

(15+ please! otherwise open to the public :] we’d love to have you here!)


Let me just save this for later


The more I watch Hermitcraft, the more Hermits I end up subscribed to. They weren't lying when they said I'd get in too deep lol


I've been binge watching a lot of hermitcraft recently, mostly old seasons and other perspectives of s9. Anyway, i got caught up on Scar's episodes and him going from an Elf to an imagineer made me think of,,,, A headcannon???

Idk but it's very Scar.

He comes from a far off elven village. One hidden away, but with a rich history. He was the town fool, so to speak. This got him into many unfortunate situations. Ultimately leading to him being exiled. Before he was, the lead councilmen put a curse on Scar. The more reckless he was with his life the more of his elven heritage he'd lose. He didn't believe that they actually cursed him, so Scar went on with his life. By s9 he's completely forgotten about said curse, and by the time he's building his mega base he's completely human. He's mourns the loss for about a week, but he never really connected with the other elves anyway. Now he won't outlive his dear hermits.

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